Suggest correction - #1898 - 1992-12-02

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    $200 26
This Galilean fisherman was originally named Simon

Show #1898 - Wednesday, December 2, 1992

Dennis Donohue game 1.


Susan Merett, a financial editor originally from Columbus, Ohio

Dennis Donohue, an administrative services officer from Litchfield Park, Arizona

Art Waters, a consultant originally from Seattle, Washington (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,801)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Louisiana's most valuable fishing grounds are located in this gulf
    $100 1
St. David's Day falls on the 1st of this month; St. Patrick's Day is on the 17th
    $100 11
Katherine Mansfield set many stories in this, her native country; she was born in Wellington
    $100 26
The Cub Scout sign of 2 fingers up & separated is also this letter in the manual alphabet
    $100 21
It's thought that the ancient Egyptians used this insect wax as a cosmetic base
    $100 16
In May 1979 Congress awarded a special gold medal to this star of "True Grit"
    $200 7
The name of this city which hosts the Rose Bowl football game is Chippewa for "crown of the valley"
    $200 2
In a 1598 poem Richard Barnfield called it "the merry month"
    $200 12
Mr. Otis tells the "Canterville" one of these, "I really insist on your oiling those chains"
    $200 27
When placed above & next to a letter, a comma symbol becomes one of these punctuation marks
    $200 22
Spermaceti wax, an excellent lubricant, comes from a cavity in this animal's head
    $200 17
To date, this singer's only top ten hit has been "Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast" in 1972
    $300 8
This state's least populous county is Nantucket
    $300 3
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Harvest Moon usually occurs late in this month
    $300 13
This city is the setting for the stories in George Washington Cable's "Old Creole Days"
    $300 28
This math symbol is drawn as 2 horizontal parallel lines with a diagonal through them
    $300 23
This white wax was once used to waterproof milk cartons
    $300 18
This L.A. Kings player has scored more goals in the Stanley Cup playoffs than any other NHL player
    $400 9
Waikiki Beach is a popular tourist attraction on this Hawaiian island
    $400 4
The Federal government's fiscal year begins on the 1st day of this month
    $400 14
This detective story author was also the editor of G.K.'s Weekly, as Father Brown could tell you
    DD: $1,500 29
Solar system object symbolized by the following:
    $400 24
Derived from a Brazilian palm, this wax is an important ingredient in many auto waxes
    $400 19
After the Revolutionary War, this "Mad" general served for a year in Congress
    $500 10
The Red River of the North provides the boundary between Minnesota & this state to the west
    $500 5
Conspirators who rebelled against the Russian gov't in 1825 were named for this month of their revolt
    $500 15
He wrote his 1824 story "The Money Diggers" while living in Europe, but it's set in Dutch New York
    $500 30
An R alone can stand for ruble; an R with a circle around it means this
    $500 25
Wool wax, which serves as a dressing for leather goods, is more commonly known by this name
    $500 20
This Oregonian was a U.S. senator for 24 years, first as a Republican, later as a Democrat

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Art Dennis Susan
$1,100 $2,100 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Art Dennis Susan
$800 $3,300 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
When he abdicated April 11, 1814 his "parting gifts" were a yearly pension & sovereignty over Elba
    $200 26
This Galilean fisherman was originally named Simon
    $200 21
Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum type of this device in 1656
    $200 1
Rivers emptying into this sea include the Ebro from Spain & the Nile
    $200 11
Prime minister Harold Macmillan turned diplomat to help resolve this 1962 international crisis
    $200 16
Robert Mills designed this 555' U.S. monument in 1836; it wasn't finished until 1884, 29 years after his death
    $400 7
This group was formed in the 1950s to oppose the corrupt regime of Ngo Dinh Diem
    $400 27
This king "Slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coast thereof"
    $400 22
Friedrich Miescher discovered this organic chemical; Watson & Crick, its double helix structure
    $400 2
Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania all border its eastern coast
    $400 12
Having moved to South Africa for health reasons, he later mined diamonds & became the Cape Colony's PM
    $400 17
Sir John Oldcastle, who once plotted to kidnap Henry V, was a model for this Shakespeare character
    $600 8
The Montreux Convention of 1936 recognized this county's right to fortify the Dardanelles
    $600 28
He describes the visions he received on the Isle of Patmos in the book of Revelation
    $600 23
Lewis E. Waterman invented this type of pen in 1884
    $600 3
This sea's southern entrance is partly blocked by the islands of Crete & Rhodes
    DD: $2,700 13
When he became naturalized in 1947, he gave up the right of accession to the Greek & Danish thrones
    $600 18
Used in welding, this gas is polymerized to make neoprene, a synthetic rubber
    DD: $1,000 9
Because hiding in the Paris sewers worsened this revolutionary's skin disease, he needed warm baths to treat it
    $800 29
Jesus was betrayed by Judas & arrested in this garden
    $800 24
In Russia, about 1910, he discovered the conditioned reflex
    $800 4
The Crimean Peninsula lies between the world's shallowest sea, the Sea of Azov, & this sea
    $800 14
As Lloyd George's foreign secretary, he came up with a declaration concerning Palestine
    $800 19
Boomtowns like Washoe City & Virginia City grew around the 1859 silver strike known as this
    $1000 10
This general led the coup that removed Salvador Allende from office
    $1000 30
This apostle was shipwrecked on Malta for 3 months
    $1000 25
In 1906 he created the syphilis test known by his name
    $1000 5
It separates Australia from New Zealand
    $1000 15
This actress had 2 sons by Charles II; one went on to become Duke of St. Albans
    $1000 20
This Nicaraguan coast was named after the Indians, not the insects

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Art Dennis Susan
$2,400 $7,000 $4,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Plato called her "The Tenth Muse"

Final scores:

Art Dennis Susan
$4,800 $8,900 $4,801
3rd place: Allen Edmonds shoes + Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune video games New champion: $8,900 2nd place: trip to Nassau, the Bahamas

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Art Dennis Susan
$4,900 $9,700 $4,400
19 R,
8 W
(including 2 DDs)
22 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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