Suggest correction - #8750 - 2022-11-25

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    $400 15
On a very special day like today, use this official stamp that indicates quality

Show #8750 - Friday, November 25, 2022

Cris Pannullo game 15.


Holly Smith, a writer and editor from Toledo, Ohio

Sam Papuha, a graduate student from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Cris Pannullo, a customer success operations manager from Ocean City, New Jersey (14-day champion whose cash winnings total $487,923)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: I'm always saying that.)
(Ken: That final "ha" will be the start of each correct response.)
    $200 24
It's not heaven, it's Dyersville in this state where the Yankees & White Sox sent 8 home runs into the corn in a 2021 game
    $200 30
It's the square root of the square root of 81
    $200 23
Scotsman William Brownie Garden invented a revolving one of these, so teachers wouldn't have to erase over & over & over
    $200 29
Rumer, Scout & Tallulah Willis are daughters to this "G.I. Jane"
    $200 26
John Scott Haldane saved lives when he proposed that canaries in coal mines would give early warnings of this gas
    $200 22
To be, or not to be this, a settlement smaller than a village, that is about to be the question
    $400 20
You can take me out to the ballgame anytime at Miller Park at this university in Provo, Utah
    $400 7
If the legs of a right triangle are 3 inches & 4 inches, this is the length of the hypotenuse
    $400 17
Launched in 1922, Fruit, Garden & Home Magazine got this new name, BHG for short, in 1924
    $400 25
Last name of acting bros Chris & Liam; Woody Harrelson only realized they were brothers while being interviewed with Liam
    $400 27
The Hoover Dam was the first job site to mandate wearing these, which have saved construction workers' lives
    $400 15
On a very special day like today, use this official stamp that indicates quality
    $600 12
Home of Alex Trebek's beloved CFL Hamilton Tiger-Cats, the field named for this donut company hosted a 2022 NHL outdoor game
    $600 6
1/2 of 1/2 of 1/4 equals this fraction
    $600 18
The garden type of this diminutive being stands out with his beard & red phrygian cap
    $600 28
In 2019 this trio of sibs topped the Billboard 200 with "Happiness Begins"
    $600 16
Emitting a deterrent electromagnetic field, a device that has saved lives in the ocean has the alliterative name this "shield"
    $600 14
Harrowed, gaunt, or in a positive way, Merle
    $800 2
When a ball is out at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in this wealthy emirate known for its skyscrapers, it's really out
    $800 5
It's 12% of 75
    $800 13
Since the first one of these opened in 1982, the breadsticks have been unlimited
    $800 19
Billie Eilish & her brother & collaborator have both dropped the last name O'Connell; he just goes by this name now
    $800 21
NARCAN can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose & is typically used in this form
    $800 9
It's the Spanish word for a southwestern ranch
    DD: $1,000 1
Site of a brief 1983 coup, this West Indies isle of spice hosted 2007 World Cup games at its National Cricket Stadium
    $1000 4
It's the value of y at the point where a graph of the equation y = x + 1 crosses the y axis
    $1000 3
It's the most expensive yellow property on a classic Monopoly board
    $1000 11
On the Netflix show "Maid" Andie MacDowell plays the mom of this real-life actress daughter
    $1000 10
Soldiers & civilians have been kept alive with jammers used against RCIED, short for radio controlled these
    $1000 8
Don't be angry & get these, a dog's neck hairs, "up"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Cris Sam Holly
$5,000 $1,800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cris Sam Holly
$7,400 $2,800 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 13
At Hastings, Harold's infantry held their own until they unwisely advanced, breaking the "wall" of these protective items
    $400 11
2022 marks the 75th anniversary of this Margaret Wise Brown classic about putting a bunny to bed
    $400 28
The white band on Nicaragua's flag represents the land; the 2 blue bands represent these bodies of water it borders
    $400 18
These crackers are "the snack that smiles back"
    $400 29
Despite the sunny title & lyric about easy living, this 1934 Gershwin classic feels melancholy thanks to its minor key
    $400 30
First our company gets this 7-letter type of "takeover", now you're creating the same type of "work environment"; chill out!
    $800 12
In October 1942 the defenders of Stalingrad were backed up against this river; then came the counterattack
    DD: $5,600 10
Pitcher Jim Bouton issued 50 walks in the 1969 season, so 50 times he heard this title of his season diary
    $800 19
This shape moon on Singapore's flag symbolizes a young nation on the rise
    $800 17
Meow Mix says that it's "the only one cats" do this for
    $800 26
John Coltrane blew minds with his version of this "Sound of Music" song about "brown paper packages tied up with strings"
    DD: $3,000 27
One who used the same stream as another led to this word for a competitor
    $1200 5
The Germans were advancing on Paris in September 1914 when General Joffre turned their flank, winning the first battle of this river
    $1200 3
Songs in the musical based on this Bret Easton Ellis novel include "Killing Time", "Killing Spree" & Huey Lewis' "Hip To Be Square"
    $1200 7
The flag of this country combines the colors of its protectors--the blue & red of France & the red & yellow of Spain
    $1200 15
In 2014 Arby's launched this slogan
    $1200 21
This signature tune of the Duke Ellington Orchestra advises listeners to "take" a particular subway line
    $1200 23
This hyphenated word can refer to a type of stitch or what your pal did when he betrayed you
    $1600 4
The Greeks were holding their own at this pass in 480 B.C.; then Ephialtes showed the Persians the way around
    $1600 1
William Makepeace Thackeray not only wrote this novel but illustrated it when it was serialized in the 1840s
    $1600 6
The 4 stars on New Zealand's flag represent this constellation
    $1600 14
This store is "how doers get more done"
    $1600 20
The title of this Dave Brubeck quartet classic reflects its unusual 5/4 time signature
    $1600 22
An enemy of the main character in a play, it also refers to a type of muscle
    $2000 9
Union forces were driving up Henry Hill at the first battle of this, but they were stopped, then routed by Rebel reinforcements
    $2000 2
Alliterative title of Richard Wright's book about racism & intellectual awakening in the segregated South
    $2000 8
This American territory mimics the Great Seal of the United States with a war club & fly whisk replacing arrows & an olive branch
    $2000 16
"Quality never goes out of style" for this clothing brand
    $2000 25
Billie Holiday & frequent collaborator Arthur Herzog wrote this song about a youth "that's got his own"
    $2000 24
With our feud I dub thee this, a word derived from a vengeance goddess; Roman soldiers worshipped her with fervor

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cris Sam Holly
$26,400 $5,200 $3,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2020 Census gave Montana a second U.S. House seat; its most populous county, this one that attracts tourists, grew 11%

Final scores:

Cris Sam Holly
$38,621 $3,000 $1
15-day champion: $526,544 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Cris Sam Holly
$24,200 $5,200 $9,200
34 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
8 R,
1 W
9 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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