Suggest correction - #8822 - 2023-03-07

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    $400 30
If you're assigning Joe a task of some distinction, like cutting a ribbon or carving a turkey, you can say, "Joe, will you do" these

Show #8822 - Tuesday, March 7, 2023

2023 High School Reunion Tournament semifinal game 3.


Tim Cho, a senior at Columbia University from Champaign, Illinois

Maya Wright, a senior at Emory University from Peachtree City, Georgia

Caleb Richmond, a sophomore at Georgetown University from Bedford, New Hampshire

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: You name the game.)
(Mayim: Each response will be two words.)
    $200 30
Before becoming a true Warrior, this sharpshooter was a Wildcat in leading 10th-seeded Davidson to the Elite Eight in 2008
    $200 29
JD Miller is the composer behind iconic jingles like this insurance company "is on your side"
    $200 28
This site of a 1781 siege & surrender is part of the Colonial National Historical Park in Virginia
    $200 27
Acquire property, avoid jail, pay your taxes, run your possibly now-former friends into bankruptcy
    $200 26
Terry Heckler, who drew the mermaid logo for this company, once had a 16-cup-a-day coffee habit
    $200 25
Metallic strands on a Christmas tree & to heed
    $400 15
We have something in Storrs for you--Maya Moore had a pretty impressive run at this East Coast school, going 150-4 with 2 titles
    $400 20
In 2016, aged 94, Pulitzer winner George Walker composed a tribute to the dead of the Emanuel AME Church in this S.C. city
    $400 13
If you know "owt" about England, you know this historic county with its own accent & vocabulary
    $400 23
Employ the Benko Gambit... wait, maybe the Grünfeld Defense.... ooh, the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack! Let's go with that!
    $400 24
In the 1840s this circus showman exhibited a hoax called the "Feejee Mermaid" that was an ape torso sewn to a fish tail
    $400 21
Fuzzy fruit & inexpensive
    $600 9
Students at this ACC school might have had a devil of a time spelling Krzyzewski, but Coach K's 5 national titles were worth it
    $600 14
A leader & producer of the Wu-Tang Clan, he composed music for "Kill Bill" & we can't help hoping he'll work on a song with SZA
    $600 7
Today it's the only country on the map whose name in English begins with Y
    $600 22
Be last off the Battle Bus & land by a quiet spot instead of the Citadel; have a wide range of weapons & a medkit; use headphones
    $600 17
These aquatic mammals of the order Sirenia are believed to be a source of mermaid legends
    $600 19
A magical elixir & a choice
    $800 3
Last name of USC's Cheryl, winner of back-to-back titles & M.O.P.s in 1983 & '84; she's in the hall of fame with her brother Reggie
    $800 4
George Gershwin's last concert work was based on his song "I Got" this essential element of music
    $800 5
If you ride a white horse to Whitehorse in Canada, you'll be in this territory
    $800 11
Pick up the 1-3-6-10 "picket fence"; rolling 2 turkeys should probably do it
    $800 16
In DC Comics Superman dated a mermaid who knew his secret identity by using this ability, partly from Greek for "distant"
    $800 12
A cherub & to gather, like information or grain
    $1000 2
In 1979, he conjured up a title for Michigan State over Larry Bird's Indiana State
    $1000 1
"No One Is Alone" from "Into the Woods" & "Being Alive" from "Company" are among this late great's most beloved songs
    DD: $1,600 6
Site of a historic 1945 conference, this city on the Crimean Peninsula is known for its many health resorts
    $1000 8
Score 12 hoop points & hit the peg with both balls; toss away your mallet like a boss & have a spot of tea
    $1000 10
We don't know how many mermaids live in the Rhine River, but the most famous one is this temptress
    $1000 18
Overall instruction received at school & sold to the highest bidder

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Caleb Maya Tim
$4,400 $600 $6,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Caleb Maya Tim
$3,200 $3,400 $8,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
The inspiration for "The King & I", Mongkut founded an order of this religion called Thammayut
    $400 30
If you're assigning Joe a task of some distinction, like cutting a ribbon or carving a turkey, you can say, "Joe, will you do" these
    $400 29
Molybdenum adds strength to steel as part of one of these substances composed of 2 or more elements
    $400 28
This American poet wrote, "O captain! My captain! Our fearful trip is done"
    $400 27
This state reptile of Florida can grow to 12 feet in length
    $400 26
Due in part to its catchy tune, this company's "Have it your way" commercial entered meme status in 2022
    $800 13
It's believed that the nephews of this usurper were murdered soon after their disappearance in 1483
    $800 23
Adjective for a second-year collegian, or the immature question that person might ask
    $800 24
A report on Ganymede, a moon of this planet, suggests a liquid ocean under the surface & snow that falls up
    $800 16
This German author published "Steppenwolf" in 1927 & went on to win a Nobel Prize
    $800 17
This, the whole shell, not the half, is Mississippi's state shell
    $800 19
Like a good neighbor, Drake helped out as the stand-in for this omnipresent State Farm pitchguy
    $1200 10
Grand Duchess Anastasia was killed after being captured by Bolsheviks in the revolution named for this month
    $1200 6
The U.S. has sent personnel called military these to provide training in places like Vietnam & Chile
    $1200 22
Formed in the 1960s, the theory of this 2-word movement of sections of the lithosphere upended earth science
    $1200 8
This Irish author created Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker, Molly Bloom & Stephen Dedalus
    $1200 14
This ruby imposter is the state gem of New York & the birthstone for January
    $1200 18
After playing Scrooge for Verizon ads, this Oscar nominee returned in the guise of Einstein for the company
    DD: $3,000 11
From 1350 to 1830 the French used this 7-letter title for the eldest son of the king of France
    $1600 4
Positioning relative to compass points; north-south is one type
    $1600 21
Steel wool has lots of surface area, so when set ablaze, its mass increases as it turns into this compound also known as rust
    $1600 9
The Harlem Renaissance could "Count" on this poet known for "The Ballad of the Brown Girl"
    DD: $4,018 3
As a verb, the name of this cute little bird, California's official one, means "to become fearful"
    $1600 1
Timothée Chalamet was a cut-up in a Cadillac ad inspired by this 1990 Tim Burton film
    $2000 12
Xerxes praised Artemisia, warrior queen of this city, & according to legend gave her a jar that was later found in a mausoleum
    $2000 5
Hegel believed that the progress of thought begins with this, an idea that's followed by its opposite
    $2000 20
The law that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of those of the component gases was stated by this Brit in 1801
    $2000 15
She followed up "The Song of Achilles" with the equally mythological "Circe"
    $2000 7
With a name referring to its shallowness, it's Nebraska's official state river
    $2000 2
An animatronic dog gets a new lease on life when he dons this company's Quest 2 headset & heads to virtual reality

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Caleb Maya Tim
$9,582 $7,800 $8,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This man made lists, perhaps to cope with depression; a set of lists he published in 1852 made his name synonymous with a type of book

Final scores:

Caleb Maya Tim
$1,563 $15,600 $1,999
3rd place: $10,000 Finalist 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Caleb Maya Tim
$13,000 $7,800 $11,800
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
1 W
22 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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