Suggest correction - #8795 - 2023-01-27

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    $200 9
In Vermont newly elected Peter Welch serves with him

Show #8795 - Friday, January 27, 2023

Troy Meyer game 7.
Jake DeArruda game 1.


Dee Williams, a research associate from Boston, Massachusetts

Jake DeArruda, a delivery dispatcher originally from Ludlow, Vermont

Troy Meyer, a music executive from Tampa, Florida (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $214,802)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: In the new 118th Congress.)
    $200 9
In Vermont newly elected Peter Welch serves with him
    $200 30
In fashion as boots, loafers or slippers, this big-soled style shares its name with a line of soups
    $200 25
The 3 main types of soil particles are sand, silt & this one, popular with sculptors & potters
    $200 15
The Duffer brothers couldn't resist a bike chase in season 1 of this TV series, derivative of "E.T." though it was
    $200 29
Not a fairy godmother but a bird gives this character her dress & slippers for the big event
    $200 28
A large, graceful tree & what a pig does in the mud to cool itself
    $400 8
In Pennsylvania, he's newly elected to serve with Bob Casey
    $400 22
Time to combine fashion with sports! This one-piece, sleeveless dress is also a term for a basketball shot
    $400 24
Called soil heroes, these annelids have a downside as they eat everything: organic leaf matter, the nutrients in compost...
    $400 14
Season 3 of this sitcom had episode titles like "Louie's Rival" & "Latka's Cookies"
    $400 26
Eating a white snake gives a young man this magical ability also associated with Dr. Dolittle
    $400 27
A large British home in the country & a college student's secondary declared discipline
    $600 7
In Florida with Rick Scott
    $600 21
Playing doctor, Matt Smith let us know this red felt hat that was popular in Turkey in the 1920s was also cool with time travelers
    $600 23
Seen here, this type of farming to preserve soil & maximize arable land sounds like a backyard patio
    $600 13
2021 saw the return of this MTV classic, with stars like Martha Stewart & Michael Blackson showing us their homes
    $600 19
Briar Rose is the Grimm brothers' name for the Sleeping Beauty; the Disney film also gave her this bright name
    $600 18
Pure joy & to sanctify or make holy
    $800 1
With Rand Paul
    $800 2
The name of this stretchy fiber, big with '80s heavy metal bands, is an anagram of the function it performs
    $800 4
Legumes like beans & peanuts help "fix" this element into soil, making it more productive
    $800 12
This show calls itself "the origin of Batman's butler"
    $800 20
Not the tailor but this worker & his wife make clothes & other items for some helpful elves, who dance & leave, never to return
    $800 17
A tangible item & wretched, like severe poverty
    $1000 6
With Kirsten Gillibrand
    $1000 3
Usually defined as a divided skirt, this French-named garment was worn by 1930s women cyclists
    $1000 5
As its name suggests, it's a layer of soil that remains frozen year-round
    $1000 10
Edward Woodward & Denzel Washington have played this title role on TV & film, respectively; now Queen Latifah evens the odds
    $1000 11
The Grimms had this animal eat 6 baby goats, then get sliced open as it slept, with the "meal" still alive within
    DD: $1,000 16
The pair found in the name of a large Scottish estuary that connects with the North Sea

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Troy Jake Dee
$3,800 $3,800 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Troy Jake Dee
$4,800 $5,800 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

I "OU"
    $400 26
Born 1757 in France: "Hero of Two Worlds"
    $400 9
Inspired by an Oz character, Miranda Lambert sings, "Hey there, Mr." him, "Take it from me, darlin', you don't want a heart"
    $400 27
In 1803 a British meteorologist published new names for these, including cumulus & cirrus
    $400 28
One of Canada's oldest cities, it's called the Gibraltar of America because its huge Citadel overlooks the St. Lawrence River
    $400 29
You've recently heard the name of this alliterative horse racing bet in which you have to pick the winners of 2 races in a row
    $400 30
With 208, Jerry Rice holds the record for total these scored in a career
    DD: $10,000 21
Born 1910:
"Saint of the Gutters"
    $800 8
A Taylor Swift hit off her debut album was a song of unrequited love called "Teardrops On My" this
    $800 23
In the 1870s a Swiss surgeon pioneered the surgical removal of this gland to treat goiter
    $800 18
This "national" sea is separated from the East China Sea on the south by the Tsushima & Korea Straits
    $800 25
Prop bets for this 2022 event:
How many ads will have a dog, & what color liquid will be poured on the coach
    $800 24
A Manhattan cocktail calls for the sweet type of this, as opposed to the dry type
    $1200 17
Born 1784 in Gordonsville, Virginia: "Old Rough & Ready"
    $1200 7
Satan was on the move, "looking for a soul to steal" in this Charlie Daniels Band CMA Single of the Year
    $1200 10
Once thought to be a planet, the first asteroid was discovered in 1801 & named this after a Roman goddess
    $1200 14
2/5 of this nation is made up of areas of land called polders that have been drained & reclaimed from the sea
    $1200 13
In roulette an avenue bet, as in Tropicana Avenue, cover six numbers; only three for this bet, named for a roadway such as Fremont
    $1200 12
It's a factory where metal is melted & poured into molds & then cooled to create objects
    $1600 2
Born 1758 in Norfolk, England:
"Hero of the Nile"
    $1600 5
The Carter Family & other country greats ask this musical question, "by & by, Lord, by & by"
    $1600 4
In 1859 Charles Darwin explained his theory of evolution in an important work commonly shortened to this title
    $1600 15
This South American nation, whose name means "land of waters", was visited by Walter Raleigh in 1595, looking for El Dorado
    $1600 19
Small & big, these 2 forced bets are placed after the ante & before players have seen their cards in hold 'em poker
    $1600 1
This French word originally referred to a bride's clothing, linens & accessories that she gathered before her wedding
    $2000 3
Born 1860 in the Midwest: "Boy Orator of the Platte"
    $2000 6
Little Big Town had its first No. 1 country hit singing about partying & catching waves on this title boat
    DD: $2,000 11
An 1813 work called "Elementary Theory of Botany" introduced this field, the classification of organisms
    $2000 16
If asked "Have you seen" this, don't say, "No, Ben hasn't called me"--it's a mountain, the highest in the U.K. at 4,400 feet
    $2000 22
A horn bet in craps pays a sizeable amount due to the fact that these 4 numbers you're betting on are quite hard to hit
    $2000 20
Often mistaken for a primate, this arboreal cousin of the raccoon has a name that goes back to Algonquin

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Troy Jake Dee
$15,600 $27,800 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2007 biopic called "La Môme" in France, meaning "The Kid", was released in the U.S. under this other French title

Final scores:

Troy Jake Dee
$0 $22,797 $6,600
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $22,797 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Troy Jake Dee
$15,600 $18,600 $7,600
19 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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