Suggest correction - #8778 - 2023-01-04

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    $1600 14
This country's first empire lasted from 1822 to 1823, with Agustin de Iturbide as emperor

Show #8778 - Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Sarah Palmer, an executive assistant from Monterey, California

Francis Englert, a line cook from Scotch Plains, New Jersey

Lloyd Sy, a graduate student in literature originally from Rockford, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $24,490)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
If you're near the border in Terre Haute, Indiana & want to go west, young man, you head directly into this state
    $200 29
This company has lived up to its name with purchases of FleetBoston, Merrill Lynch & U.S. Trust Corporation
    $200 28
This name meaning a grinder of grain is among the USA's 10 most popular surnames
    $200 24
Hey, Emily Blunt & John Krasinski! Keep it down!
    $200 20
It means very much not taking the beaten path
    $200 27
Beginning readers may learn about trick feet & sick feet in "The Foot Book" by this author whose real name was Theodor Geisel
    $400 25
The Maine way to the left is into this state; head to the right & you've left the country
    $400 26
This ketchup brand was able to catch up with $23 billion when it was acquired by Berkshire Hathaway in 2013
    $400 21
Of surnames that are colors, this one is the most prevalent in the United States
    $400 5
1993: Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell & a cameo by Scooter as the creature mentioned in the title
    $400 19
This 7-letter word for a type of extemporaneous remark ends with a body part
    $400 23
In this Grimm tale, one sister cuts off a toe to fit into a golden shoe; the other, part of her heel; the title girl, a perfect fit!
    $600 16
Geographically, this state borders Alabama on the left, but both look up to Tennessee
    $600 7
In 2014 $130 billion changed hands as Vodafone was bought out of this other "V" company's wireless biz
    $600 15
Of Indian descent, golfer Vijay has this last name derived from the Sanskrit word for "lion"
    $600 4
Travolta / Cage, as only Travolta / Cage could do it
    $600 14
This avant-garde double-talk New York theater movement is 2 steps away from the mainstream
    $600 22
After landing in Oz, Dorothy is dismayed to see this woman's lifeless feet "shod in silver shoes with pointed toes"
    $800 8
It's to the left for a majority of Wisconsin, as it stands atop Iowa
    $800 6
In 2022 this software giant said it was making a macropayment of $68.7 billion to purchase Activision/Blizzard
    $800 11
Meaning "mower of grass or hay", it was the last name of puritan ministers Increase & Cotton
    $800 2
    $800 13
Who knows that this is the job of someone conducting a wedding? I do!
    $800 17
In Fulgentius' "Mythologies", the goddess Thetis douses this babe in the River Styx, "his heel alone she did not dip"
    $1000 9
It's the leftward neighbor of North Dakota, & there's plenty of room left for you if you'd like to move there
    $1000 1
In 2022 this mega-grocer of Ohio was set to merge with another giant among supermarkets: Albertsons
    DD: $2,400 10
This 7-letter German surname is the equivalent of blacksmith or metalworker
    $1000 3
Colin Farrell & Brendan Gleeson visit Belgium, & reunite in 2022 for "The Banshees of Inisherin"
    $1000 12
What we somewhat euphemistically call variety meats, the British call this unpleasant-sounding word
    $1000 18
Artist Christy Brown wrote in this autobiography that he was "living in chains" battling cerebral palsy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lloyd Francis Sarah
$4,400 $3,000 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lloyd Francis Sarah
$6,200 $6,200 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the series.)
    $400 25
Forward of the propeller on a submarine, these flat, hinged vertical plates are used to steer the vessel
    $400 30
Before wacky wildlife made it famous, this archipelago belonging to Ecuador was largely a pirate hideout
    $400 26
"It's like you're always stuck in second gear"
    $400 28
To remain silent is to "keep" this palindromic word
    $400 29
In 1920 Arthur Eddington correctly predicted that the stars were powered by this then-unknown process
    $400 21
This grain is part of the kanji that makes up the name of Inari, a Japanese god of that grain often portrayed as a bearded old man
    $800 24
This company's 707 flew in commercial service from 1958 to the 2010s & the Air Force still flies planes based on its design
    $800 23
This adjective precedes "Free State" in the name of a polity formed in the 1920s with Tim Healy as governor-general
    $800 8
"It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights"
    $800 10
This name of a Disney dwarf means shy
    $800 27
This particle has a mass slightly greater than the proton but no electric charge
    $800 3
The Konark Sun Temple is a representation of one of these vehicles, driven by the Hindu god Surya
    $1200 15
100 years ago in 1923, Warren Harding drove a spike to complete the railroad named for this state, today with majestic bridges
    DD: $4,000 7
After World War I, Iraq was controlled by Great Britain as a mandate of this international organization
    $1200 6
"California here we come, right back where we started from"
    $1200 11
The swans seen here are this 4-letter type; despite the designation, they can be heard
    $1200 20
The hazardous ultra-high-energy rays known by this Greek letter are photons emitted by a decaying nucleus
    DD: $2,000 1
This group of early Greek gods includes Hyperion & Phoebe
    $1600 16
Coach USA's bus service from O'Hare to Mitchell Airport in this city is 70 miles straight up I-94, but it's still called a shuttle
    $1600 14
This country's first empire lasted from 1822 to 1823, with Agustin de Iturbide as emperor
    $1600 5
"You woke up this morning, got yourself a gun"
    $1600 12
This adjective describing one who uses a bare minimum of words derives from the region where ancient Sparta was
    $1600 19
He was knighted after his 1911 discovery of the nucleus; that's Sir Ernest to you
    $1600 2
A magnificent jade head unearthed in 1968 in Belize, is of Kinich Ahau, the sun god of these people
    $2000 17
The 1912 Classic Six was the first production car to bear the name of this man born in Neuchatel Canton, Switzerland
    $2000 22
In April 1940 Norway's king & prime minister left Oslo & this leader of the Norwegian Nazis formed his own government
    $2000 4
"Somebody said it could be here, we could be roped up, tied up, dead in a year"
    $2000 13
If you're specifically reluctant to speak, you might be this word that also begins with "RE" & ends with "NT"
    $2000 18
Here's your quark menu! Which flavor would you like--up, down, top, bottom, charm or this?
    $2000 9
In the Bible, Elijah led the struggle against worship of this Phoenician god that Ahab followed

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lloyd Francis Sarah
$20,200 $14,200 $8,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Until a 1903 secession, this country's contiguous territory spanned 2 continents

Final scores:

Lloyd Francis Sarah
$29,088 $8,200 $5,999
2-day champion: $53,578 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lloyd Francis Sarah
$17,400 $14,200 $9,800
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
21 R,
2 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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