Suggest correction - #8741 - 2022-11-14

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    $2000 17
The name of this prayer stool is French for "pray God"

Show #8741 - Monday, November 14, 2022

2022 Tournament of Champions final game 1.


Sam Buttrey, an associate professor of operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School from Pacific Grove, California

Andrew He, a software developer from San Francisco, California

Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will begin with "D" and end with "O".)
    $200 20
Sea Life, Minnesota's biggest one of these
    $200 29
5,305-foot Mount Ossa is the highest peak on this Australian island
    $200 8
A 1984 campaign ad for this man proclaimed it was "morning again in America"
    $200 1
This shark, this shark, burning bright / & the pups have vertical stripes
    $200 30
He was MVP of the NBA Finals in 1991, 1992 & 1993 & again in 1996, 1997 & 1998
    $200 18
Term for an electric generator at a power plant or a hardworking doer at the office
    $400 21
This place to create your own stuffed animal
    $400 28
Fernandina & Isabela are among the islands in this chain belonging to Ecuador
    $400 9
Robin Williams' first Best Actor Oscar nomination came for his role in this 1987 film
    $400 2
Though it has about 50 rows of very small teeth on each jaw, the megamouth shark is a filter feeder, eating this 5-letter crustacean
    $400 27
From 2014 through 2021, she won the vault at every U.S. Championship in which she competed, 6 in all
    $400 12
In the mid-1400s he sculpted the biblical David a bit over 5 feet high in bronze
    $600 22
A store specializing in these lightweight clog-like shoes
    $600 25
This geographical line runs around the globe at approximately 23 degrees 27 minutes south latitude
    $600 10
Launched in 1831, this Down Under city's Morning Herald is still going strong
    $600 3
It's not a grotesque elf, it's this type of bottom dwelling shark seen here
    $600 26
Our stage was recently graced by Dan Feyer, who won the Stamford, Conn. tournament for solving these from 2010 through 2015
    $600 7
A Brooklyn neighborhood has this acronymic name that fits the category
    $800 23
Fabletics, co-founded by this actress
    DD: $1,800 13
You can go from "A" to "Z" crossing the 660-mile border between these 2 southern African countries
    $800 16
Proverbially & colorfully, when this is seen "at morning, sailor take warning"
    $800 4
The largest shark to ever live, it was an estimated 52' long & had a name meaning "big tooth"; it died out about 3 million years ago
    $800 15
Born in Prague, she got U.S. citizenship in 1981, then won 6 straight Wimbledon titles beginning in 1982
    $800 6
Room 222 at the Strater Hotel in this Colorado city was where Louis L'Amour wrote many of his Western novels
    $1000 24
Outdoor clothing & gear from this eponymous store out of Washington State
    $1000 11
This republic of 115 islands northeast of Madagascar was uninhabited until its 18th century settlement by the French
    $1000 17
2-word name for the medieval weapon seen here; you don't wanna be on the wrong side of it
    $1000 19
This "medical" shark isn't known for its caring manner; it often lies motionless on the sea bottom, eating crabs
    $1000 14
Before he set the major-league record, he had a 61-game hitting streak in the minors
    $1000 5
It's the proprietary name for an acoustic guitar with a metal resonator built into its body; it's popular for country music

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Andrew Sam
$1,400 $4,400 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Andrew Sam
$5,000 $4,200 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll have to name the TV show that featured these actors.)
    $400 25
An early experiment in representative government, the House of Burgesses met for the first time in 1619 in this settlement
    $400 7
A Jewish man who reaches age 83 may have a second of these rituals
    $400 30
Sylvia Plath's "Parliament Hill Fields" is set in this city that she loved & where she died
    $400 29
One of these entertainers, Japanese for "art person", worked in an ochaya, a tea house
    $400 8
Desk jockeys:
Jenna Fischer,
Kate Flannery
    $400 27
Hall Napoleon is the vast lobby below this museum's glass pyramid
    $800 24
The assassination of James Garfield made this man the 21st president
    $800 6
53 is the racing number of Herbie, a unique vehicle from this automaker in the Disney movie "The Love Bug"
    DD: $7,800 13
"Thou singest of summer in full-throated ease", Keats wrote in "Ode to" this creature
    $800 28
This Swedish word that means "bread & butter table" can include sliced meats & cheeses
    $800 10
Part of a '70s trio: Suzanne Somers,
Joyce DeWitt
    $800 26
The "Infinite Corridor" in this Boston-area school can get crowded with engineering & computer science majors
    $1200 1
The Compromise of 1850 admitted this Western state to the Union, with slavery banned there
    $1200 4
In 2016 Kellogg's discontinued this "Product", the most delicious cereal it ever made
    $1200 9
"And God said: that's good!" is a refrain in James Weldon Johnson's 1927 poem titled this biblical event
    $1200 12
This name of a sauce brand is Italian for "you're welcome"
    $1200 14
Sent to scrutinize:
French Stewart,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
    $1200 15
Some of what we know about Viking longhouses & their great halls comes from the Eddas & these, like the Grettis one
    $1600 2
MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech called for freedom to ring from Stone Mountain in Georgia & this mountain in Tennessee
    $1600 3
This man who served 37th president Richard Nixon later wrote a biography of 29th president Warren G. Harding
    $1600 11
A book by Herbert J.C. Grierson about John Donne & other 17th c. poets helped popularize this philosophical adjective for them
    DD: $6,000 16
A criminal who is caught red-handed is caught this way, "while the crime is blazing"
    $1600 18
The doctor is in:
Mads Mikkelsen,
Laurence Fishburne
    $1600 23
Publisher of The Liberator, he founded the New England Anti-Slavery Society in Boston at what was called the Black Faneuil Hall
    $2000 22
An eyewitness account of the Boston Massacre said this man hit several soldiers with a club before he was shot
    $2000 5
Psi is this number letter in the Greek alphabet
    $2000 21
The "Terrible Sonnets" of this 3-named 19th c. poet aren't bad but sad, like "No Worst, There is None" & "Carrion Comfort"
    $2000 17
The name of this prayer stool is French for "pray God"
    $2000 19
Daveed Diggs,
Sean Bean
    $2000 20
Seen here, Chapultepec Castle in Mexico once served as a residence to this emperor & his Empress Carlota

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Andrew Sam
$14,600 $18,800 $12,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In July 2022 the ousted president of this country fled west across the Indian Ocean to the Maldives

Final scores:

Amy Andrew Sam
$4,600 $29,201 $12,000
3rd place Winner: 1 match point 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amy Andrew Sam
$14,600 $10,800 $18,000
19 R,
1 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $43,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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