Suggest correction - #1028 - 1989-02-08

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    $300 17
The big box of 64 Crayola crayons comes with 1 of these devices built in

Show #1028 - Wednesday, February 8, 1989

1989 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


Stan Wu, a senior from Arlington, Virginia

Tracy Fisher, a senior from El Paso, Texas

Peter Morris, a sophomore from Swarthmore, Pennsylvania

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
At the age of 18 he robbed his 1st bank with a little help from his brother Frank
    $100 6
France's replica of this statue stands on an island in the Seine & faces west
    $100 15
"Baby Boop" is the baby doll version of this cartoon character
    $100 7
Lori Loughlin was added to this show's cast to give John Stamos a girlfriend
    $100 1
It's the largest frog found in the U.S.
    $100 29
Vespucci's first name wasn't America, it was this
    $200 18
Father of Elizabeth I, he became king of England when he was only 17
    $200 9
The West Edmonton Mall in this Canadian province has a submarine ride, a water park & a zoo
    $200 16
This Jim Davis cat comes in a "Batty Vampire" disguise, complete with wings & fangs
    $200 8
"Empty Nest", starring Richard Mulligan, is a spin-off of this NBC sitcom
    $200 2
Grunts are fish that do this to each other, but have not been known to catch mononucleosis
    $200 30
This system of writing & printing for the blind was named for the man who invented it
    $300 19
At age 13 Giovanni de' Medici, later Pope Leo X, was made one of these in the Catholic church
    DD: $500 10
If you've been to the only nat'l military park in a Northern state, you've been to this 1 in Penn.
    $300 17
The big box of 64 Crayola crayons comes with 1 of these devices built in
    $300 22
Name of the bar managed once again this season by Sam Malone
    $300 3
To aid digestion an ostrich also swallows these, which have no nutritional value
    $300 28
This bottom part of your brain stem is described as "oblongata"
    $400 20
At 19 he went into exile after his parents broke up, but a few years later he was king of Macedonia
    $400 11
This Israeli airline's "Milk & Honey" vacations feature guided tours of Masada & Galilee
    $400 25
"Canadian Barbie" comes dressed in one of these uniforms, so she always gets her man
    $400 23
Last name of actresses Judi & Mary Beth of "Days of Our Lives", or Andrea of "One Life to Live"
    $400 4
Up to 7 ft. long & weighing as much as 1,200 lbs., the leatherback is the largest variety of these
    $400 27
Ancient Egyptian kings were known by this title
    $500 21
Historians say she was about 18 when she guided Lewis & Clark across America
    $500 12
You can trek to the Virunga Mts. in Rwanda to see these animals Dian Fossey studied
    $500 26
You can tell if a stuffed toy is a Steiff product if it has one of these in its ear
    $500 24
Maryam d'Abo played an alien in "Something is Out There", & her cousin Olivia plays a kid in the '60s in this
    $500 5
On a gemsbok they can reach a length of up to 4 ft.
    $500 14
You can amaze us by spelling this 9-letter word for a maze

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Peter Tracy Stan
$1,600 $500 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Peter Tracy Stan
$4,200 $2,000 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
It's proper to tip sauna attendants in this capital city of Finland
    $200 3
It's set on an island, not in a teapot
    $200 13
This Italian genius has been called the greatest artist of the 1400s
    $200 30
Used for roofing & writing on, it's "wiped clean" to begin again
    $200 11
A variation of this proverb says "Rats desert a falling house"
    $200 18
The head of Poland's official labor unions debated this Solidarity leader on Polish TV
    $400 2
The name of this South American city literally means "fair winds" or "good air"
    $400 7
During a performance of this play in 1860, one of the witches fell from a platform & died
    $400 14
Picasso was born in this country in 1881 but spent most of his life in France
    $400 29
Pumice is one of the pyroclastic rocks thrown from these
    $400 12
According to the proverb of war, "He who lives by" this "shall die by" this
    $400 19
After 40 months of marriage to him, actress Julianne Phillips filed for divorce
    $600 4
Though this is the most populous city in China, it's not the capital
    $600 8
In the last scene of "Hamlet", Hamlet kills the king of this country by stabbing him
    $600 15
Renaissance artist Raffaelo Sanzio was best known by this 1-word name
    $600 28
A lamina is a layer less than 10mm thick found in this class of rock
    $600 25
It's what happens if you lie down with dogs
    $600 20
The U.N. General Assembly voted 154-2 to move its session to Geneva to that he could address it
    $800 5
Irish novelist James Joyce is buried in this Swiss city known for its banking gnomes
    $800 9
In this play Mercutio calls dreams "the children of an idle brain"
    DD: $2,000 16
Great artist seen here in a 1658 self-portrait:
    $800 27
The Greeks called this mineral "krystallos", which is where we got the word crystal
    $800 24
In "Solitude" Ella Wheeler Wilcox followed this line with "Weep, and you weep alone"
    $800 21
A recent book by James Reston Jr. theorizes this Texas gov., not JFK, was Oswald's target
    $1000 6
In 1810 Derryfield, New Hampshire was renamed for this British industrial center
    $1000 10
Titania's 1st line in this play is, "What, jealous Oberon! Fairies, skip hence"
    $1000 17
It was Cézanne's first name & Rubens' middle name
    $1000 26
Also called a pudding stone, it consists of rounded pebbles cemented together into one mass
    $1000 23
"The nearer the bone, the sweeter" this
    DD: $2,000 22
When sworn in as prime minister of Pakistan, she became the 1st woman to lead a Muslim nation

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Peter Tracy Stan
$11,400 $600 $4,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The only 2 vice presidents who previously represented Minnesota in the Senate

Final scores:

Peter Tracy Stan
$10,000 $100 $8,000
New champion: Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $1,000 if not wild card semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if not wild card semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Peter Tracy Stan
$10,200 $2,600 $4,500
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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