Suggest correction - #390 - 1986-03-07

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    $400 19
At the 1972 games held there, the U.S. lost the pole vault for the 1st time ever

Show #390 - Friday, March 7, 1986

Barbara Lowe game 2.


Jack Busko, an account representative from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

David Perry, an assistant manager and a student from Los Angeles, California

Barbara Lowe, a writer and a researcher from Anaheim, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Of a bay, cay, or key, the only one to fit this category
    $100 21
Sure, this airline thinks they're "friendly skies"--they've got the most planes up there
    $100 11
Bourbon mash contains at least 51% of this "Indian" grain
    $100 23
Because "lions play too rough" Elvis wanted to be this, instead
    $100 1
The last eruption of this Japanese volcano occurred in 1707
    $100 6
If Slippery Rock College beats Notre Dame
    $200 17
Finland, Poland, East Germany, & Russia all border on this sea
    $200 22
Of 12, 24,or 36, # of hours it took a passenger to fly across U.S. in 1930
    $200 12
To do this, lick salt off hand, quickly swallow shot of liquor, then suck on lime slice
    $200 24
Replacing Buddy Holly after he died, Bobby Vee bounced to top of the charts with this hit
    $200 2
It's said if Britain had won this war, it would have shown the Colonial rebels leniency
    $200 7
A boxing blow
    $300 18
"Ursa Major" could be nickname for this, Canada's largest lake entirely within its borders
    $300 26
Also known as the "Super Fortress", it was the model of bomber used at Hiroshima
    $300 13
In the U.S., when fermentation occurs on the top of a malt brew, it's classed as this
    DD: $200 25
Though not in the official title, toy with which the following is always associated
    $300 3
In 1570, Denmark recognized the independence of this much larger Scandinavian country
    $300 8
A rubbernecker
    $400 19
This sea touches Iran, Pakistan, & India, but not Saudi Arabia
    $400 14
A Dog's Nose, a Bee's Knees, or a Horse's Neck
    $400 4
Robespierre & the guillotine ruled France during period of the Revolution dubbed this
    $400 9
According to song in "Oklahoma", what everything is in Kansas City
    $500 20
Named for the state of Campeche, the Bay of Campeche is southernmost part of this body of water
    $500 15
Pernod & ouzo are modified forms of this powerful, often-banned liquor
    $500 5
Appropriate year in which the 1st known terrestrial globe was constructed
    $500 10
When your computer is "up", had its coffee, & is ready to talk with the central system

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Barbara David Jack
$1,300 $800 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Barbara David Jack
$1,100 $1,200 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
In 1916, on eve of U.S. entry into WWI, this Mexican revolutionary invaded New Mexico
    $200 4
It is difficult to think of the Philadelphia Orchestra without this longtime conductor
    $200 13
The 1976 Winter Games were originally awarded to this Colorado city, not Innsbruck, Austria
    $200 9
Appropriately, the Arctic poppy is often this color
    $200 7
His full name was Rodolpho Alfonzo Raffaelo Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguolla
    $200 1
Duty of a petty officer who wears a lyre insignia on his rating badge
    $400 26
Named for the viceroy of New Spain, this stop on the Chihuahua Trail is New Mexico's largest city
    $400 15
This great Israeli-born violinist is an enthusiastic baseball fan
    $400 19
At the 1972 games held there, the U.S. lost the pole vault for the 1st time ever
    $400 14
The title of a 1960 comedy starring Doris Day advised against consuming these
    $400 8
The Marx brother who dropped out after the film "Duck Soup"
    $400 2
U.S. submarines are appropriately named for these creatures
    $600 24
Conductor in "Fantasia", at 80 he injured his leg playing football with his grandson
    $600 20
1st winner of this sprint from a non-English-speaking country was Armin Hary in 1960
    $600 16
In 1959, life was "A Holiday" here for Jerry Wallace
    $600 10
In "Compromising Positions", the profession of Dr. Bruce Fleckstein
    $600 3
East Coast city that's home base to the Atlantic fleet
    $800 25
In 1977, at age 90, this legendary pianist played his last concert
    DD: $300 21
On 7/10/24, this country's Paavo Nurmi won the gold in both the 1500 & 5000 meter races
    $800 17
To show where nectar is, flowers have this type of marking bees can see
    $800 11
In "On the Waterfront" what you are if you're "D & D"
    $800 5
Colors of the Navy Jack
    $1000 22
In Tokyo in 1964, fighting with a broken hand, this last-minute sub won gold for U.S. in heavyweight division
    $1000 18
Sounding like a shirt fastener for a single man, it's the cornflower's other name
    $1000 12
In 1963 movie starring Paul Newman & Elke Sommer, it's what "The Prize" refers to
    $1000 6
During WWII, he took command of the Pacific fleet after Pearl Harbor attack

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Barbara David Jack
$2,800 $2,200 $1,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

This elected official also served, until 1870, as king of most of central Italy

Final scores:

Barbara David Jack
$4,401 $4,400 $1
2-day champion: $14,802 2nd place: trip to the Caribbean with Eastern Airlines + 5-day Bahamas cruise 3rd place: Maytag washer & dryer

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Barbara David Jack
$3,300 $2,300 $1,900
14 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
11 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $7,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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