Suggest correction - #8788 - 2023-01-18

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    $400 14
Eunice Foote's "Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays" foreshadowed the study of this effect

Show #8788 - Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Alec Wang, a real estate analyst from Avon, Connecticut

Erin Portman, a high school English teacher from Naperville, Illinois

Vince Bacani, a risk manager from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,000)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1890s
    $200 29
In 1891 the ancient order of Hibernians marched up Fifth Avenue for the first time in their parade celebrating this holiday
    $200 15
After a 1929 earthquake, Inge Lehmann measured seismic waves & discovered the Earth had an "inner" one of these
    $200 22
The University of Georgia, kind of going Greek
    $200 28
In 2014 Meghan Trainor was "all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no" this
    $200 13
This type of farm implement may cut & gather crops like wheat, not very grim in that sense
    $200 23
Of the 6 New England states, it's the smallest in area
    $400 19
Moving up from Mexico, this pest invaded U.S. cotton fields, devastating crops throughout the south
    $400 14
Eunice Foote's "Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays" foreshadowed the study of this effect
    $400 21
Cornell University, kind of going Greek
    $400 25
Covering a Toto hit, Weezer blessed "the rains down in" this place
    $400 8
It can be a praiseworthy feat or proof of ownership to a piece of land
    $400 12
Established in 1968, it's the newest of the 6 Nobel Prize categories
    $600 16
Dedicated to protecting the environment, the Sierra Club was founded in 1892 with this naturalist as its first president
    $600 1
Fei-Fei Li took a sabbatical from Stanford to be Google Cloud's chief scientist of AI/ML, artificial intelligence & this
    $600 4
The University of New Mexico, where classes began in 1892, before statehood
    $600 24
This collaboration between Lil Nas X & Billy Ray Cyrus was Billboard's No. 1 Hot 100 Song of the Year for 2019
    $600 7
This term for a privileged, high status group within a society is from Old French for "chosen"
    $600 11
The 6 historic counties that make up this U.K. division include Armagh, Antrim & Tyrone
    $800 17
In 1897 this author was released from Reading Gaol & went into exile in France
    $800 2
Chemist Alice Ball developed an early treatment used for decades for this devastating bacterial skin disease
    $800 27
"Stick" to it at Louisiana State University
    $800 20
Her hit "Anaconda" sampled "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot
    $800 5
Use your this & tell us this slang term for your head; it can also mean a small mug or cup
    $800 9
The "Six Flags" over Texas refer to the entities that have controlled it; sixth is the USA, this was fifth
    DD: $3,600 18
Returning after a 1,500-year break, these opened April 6, 1896
    $1000 3
In 1823 Mary Anning discovered the first full fossil skeleton of a "sea dragon", this long-necked marine reptile
    $1000 30
The University of Virginia, which Jefferson envisioned as his "academical village"
    $1000 26
It became the first mostly Spanish song to top the Billboard Hot 100 since "Macarena" in 1996
    $1000 6
Meaning produced by the lips, it's applied to letters like P & B
    $1000 10
The 4th of the 6 wives of Henry VIII was this woman, whom Henry called "a Flanders Mare"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Vince Erin Alec
$3,000 $2,200 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Vince Erin Alec
$3,800 $9,400 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each one beginning with an element.)
    $400 15
As part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848, this river was set as the primary boundary between the U.S. & Mexico
    $400 20
"Candy is dandy but ____ is quicker"
    $400 18
Massachusetts kept this "Liberal Lion" in the Senate for nearly 47 years, until his death
    $400 23
In France it's "the world"
    $400 3
Collective term for metal dining utensils regardless of what they're made of
    $400 1
Starring Tom Hanks as a gay man with AIDS, this was the first major studio film to deal with that disease & the stigma it carried
    $800 14
Forming part of the boundary between Serbia & Romania, the Iron Gate Gorge is found on this long river
    $800 21
"A thing of ____ is a joy for ever: its loveliness increases"
    $800 27
Kay Granger has been a House-sitter since 1997 after serving as mayor of this city, part of the metroplex with Dallas
    $800 24
India's Amar Ujala brings the "light" in this language
    $800 5
Castor, Pollux & Heracles are sometimes listed as members of this group of fleece seekers
    $800 2
This theme park announced an end to its orca programs after the release of "Blackfish", about Tilikum, who killed one of the trainers
    $1200 13
Often cited as the southernmost point of South America, this rocky headland marks the northern boundary of the Drake Passage
    $1200 10
"But there is no joy in ____--Mighty Casey has struck out"
    $1200 29
Always colorful, he began the first of 2 terms as California governor in 1975 & would be elected to 2 more starting in 2011
    $1200 28
In Communist Russia Pravda translated to this, which may have been stretched from time to time
    $1200 17
A container with flint, steel & matches, or a situation with the potential for violence & destruction
    $1200 4
This 2006 Al Gore documentary was a wake-up call for many about how climate change is devastating our planet
    $1600 11
After World War I, the Curzon Line was proposed as the boundary between Russia & this newly reconstituted nation
    $1600 9
"I have a rendezvous with ____ at some disputed barricade"
    $1600 30
He was the center of attention as New York's governor from 1959 to 1973 & a year later, was selected to be vice president
    DD: $6,399 26
Samuel Morse could have used his code to signal the name of this British daily founded in 1855
    $1600 16
This herb that was used as a medicine by Native Americans is often paired with echinacea in herbal supplements
    $1600 22
This 2014 film about voting marches in Alabama shined a light on the contributions of Black women to the civil rights movement
    $2000 12
The world's longest freshwater lake, it forms the boundary between Tanzania & the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    $2000 8
"In the room the women come and go talking of ____"
    $2000 19
Marcy Kaptur from this city on Lake Erie west of Cleveland is the longest-serving female U.S. Representative ever
    $2000 25
This Japanese paper shares its name with the chief index on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
    DD: $4,600 6
Ferns, amphibians & early reptiles thrived during this geological period from about 360 to 300 million years ago
    $2000 7
Amputee Harold Russell, who played a returning serviceman in this 1946 classic, was an inspiration to fellow World War II vets & the disabled

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Vince Erin Alec
$15,599 $21,000 -$2,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1692 Increase Mather wrote, "It were better that ten suspected" these "escape, than that one innocent person... be condemned"

Final scores:

Vince Erin Alec
$21,001 $31,201 -$2,000
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $31,201 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Vince Erin Alec
$15,400 $18,400 -$2,000
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
6 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $31,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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