Suggest correction - #1275 - 1990-03-02

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    $100 1
In 1961 Ben E. King sang, "There is a rose in" this area of New York City

Show #1275 - Friday, March 2, 1990

Elaine Zollner game 1.
Missing player introductions.


Dave Rosen, a student originally from Mount Prospect, Illinois

Elaine Zollner, a physician from Los Angeles, California

Deborah Hummel, a proofreader from York, Pennsylvania (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,199)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 9
In the late 1920s all political parties in Italy were dissolved except for this one
    $100 17
It "flees away without delay," "has wings" & "flies"
    $100 7
The saint who baptized Jesus
    $100 1
In 1961 Ben E. King sang, "There is a rose in" this area of New York City
    $100 2
Turtles have no teeth; like birds they have one of these to cut food
    $100 18
If you have "stacks of wax" you own a lot of these
    $200 13
The land the U.S. bought from Mexico in 1854 is known as his "Purchase"
    $200 20
It's "better than wealth" & it rhymes, too
    $200 8
In the spiritual, this saint & archangel is asked to "row the boat ashore"
    $200 3
"I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill with Abraham, Martin & John"
    $200 24
Since turtles are cold blooded, those living in really cold areas do this during the winter
    $200 19
Probably a slang synonym for business, people should "mind their own"
    $300 14
Family name of the men who controlled Nicaragua from 1936-79
    $300 21
These "think alike"
    $300 10
When Pope Leo XIII told this Italian to "go west", she went to America to help immigrants
    DD: $500 4
This song was Donovan's 3rd Top 40 hit & his 1st gold record:

"I'm just mad about saffron..."
    $300 25
The snapping turtle defends' itself by biting since it can't do this, as most turtles can
    $300 28
The AMA recommends mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide drops, not cotton swabs, to do this
    $400 15
Horatio Nelson entered the navy at age 12 & died in this battle 35 years later
    $400 22
"You can't judge a book by its cover" because these "are deceptive"
    $400 11
One of the most popular Roman saints, her symbol in art is a lamb
    $400 5
"Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter" was a No. 1 hit in 1965 for this group led by Peter Noone
    $400 26
The largest turtles are these sea turtles, which can weigh up to 1,500 lbs.
    $400 29
This soap opera debuted in 1976 with its heroine worried about "waxy yellow buildup"
    $500 16
When Nadir Shah of Iran captured Delhi, he got the Koh-i-Noor diamond & this famous chair
    $500 23
These "made in storms are forgotten in calms"
    $500 12
After the crucifixion this saint buried Christ's body in his own tomb
    $500 6
In a '62 song title, Patti LaBelle & the Blue Belles proclaimed, "I Sold" this "To The Junkman"
    $500 27
In some species, after the eggs are laid the sex of the offspring is determined by this variable
    $500 30
Charles Buchinsky (later Bronson) can be seen in this 1953 Vincent Price 3-D film

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Deborah Elaine Dave
$700 $2,000 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Elaine Dave
$2,100 $4,000 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
He got a $4 million advance for his latest thriller, "Clear & Present Danger"
    $200 14
The 1st American in orbit & the 1st man to step on the Moon were these astronauts from Ohio
    $200 3
Exophthalmos, a bulging of 1 or both of these, is most often caused by an overactive thyroid
    $200 7
This detective was 1st played by Ricardo Cortez in 1931, but most people remember Bogie's 1941 portrayal
    $200 22
This African country lies about 8 miles south of Spain
    $200 1
A July 3,1937 headline had her "Lost in Pacific; radio flashes faint SOS"
    $400 18
Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club" centers around the women who play this Chinese game
    $400 21
This Columbus native was 22 yrs. old when he won his 1st pro victory, defeating Arnold Palmer in the U.S. Open
    $400 4
1-word term that describes a noncancerous tumor
    $400 9
Dennis Quaid starred as this early rock 'n' roll legend in 1989's "Great Balls of Fire"
    $400 24
Of deserts, grasslands or forests, the one occupying the least amount of area on the continent
    $400 2
"Prison stormed
9 hostages, 28 convicts killed" as guards regained control here in September 1971
    $600 19
The 1989 book "Polar Star" was this author's sequel to "Gorky Park"
    $600 28
Toledo-born feminist whose grandmother led the Ohio Women's Suffrage Association from 1908-11
    $600 6
It's the removal of a small amount of tissue or fluid for laboratory examination to aid diagnosis
    $600 10
Larry Parks portrayed this singer in 2 films in the late 1940s
    $600 25
It's the largest island considered part of the African continent
    $600 5
New York, November 4,1896 "McKinley & Hobart will tame" this "Tiger"
    $800 20
This Black author's most recent best seller is the mystical "Temple of my Familiar"
    DD: $3,500 29
She was born in Darke Co., met her husband, Frank Butler, near Cincinnati & died in Greenville
    DD: $3,000 11
The joint most often replaced by a mechanical one
    $800 15
Martin Scorsese appears in the 1972 film "Boxcar Bertha" in which she plays the title role
    $800 26
This country is moving gov't offices from Dar es Salaam to its new capital, Dodoma
    $800 8
"'I have the old pole' wires" this explorer, was a headline September 7,1909
    $1000 23
Written in his usual factual-fictional style, "Billy Bathgate" is this "Ragtime" author's most recent work
    $1000 12
Latin for "hollow vein", the superior & inferior ones are the largest veins in the human body
    $1000 16
He won an Oscar playing an actor obsessed with the role of Othello in "A Double Life"
    $1000 27
The coastline of this country forms the outer edge of the "Horn" of Africa
    $1000 13
The RTC;
they'll conduct
"history's biggest" fire sale" as they set the savings & loans straight

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Elaine Dave
$3,500 $9,600 $1,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Probably born in France, a U.S. hero in 1815, he burned down his own colony in 1821 & disappeared

Final scores:

Deborah Elaine Dave
$7,000 $9,000 $101
2nd place: Lehigh bedroom furniture & Kingsdown sleep set New champion: $9,000 3rd place: Casablanca ceiling fan & NES with Family & Junior editions of Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Deborah Elaine Dave
$3,500 $7,200 $5,000
16 R,
4 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
16 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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