Suggest correction - #2015 - 1993-05-14

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    $100 3
Farsi, which is also called Persian, is spoken in this country once known as Persia

Show #2015 - Friday, May 14, 1993

1993 College Championship final game 2.


John van DeWeert, a sophomore from Princeton University (subtotal of $0)

Eric Biber, a sophomore from Harvard University (subtotal of $10,500)

Phoebe Juel, a junior from Grinnell College (subtotal of $19,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
CA.'s Catalina Island has the 1st U.S. plant to do this to seawater for use by a residential community
    $100 26
He left New Edition, going solo with hits like "Don't Be Cruel" & "Every Little Step"
    $100 3
Farsi, which is also called Persian, is spoken in this country once known as Persia
    $100 1
Clinton won first chair in this instrument in the Arkansas state band
    $100 18
Wrinkles in the fabric of space discovered in 1992 support this theory of how the universe was created
    $100 15
If you're German and your nickname is Max, it's likely that this is your first name
    $200 4
In a 1990 book this newspaper columnist offers her "Hints for a Healthy Planet"
    DD: $2,000 27
This group won 3 1992 Billboard Music Awards for the single heard here
    $200 7
In dictionaries, this language is often abbreviated Skt.
    $200 6
The day before taking office, Clinton prayed at this president's Arlington, Va. grave
    $200 19
It braces a runner's feet at the beginning of a race
    $200 17
This feminine name, a diminutive of Bernard, is especially popular at Lourdes
    $300 5
Every day, each person in the U.S. produces about 4 pounds of trash & the largest percentage is made of this
    $300 30
Subtitle of En Vogue's "My Lovin'"
    $300 8
It's the language that gave us the words luau & lei
    $300 13
Clinton got his bachelor's degree at this D.C. school, the only college he applied to
    $300 20
At the start of a game of pool, there are this many balls on the table
    $300 23
Roman myths called Hades' wife Proserpina, while the Greeks knew her by this name
    $400 11
The bald eagle population, now recovering, took a big dive in the 1940s due to this pesticide
    $400 29
Hit song title shared by Kris Kross & Van Halen
    $400 9
Ge'ez is an ancient language still used in this country whose capital is Addis Ababa
    $400 14
At the 1988 Dem. convention, Clinton's nominating speech for this man lasted over 30 minutes
    $400 21
Depressing as it sounds, it's the stroke made by a conductor at the start of a measure
    $400 24
Some women named this are called Mina for short & may have been named for a Dutch queen
    $500 12
According to Guinness, this NW state has the largest living organism, a fungus covering 1,500 acres
    $500 28
Smells like this Seattle group was Spin Magazine's Artist of the Year for 1992
    $500 10
It was the native language of Pope John Paul I, but not of Pope John Paul II
    $500 16
Bill Clinton was born in this town on August 19, 1946
    $500 22
Japan's Showa period began in 1926 with the accession of this emperor
    $500 25
First name shared by Charles Lindbergh's mother & Longfellow's Acadian heroine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Phoebe Eric John
$2,100 -$600 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Phoebe Eric John
$2,000 -$100 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
The book "Masters of Disguise" is devoted to these highly adaptable lizards
    $200 1
Paris' right & left banks are north & south of this river
    $200 7
This class of rocks is formed from deposits on lake beds & sea floors
    $200 22
Admiral Stansfield Turner who headed this agency under Carter didn't keep his scholarship a secret
    $200 11
From France's Calais this city's a strait away; you should watch when you walk on its cliffs of white chalk
    $200 21
Some people do this by reading tea leaves
    $400 3
In 1992 his book "A Brief History of Time" became Britain's longest-running bestseller
    $400 4
The Straits of Florida & the Yucatan Channel are this gulf's only outlets
    $400 9
Any old salt can tell you epsomite is this color
    $400 23
Daniel J. Boorstin & James H. Billington are the last 2 scholars to run this library
    $400 12
When these wars were in bloom, Richard of York met his doom
    $400 24
It's the most popular way to serve tea in the U.S., but the British think it's "not so hot"
    $600 8
The 40th Anniversary Edition of his "Baby and Child Care" book was published in 1985
    $600 5
This bay in Virginia & Maryland is the largest on the Atlantic coast of the U.S.
    $600 17
To identify a meteorite, Peterson's guide says to look for iron & this metal
    $600 25
This singer was picked to go to Oxford & to co-star with Barbra Streisand in "A Star is Born"
    $600 14
Around Wiltshire they tell a story that this rock group was an observatory
    $600 28
Darjeeling tea is grown in Darjeeling, India, in the foothills of these mountains
    $800 6
"According to" our sources, the first game book he wrote was a "Short Treatise on the Game of Whist"
    $800 10
This sea is sometimes referred to as the "American Mediterranean"
    $800 18
The fossils in this type of rock may remain even after it's changed into marble
    $800 26
The dean of students might be able to tell you that this Dean was Secretary of State during the '60s
    $800 15
In the P.M.'s chair he was sittin' during the 1940-41 Battle of Britain
    $800 29
The leading tea-growing country in Africa, it's known for its coffee plantations, too
    $1000 19
"An Amateur Laborer" tells of his unhappy, impoverished period after the publication of "Sister Carrie"
    DD: $1,500 13
This river flows over 2,200 miles from the Valdai Hills NW of Moscow to the Caspian Sea
    $1000 20
Shale changes into this rock metamorphically & also by changing 2 letters
    DD: $2,000 27
This former Arkansas senator who set up a scholarship fund won a scholarship to Oxford
    $1000 16
William's protection against besiegers, it's now the home of the Beefeaters
    $1000 30
This great Roman orator coined the phrase we translate as "a tempest in a teapot"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Phoebe Eric John
$8,600 $5,800 $8,400
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

General Publius Scipio won the surname "Africanus" for beating this man at the 202 B.C. Battle of Zama

Final scores:

Phoebe Eric John
$8,600 $8,600 $16,800

Cumulative scores:

Phoebe Eric John
$28,000 $19,100 $16,800
Tournament champion: $28,000 + a 1993 Dodge Shadow + a trophy + candied yams + an electric razor + Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune video games for the Super NES and Sega Genesis + 1st runner-up: $19,100 + Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune video games for the Super NES and Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! '92 home game 2nd runner-up: $16,800 + Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune video games for the Super NES and Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! '92 home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Phoebe Eric John
$9,600 $5,300 $8,400
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $23,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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