Suggest correction - #8805 - 2023-02-10

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    $800 17
(Erin Andrews of Fox NFL Sunday presents the clue.) He was thrice Super Bowl MVP--yeah, you heard me, I said thrice, even winning one, despite only throwing for 157 yards & one TD; when it comes to this 49ers QB, you can't state things any better

Show #8805 - Friday, February 10, 2023


Libby Hsu, a lecturer and associate director from Revere, Massachusetts

Myles Karp, a journalist and consultant from Weston, Florida

Mira Hayward, a writer from Portland, Oregon (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Kevin: I'm Kevin Burkhardt at SoFI Stadium where the cheers still echo from Super Bowl LVI with some clues about the heroes of the biggest game over the years.)
    $200 23
Went 15 for 18 at the Supreme Court in his first year as Solicitor General; also, became president
    $200 28
Historically in a village in India, this watering hole was a center of communal life as women came to fill up
    $200 18
Said of liquid with many gas bubbles in it
    $200 22
"Between a Heart and a Rock Place" is the memoir of this singer, with 40-plus years in the music business
    $200 30
3 palazzi make up the Hotel Danieli in this city, with great views of the Grand Canal
    $200 25
(Mike Pereira of Fox NFL Sunday presents the clue.) Cheeseheads ate it up after this quarterback threw for 304 yards & three touchdowns to lead Green Bay to a win in Super Bowl XLV
    $400 8
Tied for first in her Columbia law class in 1959
    $400 13
Kids, don't fall in a big hole being dug for this base of a building; here's the 90-foot deep one for L.A.'s Wilshire Grand
    $400 15
Adjective for DJ Jeff, musical partner of the Fresh Prince
    $400 2
The big one of these from National Geographic for kids to pore over first came out in 1963 & is now in its 11th edition
    $400 12
This first name of businessman Davenport, as in Spokane's Davenport Hotel, is also on a crab salad that the hotel sells a lot of
    $400 5
(Greg Olsen of Fox NFL Sunday presents the clue.) Before joking around with Howie, Jimmy & the gang on "Fox NFL Sunday"'s pregame show, this man was all business while winning back-to-back Super Bowl MVPs in 1979 & 1980 as quarterback for the Steelers
    $600 19
Hot-dogged it as a Harvard law prof from 1914 to 1939
    $600 6
To geologists a maar is a crater caused by this type of activity; some end up as lakes
    $600 10
The place was all this, filled with anticipation & nervous talk
    $600 1
Tracy McCubbin's "Make Space for Happiness" is about "How to Stop Attracting" this--it's in the way & dragging you down
    $600 4
Marlon Brando fell for this Polynesian island during a 1960s shoot & today The Brando is a luxury resort on a nearby atoll
    $600 16
(Kevin Burkhardt of Fox NFL Sunday presents the clue.) This running back rushed for 240 yards & three touchdowns combined in the Cowboys' two Super Bowl victories under Jimmy Johnson
    $800 9
Brought his alliterative flair to collaborating with Hamilton & Madison for "The Federalist"
    $800 7
An entry to the underground world to do excavating for profit, here's a proverbial abandoned one
    $800 11
To be "in" one of these is to be in a state of nervous excitement or agitation
    $800 20
Her many cookbooks include one on feeding the one you love, titled "Cooking for Jeffrey"
    $800 3
The mansion of 19th c. rail tycoon Mark Hopkins was the highest point in this city; the Mark Hopkins Hotel is now on the site
    $800 17
(Erin Andrews of Fox NFL Sunday presents the clue.) He was thrice Super Bowl MVP--yeah, you heard me, I said thrice, even winning one, despite only throwing for 157 yards & one TD; when it comes to this 49ers QB, you can't state things any better
    DD: $1,600 26
In 1973 became the Arizona Senate Majority Leader
    $1000 27
It's 10 feet wide & 260 deep, so don't fall into Australia's Standley this "C" word--a chi word in Greek
    $1000 14
Female singing voice between soprano & contralto
    $1000 21
Subtitled "The First War-Path", 1841's "The Deerslayer" was James Fenimore Cooper's last published book of these "Tales"
    $1000 29
One of the oldest hotels in Kenya bears the name of this explorer whose most famous discovery was another explorer
    $1000 24
(Tom Rinaldi of Fox NFL Sunday presents the clue.) In Super Bowl LVI here at SoFi Stadium it was this A.D. all day, & very specifically ending the day with his 4th down pressure on quarterback Joe Burrow to seal the game for the Rams

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mira Myles Libby
$2,400 $600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mira Myles Libby
$9,200 $2,600 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
These rays have a variety that can grow to more than 20 feet wide
    $400 20
New Englander Robert's expenses & payments
    $400 25
Before it was a colorful cat, it was a cotton cloth from India
    $400 16
It's from the Latin for "enduring" & used in the threat, "that's going on your" this "record"
    $400 7
The Temple of La Sagrada Família has been growing tower by tower since 1882 when construction started in this Spanish city
    $400 26
In 1988 she played an art gallery manager whose "vice" was being a drug dealer's assistant; "Pretty Woman" was 2 years away
    $800 2
Head to the Southeast Pacific if you're ready for a fight with the Humboldt, or jumbo flying, species of this cephalopod
    $800 19
"The Tyger" man's serpents
    $800 12
These decorative spangles get their name from zecchino, a gold coin of 16th century Venice
    $800 21
Do the math: Seen here, the symbol for this dates back to the 17th century
    $800 8
It borders Austria & the North Sea
    $800 27
I will look for you, & I will find you after you ring in & name this man who guested as Sean on the "When Irish Eyes are Crying" episode
    $1200 3
Like coral reefs in tropical water, in northern seas the areas called these forests are home & refuge to a diverse array of life
    $1200 4
"Paradise Lost" man's chain hotels
    $1200 13
An Oxfordshire regatta gave its name to this style of collarless shirt seen here
    $1200 22
Legally, "in" this 10-letter word means forever & that's a mighty long time
    $1200 9
This 600-mile river of Central France is lined with picturesque chateaus
    $1200 28
Long before her Oscar nom for "The King's Speech", this 3-named British actress was Crockett's drug-addicted girlfriend
    DD: $3,800 5
Named for its rubbery shell, this largest sea turtle can swim up to 10,000 miles each year
    $1600 18
"Cantos" man Ezra's drinks for everyone in the group!
    $1600 14
The name of this feather-shaped pattern comes from the Scottish town where it was made
    DD: $5,800 23
Continuing indefinitely, or flowers such as daylilies & peonies
    $1600 10
The treasure chamber of this little Alpine land includes Faberge eggs & Moon rocks
    $1600 29
This superstar of stage, song & screen was seeing Don Johnson when she cameo-d as a pedestrian who caught Sonny's eye
    $2000 6
Tuna are related to these streamlined sport fish that can come in varieties like the Atlantic, seen here
    $2000 17
Lord Alfred's blessings
    $2000 15
This furry velvety textile used for knits is French for "caterpillar"
    $2000 24
In the King James Bible John 3:16 says, "Whosoever believeth in him" will have this life
    $2000 11
The vibrantly painted buildings of Norway's Bryggen Wharf commemorate its days as a hub for this Baltic trading organization
    $2000 30
You can see this "Birth of the Cool" trumpeter & hear his distinctive speaking voice when he played Ivory Jones on a 1985 episode

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mira Myles Libby
$12,400 $17,600 $13,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Until 1806, some German nobles included among their honors the title of "Elector" for their role in selecting this personage

Final scores:

Mira Myles Libby
$22,400 $7,600 $9,599
2-day champion: $37,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mira Myles Libby
$11,800 $15,400 $9,400
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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