Suggest correction - #10 - 2023-01-12

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    $200 21
A gable is a triangle-shaped feature on this part of a house

Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! game #10 - Thursday, January 12, 2023

2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 8.


Torrey DeVitto, an actor from Huntington, New York

Candace Parker, a basketball player from Naperville, Illinois

Patton Oswalt, a Grammy and Emmy Award-winning comedian from Portsmouth, Virginia

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Jonathan Boucher was a Loyalist or Tory during this event, but dedicated his history of it to his friend George Washington
    $100 11
Arizona's Saguaro National Park is named for a candelabra-shaped type of this plant
    $100 1
A superhero on film playing Marvel's Black Widow, this actress spent 8 years as a global ambassador for Oxfam
    $100 23
Grammar-wise, let's begin with this indefinite article used before a singular noun
    $100 26
The popular food fishes marketed as Chilean sea this are actually species of toothfishes
    $100 6
Phil Dunphy, on this sitcom: "I'm the cool dad... I'm hip... I text. LOL, laugh out loud. OMG, oh my God. WTF, why the face"
    $200 17
In 2022 Tory Party members of Britain's "House of" these included Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone & the Earl of Minto
    $200 12
Created to serve the former Northwest Territory, Northwestern University is in Evanston in this state
    $200 2
Volunteers in this Christian group founded by William Booth can become "soldiers"
    $200 24
"Greetings", Robert De Niro's film debut in 1968, was also the first movie in the U.S. to get this rating
    $200 27
This shark gets its name from the shape of a prominent body part
    $200 7
He came to dadhood later in life, after his boy Luke grew up... & after cutting off Luke's hand... & blowing up his daughter's planet
    $300 18
Canada's Tory Party is looking to unseat this second-generation prime minister & Liberal Party leader
    $300 13
In "Field of Dreams" a question is asked, "Is this heaven?"--No, it's this Midwestern state also known as "the Corn State"
    $300 3
Here is the logo of the Cajun Navy Ground Force, whose volunteers sprang into action after 2016 floods in this "Bayou State"
    DD: $800 25
It's the 17th letter of the alphabet, & before you start counting on your fingers, it's also James Bond's gadget man
    $300 28
Several small species of the herring family go by this name, particularly when they're canned in oil
    $300 8
Loving dad Liam Neeson, in this 2008 pic: let my daughter go, cool. If not, "I will look for you. I will find you. & I will kill you"
    $400 19
One of the great figures of Britain's Tory Party was this man whose historic term as prime minister began May 10, 1940
    $400 14
Connecticut is bordered to the west by New York & to the east by this, another 2-word state
    $400 4
Robert Scott, an ace of the Flying Tigers volunteer Air Force of World War II, wrote a book about his career called "God Is My" this
    $400 21
It precedes "Claudius" in the title of a 1934 historical novel by Robert Graves
    $400 29
Originally from the Indo-Pacific, this venomous fish with a big cat in its name has become an invasive species in the Atlantic
    $400 9
Pop to Pete, Janie, Zuzu & Tommy in a classic film, he's seen here with his own daughters Kelly & Judy
    $500 20
In Australia a moderate segment of this environment-focused party is sometimes called the Tree Tories
    $500 15
Hells Canyon & Snake River sound daunting, but Sun Valley & its ski lodges in this state offer respite
    $500 5
Before her son was president, Lilian Carter worked in India 1966-1968 for this government agency begun by John F. Kennedy
    $500 22
A Roman 500, or a report card grade you'd prefer not to see
    $500 30
This name for a flatfish with both eyes on the same side of its head is also a verb meaning to struggle ineffectively
    $500 10
Milo Ventimiglia was Jack Pearson, father of Kevin, Kate & Randall on this NBC drama, & now we're getting a bit choked up thinking about it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Patton Candace Torrey
$2,400 -$400 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Patton Candace Torrey
$4,700 -$200 -$1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
"The Way of Water" is the subtitle of the long-awaited sequel to this James Cameron film set on Pandora
    $200 21
A gable is a triangle-shaped feature on this part of a house
    $200 26
Brainiacs know that M.I.T. stands for this Boston-area school
    $200 11
"When the Moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's" this, that's love
    $200 16
World War II officially began on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded this country
    $200 6
"Everything is evil" wrote the 19th century poet Giacomo Leopardi, who exemplified this glass-half-empty -ism
    $400 2
The 2022 film "Blonde" stars Ana de Armas as this film icon & recreates an iconic moment from "The Seven Year Itch"
    $400 22
"Jules & Jim" is a classic film about this geometric situation; some have asked why Catherine isn't in the title
    $400 27
Until disallowed by the L.A. Coliseum, a live bear would take the field at home football games for this school
    $400 12
Rachael Ray says her very first word was this, the Italian word for wine
    $400 17
He developed his famous anti-choking maneuver in 1974 & here he is as his daughters demonstrate it
    $400 7
In Kuniko Tsurita's book of manga "The Sky Is Blue with a Single Cloud", it's this kind of cloud from a nuclear bomb
    $600 3
His powerful performance as the Joker in "The Dark Knight" won him a posthumous Supporting Actor Oscar
    $600 23
You need a triangle for this action to set up billiard balls for the break shot
    DD: $8,600 28
Since 1917 Columbia University has announced these awards for fields including journalism & literature
    $600 13
Hopefully, you haven't had any bad encounters with these photographers who follow the famous to get their shots
    $600 18
The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 allowed the U.S. to build & operate this waterway in Central America
    $600 8
Called "Roald the Rotten" by his own wife, he created memorable villains like Miss Trunchbull in "Matilda"
    $800 4
"The Gold Rush", "The Kid" & "City Lights" are silent films that this comic legend wrote, directed & starred in
    $800 24
On this holiday generally in March, Jews traditionally eat triangular pastries called Hamantaschen
    $800 29
In 1873, a university in Nashville was named for this wealthy commodore who eventually donated $1 million
    $800 14
Spelled as one word or 2, it means outdoors, as in dining outdoors
    $800 19
At the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, this president was fatally shot, dying 8 days later
    $800 9
"The unutterable hideousness that can dwell in absolute silence" is part of the "Country" of this author; how's your day going?
    $1000 5
The title of this 2019 Korean film refers to the relationship of the destitute Kim family & the wealthy Park family
    DD: $4,300 25
A triangle roughly formed by Florida, Puerto Rico & this place is notorious for swallowing up boats & planes without a trace
    $1000 30
Founded in 1693, the oldest college in Virginia is the college of this royal pair
    $1000 15
Italian for "baked earth", it's the type of pottery seen here made of baked clay
    $1000 20
"Oh, the humanity" when 36 lives were lost as this airship burst into flames while landing in New Jersey
    $1000 10
His plays like "Waiting for Godot" explore the meaninglessness of life & even a Nobel Prize didn't make him happy

Scores at the Double Jeopardy! Round commercial break (after clue 15):

Patton Candace Torrey
$11,100 -$600 $0

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Patton Candace Torrey
$28,200 -$200 -$400

Triple Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Each response will start with "M-I-S".)
(Mattea Roach: I'm Jeopardy! superchamp Mattea Roach with clues about my home and native land of Canada.)
    $300 6
Sodium chloride is the chemical name for this mineral commonly used for seasoning food
    $300 1
In 2020 this K-pop boy group burst out with "Dynamite", a No. 1 hit
    $300 16
At Christmas couples may steal a kiss beneath a sprig of this
    $300 11
The U.S. welcomed 75,000 refugees from this country in the 6 months after the Taliban re-took it over in 2021
    $300 21
The Red Sea separates this large peninsula from Africa
    $300 26
(Mattea Roach presents the clue.) In the 1960s, the Pearson Pennant was one of three finalists to be our national flag, but the Flag Committee went with a design using a single one of these leaves instead
    $600 7
Here's the diagram for the chemical structure of this substance
    $600 2
"I'd catch a grenade for ya", he sang in a No. 1 song
    $600 17
It means to hire an actor for a role that doesn't suit them
    $600 12
Monarch butterflies go south to the state of Michoacán in this country & many michoacanos have come north to the United States
    $600 22
Perhaps you've traveled to the southern tip of this peninsula for some resort R&R in Cabo San Lucas
    $600 27
(Mattea Roach presents the clue.) Tracing its roots to 1980s Canadian street performance, this "circus of the sun" hit Las Vegas with its first permanent show Mystère in 1993
    DD: $10,000 8
The lowest possible temperature, -459,67 degrees Fahrenheit, is known as absolute this
    $900 3
His singing career really burst into the stratosphere with "Rocket Man", which says, "burning out his fuse up here alone"
    DD: $500 18
In court if a jury can't come to a unanimous decision, the judge may declare this
    $900 13
Punjabi Sikhs in the U.S. gravitated to selling petrol, as they say in India; Darshan Singh Dhaliwal's empire had hundreds of these
    $900 23
Spain's flagship airline is named for this peninsula where you'll find Spain & Portugal
    $900 28
(Mattea Roach presents the clue.) Did you forget about me, Mr. Duplicity? I hope not, as "you oughtta know" this Ontario-born singer who had one of the biggest albums of the 1990s
    $1200 9
The chemical elements are arrayed according to atomic number on this, a name indicating regular intervals
    $1200 4
"Boom Boom Pow" is an explosive track from this group that includes
    $1200 19
A Broadway musical based on the music of Fats Waller is called "Ain't" this
    $1200 14
In September 2022 about 50 migrants from Venezuela were surprised to find themselves on this Massachusetts resort island
    DD: $600 24
This Midwest state whose motto calls it a "pleasant peninsula" consists of 2, the Upper & Lower Peninsulas
    $1200 29
(Mattea Roach presents the clue.) Saying that is belonged to the world & not to him, Frederick Banting wanted diabetics to be able to afford this hormone he helped extract in 1921; he sold his patent to my alma mater the University of Toronto for $1
    $1500 10
Atoms combine to make these larger but still tiny particles, the smallest that make up identifiable substances
    $1500 5
This group with Cherie Currie & Joan Jett exploded with "Hello, Daddy, hello, Mom, I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch cherry bomb"
    $1500 20
It's a 7-letter word for an often long, handwritten letter
    $1500 15
Last name of the Maltese American once known as "Mayor Pete" & also of Paul, a mayor of Qala on Malta
    $1500 25
Djursland peninsula is the "wildest part of" this peninsular country that sticks out of the top of Germany
    $1500 30
(Mattea Roach presents the clue.) Prairie trading posts with names like Stand Off & Whoop-Up were dominated by sleazy whiskey traders; this law enforcement group was created to clean them up

Scores at the end of the Triple Jeopardy! Round:

Patton Candace Torrey
$47,200 $2,200 $5,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Born on an island in a sea of milk, this pitchman was jokingly disavowed by the U.S. Navy by saying he is not in personnel records

Final scores:

Patton Candace Torrey
$54,400 $1,960 $3,200
Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $30,000 to Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation 2nd place: $30,000 to Planned Parenthood

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Patton Candace Torrey
$26,300 $2,800 $5,600
47 R
(including 4 DDs),
2 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $34,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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