Suggest correction - #94 - 1985-01-17

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    DD: $1,500 9
The National Weather Service is a part of this federal department

Show #94 - Thursday, January 17, 1985


Sheryl Adsit, a word processor from Hawthorne, California

John Ortberg, a pastor originally from Rockford, Illinois

Jim Burland, a commodities broker from Chicago, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,700)

Jeopardy! Round

"IN"s & "OUT"s
    $100 6
"The Gong Show's" "Chuckie Baby"
    $100 16
Whether St. Patrick was responsible or not, none are naturally found in Ireland
    $100 23
Name shared by pre-pubescent Pan & pickled pepper picker Piper
    $100 3
Ron Cey's "icy" nickname
    $100 13
The bad guys
    $100 7
Oddly, most Italian Communists are still members of this church
    $200 10
He played "the Man" to Freddie Prinze's "Chico"
    $200 17
Ben Franklin didn't care for it, calling it a bird of "bad moral character"
    $200 24
She created Jemima Puddle-Duck & Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle as well as Peter Rabbit
    $200 4
Alabama football coach whose 323 wins is most of all time
    $200 14
What you usually do with a paragraph
    $200 8
French emperor who redesigned the Italian flag to resemble his own
    $300 11
He's ABC's answer to "Diff'rent Strokes"' Arnold
    $300 18
Fastest land animals, they've been clocked at 70 m.p.h.
    $300 25
French call her "Le Petit Chaperon rouge"
    $300 1
1st name of "Catfish" Hunter
    $300 15
Australia's kangaroo country
    $300 9
A "hell" of a story, his "Divine Comedy" popularized the Italian language
    $400 21
Knighted by queen, this PBS host can't be called "Sir" because he's a U.S. citizen
    $400 19
Endangered ape found only in Borneo & Sumatra, its name means "man of the woods"
    $400 26
Animal that went both ways in "Dr. Doolittle"
    $400 2
Ken Stabler's serpentine sobriquet
    $400 28
From Latin "to lie down on", an office holder running for reelection
    DD: $300 12
For 5 years Staten Island was NY home of this 19th c. Italian revolutionary
    $500 22
Newton Minnow's arid '61 description of television terrain
    $500 20
The hierarchy of chickens
    $500 27
What the 3 Little Kittens were denied when they lost their mittens
    $500 5
Basketball's "Big O"
    $500 29
It goes on forever

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Jim John Sheryl
$1,600 $1,100 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jim John Sheryl
$1,400 $1,800 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 15
Napoleon's invasion of Russia was subject of this Tolstoy epic
    $200 19
Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived describes his wives' fates
    $200 2
A widespread outbreak of a communicable disease
    $200 7
3 Little Pigs' theme song that became theme song of the Depression days
    $400 16
He gave Walter Mitty a secret life
    $400 20
The descendant of the prophet Muhammed who rules Jordan
    $400 3
Salmonella bacilli cause 1 type of this
    $400 8
Paul Robeson's showstopper in "Show Boat"
    $400 25
Founded in 1800, copies of each copyrighted document are stored here
    $400 28
As we celebrate Columbus Day Oct. 12th, Norwegians celebrate his day Oct. 9th
    $600 17
In 1930 Sinclair Lewis became the 1st American author to win it
    $600 18
Both German "kaiser" and Russian "czar" derived from this Roman name
    $600 4
What you keep doing if you have narcolepsy
    DD: $2,000 12
Steve Martin movie featuring this, lost dollars, not cents, for MGM:

"[music and a few lyrics]"
    $600 1
Federal agency which protects the holdings of your savings account
    $600 24
N.Y. landmark dedicated Oct. 28, 1886
    $800 26
The long film "Apocalypse Now" was adapted from this short Joseph Conrad novel
    $800 21
Great-grandfather of George III, this English king spoke no English
    $800 5
Scientific name for lockjaw
    $800 13
"High Society" hit named for the sailboat where it was sung
    DD: $1,500 9
The National Weather Service is a part of this federal department
    $800 10
He won the Battle of Hastings in October 1066
    $1000 27
"Imperialist" author who coined phrase "The sun never sets on the British Empire"
    $1000 22
A noted marine biologist, he's also world's longest reigning monarch
    $1000 6
Pellagra is a deficiency disease due to lack of this
    $1000 14
Before Nelson Eddy, Jeanette McDonald was paired with this Frenchman in several films
    $1000 23
Title later given to 85 essays written by Hamilton, Madison & Jay to clarify Constitution
    $1000 11
TV film where William Devane as Kennedy deals with 1962's Cuban Crisis

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jim John Sheryl
$3,100 $1,800 $12,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Most populous state capital, it falls alphabetically between Olympic & Pierre

Final scores:

Jim John Sheryl
$200 $0 $7,000
2nd place: Skyway luggage & Dakotah bedroom ensemble 3rd place: Oneida Silversmiths gift certificate New champion: $7,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jim John Sheryl
$4,700 $1,800 $11,100
17 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
6 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $17,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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