Suggest correction - #1228 - 1989-12-27

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    $600 13
Hamlet speaks fondly of this jester while holding his skull

Show #1228 - Wednesday, December 27, 1989

Missing player introductions.


Leonard Frankfort, a production assistant from

Robert Baker, a pediatrician from Atlantic City, New Jersey

Barry Molitch, a retired stagehand from Incline Village, Nevada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,700)

Jeopardy! Round

"P"s & "Q"s
    $100 15
The little devil on packages of Underwood deviled ham is holding one of these
    $100 20
Her mother called it Randall's Farm, but Rebecca named it this
    $100 1
This city's seal has an eagle, a sailor & a Manhattan Indian
    $100 14
He wrote "Folsom Prison Blues" in Germany while he was in the Air Force, not in prison
    $100 11
This nickname for helicopters also refers to teeth & motorcycles
    $100 6
A Republican Nat'l Committee publication says Pres. Bush likes to have 1 hidden when he shakes hands
    $200 16
A very small measure of salt or snuff
    $200 23
Goldilocks thought this bear's porridge, chair, & bed were "just right"
    $200 2
If you "know the way" to this California city, then you'll also know it was the state's 1st capital
    $200 27
According to a 1956 country song, "silver threads and" these "cannot mend this heart of mine"
    $200 12
It was in this war that the U.S. 1st used helicopters on a large scale
    $200 7
In March 1989 he announced his retirement as NFL commissioner, a post he held for 30 years
    $300 17
These small blood cells are shaped like little dishes
    $300 24
It's what happened to Alice when she drank from a bottle labeled "Drink me"
    $300 3
This Alabama steel-making city is known as the "Pittsburgh of the South"
    DD: $500 28
Even The Beatles covered the following Buck Owens hit:

"They're gonna put me in the movies...
    $300 13
1 of the 2 1984 prime time TV series "starring" a helicopter
    $300 8
Dunn who? Dunn ya know Bob Dunn, creator of this joke in 1936, died in January 1989
    $400 18
Technically, it's the hollow barrel of a bird's feather
    $400 25
He climbed down the chimney & ended up in a pot of boiling water in the 3rd little pig's house
    $400 4
Elvis Presley gave his last public concert at this city's Market Sq. Arena where the NBA's Pacers play
    $400 29
The title of a Roger Miller song, it precedes "they oughta take a rope and hang me"
    $400 21
Device used to stop the body of a helicopter from turning the opposite way from the blade
    $400 9
Parker & Hart write "The Wizard of Id", & this man wrote "The Ego & the Id"
    $500 19
Riding whip whose name may come from the Spanish for lead mule, "cuarta"
    $500 26
French children know this character's siblings as "Flopsaut, Trotsaut et Queue-de-Coton"
    $500 5
Since 1931 this Tennessee city, a major cotton market, has held an annual Cotton Carnival
    $500 30
1 of 2 southern dishes mentioned with jambalaya in the chorus of "Jambalaya"
    $500 22
From 1965-77 this 59-story building in NYC, operated a heliport on its roof
    $500 10
This "first dog" had 6 puppies in March 1989

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Barry Robert Leonard
$200 $1,300 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Barry Robert Leonard
$2,000 $1,900 $2,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
His "Personal Memoirs", including his account of the Civil War, were published in 1885 by Mark Twain
    $200 14
The largest national library in South America is in this, the largest country in South America
    $200 21
In England this '58 Tab Hunter-Gwen Verdon musical was retitled "What Lola Wants"
    $200 1
Among this French scientist's discoveries were vaccines for rabies & anthrax
    $200 6
He was born a nobleman's son in the ancestral castle of his family, the Loyolas
    $200 11
In 1 scene Hamlet tells her to go to a nunnery:
in fact, he tells her 5 times
    $400 23
His senior thesis in college "Why England Slept" became a best seller
    $400 16
The National Diet Library isn't in Richard Simmons' house, it's in this Asian city
    $400 2
Tho this famed plant breeder lived in Calif. for 50 years, the Los Angeles suburb isn't named for him
    $400 7
In 1525 this religious reformer married an ex-nun named Katherina
    $400 12
He not only starred in the Oscar-winning 1948 film of "Hamlet", he produced & directed it
    DD: $1,500 24
"The Winning of the West" & "African Game Trails" are 2 of his numerous works
    $600 17
1 branch of the L.A. Public Library is named for this couple, both historians who lived in L.A.
    $600 3
He was hailed as a hero in 1912 after his wireless invention helped save survivors of the Titanic
    $600 8
Golgotha, this site of the crucifixion, is commonly known by this 7-letter name
    $600 13
Hamlet speaks fondly of this jester while holding his skull
    $800 25
John R. Stiles & this future president wrote "Portrait of the Assassin", a 1965 book about L. Harvey Oswald
    DD: $1,500 19
This U.S. school has the largest university library holdings in the world
    $800 28
Clint Eastwood directed himself as a DJ stalked by an obsessed fan in this 1971 film
    $800 4
British scientist who died in 1829 & left his fortune to the U.S. to endow a scientific institution
    $800 9
This messenger angel revealed the Koran to Mohammed & the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary
    $800 15
Disparaging his mother's marriage, Hamlet say, "Frailty, thy name is " this
    $1000 26
Jimmy Carter titled this autobiography after a question once asked him by Admiral Hyman Rickover
    $1000 20
This Maryland community is home to the Naval Medical Center & the Nat'l Library of Medicine
    $1000 27
In Frank Capra's 1936 film "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town", it was Deeds' literary first name
    $1000 5
Guillotined during the Reign of Terror, Antoine Lavoisier is considered "the father of" this modern science
    $1000 10
Written in the 8th century, the Kojiki & the Nihongi are the oldest extant histories of this religion
    $1000 18
Claudius sends Hamlet to England with these 2 courtiers, but he escapes & returns to Denmark

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Barry Robert Leonard
$2,600 $9,600 $7,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

City that's the westernmost capital on the European mainland

Final scores:

Barry Robert Leonard
$2,598 $15,600 $14,700
3rd place: Magnavox portable 3" LCD TV + Nintendo Entertainment System with Family & Junior editions of Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune New champion: $15,600 2nd place: Whirlpool range/microwave + Orrefors stemware

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Barry Robert Leonard
$2,600 $8,700 $6,500
8 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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