Suggest correction - #8 - 2022-11-13

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    $200 6
Brides or grooms may succumb to these, a reluctance to wed, not a case of frostbite

Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! game #8 - Sunday, November 13, 2022

2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! semifinal game 2.


Joel Kim Booster, a comedian from Chicago, Illinois

Wil Wheaton, an actor from Burbank, California

John Michael Higgins, an actor from Boston, Massachusetts

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: "A" is the first letter of each response.)
    $100 21
Alexander Gardner here: during this war, I took photos 2 days after Antietam, the first battlefield to be photographed so soon
    $100 10
Physicist Stephen Hawking penned 1988's "A Brief History of" this--I'll get to it, briefly
    $100 28
Customers have been known to customize their orders with 25 pumps or more of vanilla or syrup in their cinnamon dolce latte here
    $100 13
Washing machines use this noisy cycle to extract moisture from freshly laundered clothes
    $100 30
If you do talk about "Fight Club", you can talk about how he played the narrator of that film
    $100 5
Found in baseball box scores, it means how many people were there
    $200 22
Cheerio! I'm Sir Roger Bannister, the first man to run this distance in under 4 minutes, seen here on the same track 50 years later
    DD: $300 2
You dug the musical with Cosette, Javert & all the sad songs; now it's time to pry open this Victor Hugo novel from 1862
    $200 27
This assemble-it-yourself-at-home furnishings retailer began in Sweden & today operates more than 400 stores worldwide
    $200 14
Velocipede a pedale was an Old French term for what we know today as this
    $200 29
If you are "Thinking Out Loud", perhaps you are thinking of this singer/songwriter seen here
    $200 4
In 2021 fugitive Brian Laundrie ended his days in Fla.'s Myakkahatchee Creek area, home to these long & toothy critters
    $300 25
I'm staying anonymous, but I put my initials on a train, a form of graffiti called this
    $300 1
Before I can read the "Edge of Reason" sequel about this plucky, single British woman, I've got to read her "Diary"
    $300 26
"Fitch" pairs with this surname in the name of a clothing store chain
    $300 15
He focused his "ol' blue eyes" on folk & pop songs for his 1968 album "Cycles"
    $300 17
This saga of novels & films had fans divided into Team Edward & Team Jacob, boiling down to sparkly vampire or werewolf?
    $300 3
These of Judy Garland, like on a movie still, are among the most coveted of Hollywood stars
    $400 24
I'm lead architect James Polshek & I kept a bridge motif in mind designing this man's presidential library in Little Rock
    $400 6
Over the years, this novel about Holden Caulfield has been frequently challenged for its sex & profanity; I'm in!
    $400 19
This convenience store took its name in 1946 from the extended hours between which its stores were open
    $400 16
Spots on this appear in 11-year cycles & can be several times the size of the Earth
    $400 11
Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine called this late guitarist "the Mozart of our generation"
    $400 9
To avoid a libel lawsuit, news stories about someone accused of a crime use this word meaning "accused"
    $500 23
I'm this 1-named Renaissance sculptor & I did a bust, now in Florence, of another 1-named dude, Brutus
    $500 7
David Foster Wallace's weighty tome titled "Infinite" this; we kid you not, it took him 4 years to write it
    $500 20
Ron Johnson, Apple's former senior VP for retail, came up with this name for the counter where you take your broken MacBook
    $500 18
In 1953 sir Hans Krebs got this big prize for describing the cycle by which living cells obtain energy
    $500 12
Vincent Price's last appearance on the big screen was this 1990 film starring Johnny Depp as the title character with unusual appendages
    $500 8
Animation puts images on a screen; this longer word is the technology of lifelike motorized puppets

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Wil Joel
$200 $1,300 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Wil Joel
$400 $3,800 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
This boat that brought over the first Pilgrims reached what is today Massachusetts in November 1620
    $200 10
In "the six hundred and first year", second month, 27th day, the earth was dried & this vessel's occupants could leave it
    $200 26
Spring or any other season is a lovely time to visit the Musee d'Orsay in this city
    $200 6
Brides or grooms may succumb to these, a reluctance to wed, not a case of frostbite
    $200 22
In "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown", this character sings "My Blanket and Me"
    $200 30
L.A. fans are notorious for pulling out of this venue onto Vin Scully Avenue around the 7th inning to beat the traffic
    $400 13
Launched in 1953, the USS Albacore was a research ship that pioneered the "teardrop" hull shape for this type of vessel
    $400 8
Called "kings" in a Christmas carol, these visitors to the young Jesus brought a trio of gifts: gold, frankincense & myrrh
    DD: $5,200 5
Prince's Cloud #2 Blue Angel electric guitar is on display at this Cleveland museum
    $400 15
To fall in love in a surprisingly complete manner is to do so this way, mentioning body parts on 2 extremes
    $400 21
In September 2022 Lea Michele stepped into the role of Fanny Brice in the revival of this show
    $400 12
L.A. lore says when Johnny Carson asked Bette Davis how a young actress could get into here, Bette said, "Take Fountain"
    $600 27
The HMS Beagle took this scientist on an 1830s voyage to South America, where the sites influenced his theories of evolution
    $600 2
There was some serious sibling rivalry with these first 2 sons of Adam & Eve
    $600 9
Visitors to Chicago's Field Museum can gaze upon Sue, one of these dinosaurs
    $600 16
When you "keep" someone at this distance, you're not sure of their intentions & don't want them too close to you
    $600 14
The Tony-winning Best Musical of 2011, it features the songs "Two by Two" & "Joseph Smith American Moses"
    $600 11
You can tell "The Big Sleep" was written 80+ years ago--the hero drives "through Pasadena & almost at once I was in" groves of these
    $800 29
Since Dec. 7, 1941 the USS Arizona has lain at the bottom of this Hawaiian location
    $800 4
Matthew 5:5 says, "Blessed are" this group "for they shall inherit the earth"
    $800 23
The National Air & Space Museum & the National Museum of the American Indian are part of this Washington, D.C. complex
    $800 17
From World War II came a reminder to be careful what you say around others because these "sink ships"
    DD: $6,400 19
A small Jewish village in Russia, Anatevka is the setting for this musical
    $800 1
This person who takes your keys may be a future star; Bill Paxton did that job at the Beverly Hills Hotel
    $1000 28
This U.S. ship from the War of 1812 is nicknamed "Old Ironsides"
    $1000 7
This 5-letter word refers to the "bread from heaven" eaten by the Israelites as told in the Book of Exodus
    $1000 24
Head to Bloomsbury in London to visit this national museum & its famous collection of mummies & other antiquities
    $1000 18
When you need to concentrate on your ultimate goal, remember to "keep" this, a rhyming phrase involving visual organs
    $1000 20
"Hairspray" & "Cry-Baby" are both based on movies by this cult film director
    $1000 3
The 1950 movie with this title is about an hour & 50 minutes; it'll take about that long to drive the same-named 22-mile road

Scores at the Double Jeopardy! Round commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Wil Joel
$0 $12,800 $5,400

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Wil Joel
$600 $17,000 $14,800

Triple Jeopardy! Round

(Matt Amodio: I'm Matt Amodio, Jeopardy! superchamp and Yale Ph.D. focusing on artificial intelligence and machine learning, and we'll talk computer science together.)
    $300 16
A good first word to learn is this one meaning both "hello" & "peace"
    $300 23
In 1927, this American became an international idol by flying solo across the Atlantic in his plane Spirit of St. Louis
    $300 17
The Gulf Stream becomes the North Atlantic Drift & keeps the west of this cold-sounding island country warmer than the east
    $300 26
This golf great won his first Masters in 1997 at age 21 & 4 since then
    $300 5
A story goes that asked by his father if he'd chopped down a cherry tree, this boy admitted it, saying, "I cannot tell a lie"
    $300 22
(Matt Amodio delivers the clue.) Before the hard disk era, the storage of data or programs known as this word took more cumbersome forms, like huge circular drums & reels bearing hundreds of feet of tape
    $600 15
A frequent source of comedy is new speakers who mix up michnasayim, pants, with mishkafayim, these--but you don't have reading pants
    $600 9
In the 1605 "Gunpowder Plot", Guy Fawkes & fellow conspirators tried to blow up this English legislative body
    DD: $6,000 18
The Gulf Stream warms Cape Hatteras & adjacent areas of this state
    $600 25
In 2008 this Jamaican sprinter came from out of the blue to set the first of many world records; Olympic gold would follow
    $600 4
It's the legendary hairy humanlike creature of the Pacific Northwest also known as sasquatch
    $600 30
(Matt Amodio delivers the clue.) Able to recognize patterns & help solve problems, neural networks are designed in imitation of this roughly 3-pound item
    $900 12
Unlike if you're at Trader Joe's, if you're speaking Hebrew, this dip has a guttural first letter & 2 long vowels
    DD: $5,000 6
This 1803 deal doubled the size of the young United States
    $900 19
An undersea area called the Charleston Bump attracts fish like this one to part of the Gulf Stream's course
    $900 10
Winner of 20 Grand Slam singles titles, this tennis great recently announced his retirement from competitive play
    DD: $600 2
This giant lumberjack & hero of logging camps had a giant blue ox named Babe as a companion
    $900 20
(Matt Amodio delivers the clue.) In this code that's the basis for digital computing, my beloved Cleveland Guardians would've retired Bob Feller's number 10011 & Jim Thome's 11001
    $1200 13
Abba is this relative; Jesus says, "Abba... all things are possible unto thee... not what I will, but what thou wilt"
    $1200 7
Thousands of Cherokee & other Native Americans died along the 1830s relocation route known by this sad name
    $1200 24
Leaving this Florida city, or its "West" neighbor, we'll have to cross the Gulf Stream to sail to the Bahamas
    $1200 11
After retiring from the Houston Rockets, this 7'6" center became president of the Chinese Basketball Association
    $1200 1
William the this ruled England; High John the this is a figure of liberation in African-American folklore
    $1200 21
(Matt Amodio delivers the clue.) A statistician who annoyed some computer scientists by butting into our field, John Tukey came up with this 8-letter word for the programs that tell a computer what to do
    $1500 14
In Hebrew verb tenses, atid means this; Yesh Atid, or "there is a" this, is an Israeli political party
    $1500 8
Hopes were high when this predecessor to the United Nations first met in 1920, but it didn't live up to the hype
    $1500 29
Along this country, the west edge of Scandinavia, the Gulf Stream carries 10 sverdrups of water--that's right, 10 sverdrups
    $1500 27
Jackie Joyner-Kersee was the first woman to win this 7-event track & field competition at back-to-back Olympics
    $1500 3
This mythic animal of the West is usually depicted as a rabbit with antelope horns
    $1500 28
(Matt Amodio delivers the clue.) This word means a procedure for solving a computational problem; it can be simple, like the steps of long division, or complicated, like the ones search engines use to deliver results

Scores at the end of the Triple Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Wil Joel
$5,400 $32,200 $19,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The villainess in this French novel kind of undercuts the title when she says, "among these four men two only are to be feared"

Final scores:

Michael Wil Joel
$10,800 $42,200 $38,600
3rd place: $50,000 for the Actors' Equity Foundation, including the Entertainment Community Fund Winner: finalist 2nd place: $50,000 for Selah Neighborhood Homeless Coalition

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Wil Joel
$5,700 $17,900 $13,900
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
38 R
(including 3 DDs),
4 W
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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