Suggest correction - #472 - 1986-09-30

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    $400 20
In 1967, this "High Priest of LSD" said, "Turn on, tune in, drop out"

Show #472 - Tuesday, September 30, 1986


Jim Flowers, a computer scientist originally from Boston, Massachusetts

Jonathan Oren, a pedicab operator originally from Honolulu, Hawaii

Tom Rutledge, a freelance journalist originally from Columbus, Ohio (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $5,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 25
Kenny Rogers & The 1st Edition beseeched this rarest of gems, "don't take your love to town"
    $100 6
It's the Russian counterpart of the CIA
    $100 18
Nickname of Lloyd Waner, whose older brother & Pirate teammate Paul was called "Big Poison"
    $100 23
Both curacao & cointreau are flavored with this fruit
    $100 1
"America" or "My Country, 'Tis Of Thee" is sung to the same tune as this European country's anthem
    $100 12
This game claimed it would tie you up in knots
    $200 26
The U.S.S.R. has surpassed South Africa in production of these, a capitalist's "best friend"
    $200 7
Originally the Bavarian Aircraft Works, this automaker still uses a stylized propeller as its logo
    $200 19
It's said stubble-faced Sal Maglie got this nickname since his curve gave batters close shaves
    $200 17
Term for the year of the grape crop used in a wine
    $200 2
According to Julia Ward- Howe, "Mine eyes have seen the glory of" this
    $200 13
Battery powered game seemingly designed for pre-med students
    $300 8
Type of stone romanced in "Romancing the Stone"
    $300 9
9 of the 10 films Astaire & Rogers made together were made at this studio
    $300 20
Bill Skowron's nickname, given him as a baby for resembling a famous fascist, not a large elk
    $300 24
Drink made with brandy, rum, hot milk, beaten egg, nutmeg & sugar; or an MGM cartoon team
    $300 3
1st written for the Army-Navy football game of 1906, it's the "theme song" of the U.S. Navy
    $300 14
This game consisted of a vibrator, a piece of sheet metal, and 22 plastic men
    $400 27
Elliptical with pointed ends, it's a type of gem cut that sounds like a movie theater's sign
    DD: $500 10
Airline whose theme was the following:

[Instrumental theme plays]
    $400 21
Poor fielder Dick Stuart had this nickname based on a Peter Sellers title role in a '63 film
    $400 4
This food item was slang for "a dandy" when "Yankee Doodle" was written
    $400 15
"Cheesy" game that could have been designed by Rube Goldberg
    $500 28
The Lightning Ridge deposit in Australia has largest source of this iridescent "black" stone
    $500 11
Deciding in 1849 to set up board "to analyze quack remedies & nostrums", it finally did so in 1905
    $500 22
Nicknamed "Mahatma", this Dodger owner broke baseball's color line by hiring Jackie Robinson
    $500 5
It's said the view from Pike's Peak inspired Katharine Lee Bates to write this
    $500 16
Because of this Kenner toy, some girls grew up thinking they could cook with a light bulb

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Tom Jonathan Jim
$1,100 -$400 -$700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Jonathan Jim
$3,600 $100 $300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
Sitka, former capital of Russian-America, sits in this state
    $200 8
In 1892, it replaced Castle Garden as New York's immigration depot
    $200 9
Jonathan Swift said both promises & pie crust are made to be this
    $200 10
Called the single most watched person in history, this TV host was born in Iowa, not Nebraska
    $200 25
Missouri boy who uses friends to whitewash part of his story
    $200 12
13 of his songs, recorded by other artists, were released in an album called "Cover Me"
    $400 5
Reclaimed areas from this country's Zuider Zee are called polders
    $400 18
With the case of Marbury v. Madison in 1803, they overturned their 1st national law
    $400 20
In 1967, this "High Priest of LSD" said, "Turn on, tune in, drop out"
    $400 11
Born in Scott County, this showman & Indian scout wrote a few dime novels but was a hero in 575 of them
    $400 13
Term used to describe someone's children or descendants
    DD: $1,000 1
3rd largest producer of coconuts, & to judge by population, 2nd largest producer of people
    $600 2
At the 1876 Expo in Philadelphia, the emperor of Brazil was amazed when this new invention talked to him
    $600 3
Bartlett's attributes "Don't get mad, get even" to this father of a president
    $600 15
Woolstock, Iowa, not Krypton, was birthplace of this TV "Superman"
    $600 14
Musical play produced by Zero Mostel & Gene Wilder in "The Producers"
    $800 6
Much of the copper used in the Bronze Age came from this island which gave its name to "copper"
    DD: $187 17
In 1881, he merged his company with one owned by James B. Cooper, James L. Hutchinson, & James A. Bailey
    $800 21
He said, "If my theory succeeds, Germany will say I am a German;.. if (it) fails, (they will) call me a Jew"
    $800 23
"I knew... Richard Nixon as well as I wanted to," wrote this former "60 Minutes" newsman
    $800 16
A kind of gazelle, or a brand of jigsaw puzzle
    $1000 7
East Germany's 2nd largest city, it's where Bach is buried & the St. Thomas' Boys Choir sings
    $1000 19
The 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty settled the boundary dispute between these 2 countries
    $1000 22
G.B. Shaw said when one knows nothing but thinks he knows everything, it points to a career in this
    $1000 27
Wife of 34th president & 1 of 2 first ladies whose birthplace is a historic site
    $1000 26
A Dublin pub keeper one night dreams everything that has ever happened
    $1000 24
She was star of TV's "December Bride"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Jonathan Jim
$4,800 $5,513 $1,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

This mini-series & its sequel featured Ed Asner, Lorne Greene, Henry Fonda & Marlon Brando

Final scores:

Tom Jonathan Jim
$2,800 $9,613 $0
2nd place: trip on Western Airlines to Oakland & stay at Embassy Suites in Napa Valley New champion: $9,613 3rd place: Bozof dinette with table & chairs

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Jonathan Jim
$4,800 $5,300 $1,800
21 R,
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $11,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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