Suggest correction - #1387 - 1990-09-18

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    $800 4
In 1948 the Progressive Party chose this FDR VP as its presidential candidate

Show #1387 - Tuesday, September 18, 1990

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Judy Alster, a publications planning manager from New York City, New York

David McKinstry, a banker and student originally from Newton Falls, Ohio

Kyle Freeman, a teacher and proofreader from San Francisco, California (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $36,003)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We will describe the opening and what you have to do in most cases is identify the show.)
    $100 11
You can see a 2,500-year-old ski at the Ski Museum in this Norwegian capital
    $100 6
In "Hamlet" Polonius calls this "the soul of wit"
    $100 14
Holy Spanish city, it fell to King Alfonso VI in 1085
    $100 16
In 1989 Michael Chang became the youngest man to win a Grand Slam event in this sport
    $100 1
His sculpture "The Thinker" is part of a larger work called "The Gates of Hell"
    $100 23
A sheriff & his son carry their fishing poles to a lake
    $200 12
Kyoto is the home of this beverage ceremony & tourists can take classes there to learn it
    $200 7
"Rats desert" this
    $200 15
He floated like a butterfly, stung Napoleon's troops like a bee & was made viceroy of Egypt 1-2-3
    $200 17
This former N.Y. Giants player has been an announcer on Monday Night Football for 19 seasons
    $200 2
Both Donatello's & Michelangelo's statue of David are in this city
    $200 24
A comedy writer walks in the door & trips over an ottoman
    $300 13
Hey! hot stuff, Laredo in this U.S. state has a jalapeno eating contest in its Jalapeno Festival
    $300 8
"He that would the daughter win must with" this woman "first begin"
    $300 18
Barron's World History says he was killed January 30, 1948 by a confused & frustrated fanatic
    $300 25
In 1967 & 1968 the Alpine World Cup was won by this famous skier from France
    DD: $500 3
In addition to portraits of Nicholas Roots, Jan Six & an elephant, he did many of himself
    $300 26
A gun firing, a locomotive & a skyscraper
    $400 21
In 1990, this worldwide network of vacation villages celebrated its 40th birthday
    $400 9
A modern corruption of this proverb is "Marry in haste and repent in the summer"
    $400 19
In 1895 the area run by the British South Africa Company was named this, after a British statesman
    $400 27
Heavyweight champ Gene Tunney & this former champ were involved in boxing's Long Count bout
    $400 4
Spill some of this type of paint on your shirt & the yolk's on you
    $400 29
9 squares containing a father, a mother, a housekeeper & 6 kids
    $500 22
This ancient Greek architectural wonder was the main temple of Athena
    $500 10
He said "Fish and visitors smell in three days"
    $500 20
In 1952, Dr. Prio Socarras, the last freely-elected Cuban president, was overthrown by this man
    $500 28
On July 29, 1989, Cuba's Javier Sotomayor became the first high jumper in history to reach this mark
    $500 5
"Dots nice" would describe this technique used by Seurat
    $500 30
A 20-mule team

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kyle David Judy
$1,300 $300 $2,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kyle David Judy
$3,300 $800 $4,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This is a category about famous authors... we want you to give us their first initials as well.)
    $200 22
In 1930, Clyde Tombaugh discovered this planet from photographic plates taken two moths earlier
    $200 11
Liechtenstein's inhabitants speak the Alemannic dialect of this language
    $200 6
The diaspora refers to the dispersion of these people after the Babylonian exile
    $200 1
John Greenleaf Whittier supported the Liberty Party founded in 1840 to oppose this
    $200 16
Most of the world's northern fur seals go to the Pribilof Islands in this state during breeding season
    $200 12
Many a student has been required to read his novel "The Catcher in the Rye"
    $400 23
It can be traced back to the Pahlavi language & before that the Avestan of the Zoroastrian rich
    $400 7
In Japanese the name of this religion is kami no michi, meaning "the way of the gods"
    DD: $1,000 2
This party's main goal was met with the passage of the 18th Amendment
    $400 17
Antoine's, Arnaud's & the Commander's Palace are among the fine restaurants in this city
    $400 13
The movies "A Passage to India" & "A Room with a View" were based on his novels
    $600 24
Modern Portuguese was derived from this language of Portugal's ancient conquerors
    $600 8
The queen of the California missions is named for this woman saint
    $600 3
This party, named for the paper money issued during & after the Civil War, elected 18 men to Congress in 1878
    $600 19
Water Tower Place, a 74-story hotel, office & shopping center boasts a great view of this Midwest city
    $600 14
He wrote about the honorable Bertie Wooster & his impeccable valet, Jeeves
    DD: $2,500 25
Unlike English, Irish, Welsh & Cornish belong to this group of languages
    $800 9
After a schism in this group Ballington & Maud Booth founded the Volunteers of America in 1896
    $800 4
In 1948 the Progressive Party chose this FDR VP as its presidential candidate
    $800 20
Kentucky is called a commonwealth after this state which used to own it
    $800 15
A noted essayist, he also spun the tale of "Charlotte's Web"
    $1000 26
This American Indian language has the most speakers in the U.S.
    $1000 10
They, not the Shiites, are the majority sect in Islam
    $1000 5
In this state the two major parties are the Republicans & the Democratic Farmer Labor Party
    $1000 21
Mystics & non-mystics can find Mystic Seaport, the largest maritime museum in the U.S. in this state
    $1000 18
His book "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" was one of seven tales about the land of Narnia

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kyle David Judy
$4,500 $5,600 $9,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's bordered by 4 countries, the most of any Central American nation

Final scores:

Kyle David Judy
$0 $1 $7,599
3rd place 2nd place New champion: $7,599

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kyle David Judy
$4,300 $6,600 $7,700
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $18,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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