Suggest correction - #7 - 2022-11-06

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    $500 21
In 1858 the future St. Bernadette went to a grotto & had visions that turned this French town into a pilgrimage center

Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! game #7 - Sunday, November 6, 2022

2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 6.


Melissa Rauch, an actor from Marlboro Township, New Jersey

Joel Kim Booster, a comedian from Chicago, Illinois

Ray Romano, an actor from Queens, New York

Jeopardy! Round

BIG ____
    $100 6
This Hawaiian island had a Honolulu of a hot year in 2019; attention, shoppers at Waimalu Plaza, it hit 107 one day
    $100 7
Early in the 20th century, New York City was being recognized by this nickname; later, tourists were told to take a bite of it
    $100 12
On this sitcom, Phoebe spied Ugly Naked Guy having dinner with Ugly Naked Gal
    $100 17
The mittens this Vermont senator wore to President Biden's inauguration became an internet sensation
    $100 22
Severus Snape is the "Defense Against the Dark Arts" teacher at this school that Harry Potter attends
    $100 1
This largest tropical rain forest can average well over 100 inches of rain each year
    DD: $200 27
On the map, Italy looks like it's giving the boot to this Mediterranean island, which was kicking around at 120 degrees in 2021
    $200 8
Filling in for someone who is known for doing a really good job? Well, idiomatically, you've got these "to fill"
    $200 13
Seen here, he dropped trou in "Nightmare Alley"; not so much of a nightmare for some
    $200 18
In 1987 she originated one of her iconic roles as the witch in the Broadway production of "Into the Woods"
    $200 23
Peter Pevensie is one of the children who come to reign over this land created by C.S. Lewis
    $200 2
Drivers can thank Mary Anderson for creating an early form of this, moved by a handle from inside a streetcar to clear rain
    $300 28
Playing all the hits of 2020, it's hot 102.7 in Veguitas in this Caribbean country about 90 miles south of Florida
    $300 9
Step right up, ladies & gents; from acrobats to clown cars, we've got it all inside this structure
    $300 14
This actor said that he had no nude double for "The Wolf of Wall Street": "All the flopping around... was all me"
    $300 19
Terry Kiser played the titular corpse in this 1989 comedy that also starred Andrew McCarthy & Jonathan Silverman
    $300 24
Tiny Tim is a sickly boy in this Dickens classic with an alliterative title
    $300 3
The title number in "Singin' in the Rain" was shot in summer in Culver City when water was in high demand & this star was ill
    $400 29
In September 2020 it was a toasty 110 in this one of California's Channel Islands with Avalon as its only city
    $400 10
Christian Bale & Steve Carell were in this 2015 Adam McKay movie that detailed the craziness of the 2008 financial crisis
    $400 15
In "The Hangover", the guys think their missing buddy Doug is in the trunk, but it's a naked Mr. Chow, played by this comedian
    $400 20
He died in 2021 while serving 150 years for running the largest Ponzi scheme in history, with paper losses of $64.8 billion
    $400 25
He's the evil dictator who's "watching you" in "1984"
    $400 4
On Titan, this ringed planet's largest moon, it rains methane
    $500 30
92 at Kilkenny Castle in 1887 was long considered the hottest temperature in this island nation
    $500 11
In a 1901 speech regarding U.S. foreign policy, Teddy Roosevelt advised, "Speak softly and carry" this
    $500 16
Seen here, this actress & Mike Myers were both au naturel in the first "Austin Powers", but fruits provided strategic cover for her
    $500 21
In 1858 the future St. Bernadette went to a grotto & had visions that turned this French town into a pilgrimage center
    $500 26
Billy Bibbit & Charles Cheswick are fellow inmates with Randle McMurphy in this Ken Kesey novel set in a mental hospital
    $500 5
In the King James Bible, "the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah" these 2 things

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ray Joel Melissa
$700 $2,300 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Joel Melissa
$1,600 $4,500 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
In 1492 Columbus was actually trying to reach this continent--thus the name "West Indies" for the places where he landed
    $200 6
P.L. Travers is best remembered for her books about this magical nanny
    $200 19
The pericardium is the sac that contains this organ
    $200 1
Larry David remembered a tuba piece called "Frolic" he'd heard in a bank ad & that became a signature theme of this show
    $200 26
The item in the center of this nation's flag is a wheel of law called the Ashoka Chakra
    $200 7
Coming about 40 days after Lent begins, it's one of the few days when it's relatively safe to put all your eggs in one basket
    $400 17
Percy Fawcett, who disappeared searching for a lost jungle city in the 1920s, is often called "the real life" this movie character
    $400 8
James Baldwin's semi-autobiographical first novel was called "Go Tell It on" this
    $400 21
Hey--your epidermis is showing! Relax, it's just the outer layer of this
    $400 2
This actress, as Selina Meyer on "Veep": "I'm used to dealing with angry, aggressive, dysfunctional men. i.e., men"
    $400 27
The flag of this U.S. commonwealth looks like Cuba's flag, but with the red & blue reversed
    $400 9
This tool is used by artists to support their work; here's a painting by Rembrandt that shows one in the foreground
    $600 18
Ponce de Leon was looking for an island said to be the site of this rejuvenating spring but found Florida--how's that irony?
    $600 10
In the novel of the same name, Alice Walker wrote, "I think it pisses God off if you walk by" this "in a field... and don't notice it"
    $600 22
Because it resembles an upside-down tree, the whole system inside this pair of organs is sometimes called the "bronchial tree"
    $600 3
At Comic Con with the cast of this show, Matt Berry was asked, "Have people started yelling 'Bat!' at you?"; yes. Yes they have
    $600 28
Seen here on Alaska's flag is this star grouping, part of Ursa Major
    $600 13
It's the type of exercise Jane Fonda & Richard Simmons popularized in the 1980s; feel the burn!
    $800 24
"I presume" you know the name of this Doctor who went missing exploring in Africa; a search party found him in 1871
    $800 11
Esther Greenwood, who has a mental breakdown in "The Bell Jar", was largely based on this author herself
    DD: $1,500 20
No butts about it--it's the 2-word name for the most massive muscle in the human body
    DD: $500 4
Daniel Stern began narrating this '60s-set show in 1988; Don Cheadle handled the task in the 2021 reboot
    $800 29
The cross & sword represent St. George & St. Paul on the flag of the City of this, the historic center of the same-named capital
    $800 14
Fly high in style aboard a big, beefy A380 from this European company
    $1000 25
This Italian was looking for a sea route to the Pacific when he found some New York "narrows"; ah well, he got a bridge named for him
    $1000 12
This Swedish author of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" & its sequels died before any of them were published
    $1000 23
This other name for the voice box also ends with the letter "X"
    $1000 5
On "Brooklyn Nine-Nine", this actor seen here decided, "we'll go to my house. Or as Zeke calls it, Tiny Terry's Hobbit Hole"
    $1000 30
After the Soviet Union broke apart, so did its flag with a gold star & these 2 symbols representing workers & peasants
    $1000 15
Astronomers use this 3-letter word to refer to a period of time equaling one billion years; to others, it means a really long time

Scores at the Double Jeopardy! Round commercial break (after clue 15):

Ray Joel Melissa
$2,200 $8,300 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Joel Melissa
$4,900 $10,300 $2,200

Triple Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: You name the song.)
    $300 16
The Sugar Plum Fairy is a character in this ballet that's a favorite at Christmas
    $300 24
The highest point of Nepal, it's also the highest mountain in the world
    $300 1
Did this man really steal from the rich & give to the poor? The 2,000 Year Old Man: no, he stole from everybody & kept everything
    $300 21
In 2022 Harriet Hageman defeated Liz Cheney in a much-commented-on Republican primary in this state
    $300 6
For a mixed breed dog, some say mongrel & others use this 4-letter equivalent
    $300 11
"Hot night, wind was blowing, where you think you're going, baby?
Hey, I just met you & this is crazy"
    $600 17
According to the title of a Rossini opera, Figaro! Figaro! Figaro! is this professional "of Seville"
    $600 25
From 1867 to 1918 it formed a dual monarchy with Austria
    $600 2
Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder gets involved in this type of one-on-one affair with the Duke of Wellington--to be fought with cannons
    $600 22
In November 2018 he defeated Beto O'Rourke to retain his Senate seat & grew a beard
    $600 7
Elvis had a No. 1 hit about this kind of dog, "cryin' all the time"
    $600 12
"It's OK, he already in my DMs... Why are men great 'til they gotta be great? Don't text me, tell it straight to my face"
    DD: $200 18
The fate of these lovers from Shakespeare is no better in the ballet with music by Prokofiev
    DD: $4,000 26
The Maori were the first inhabitants of this country & today make up about 15% of the population
    $900 3
Bob Newhart on the phone with Walter Raleigh about this stuff: "shred the leaves... between your lips... set fire to it!"
    $900 23
This delaying tactic that once required a speech of several hours means a simple majority is not enough to pass a Senate bill
    DD: $2,000 8
As an adjective, it means "like a dog"; as a noun, it's a type of tooth
    $900 13
"She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain, I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain"
    $1200 19
The 2021 nonfiction book "Black Ballerinas: My Journey to Our Legacy" is by this prima ballerina
    $1200 27
Known as the "land of the Inca", it's also home to Machu Picchu
    $1200 4
On "Drunk History", he's "like, 'No... I'm not gonna defect to the British side!
That's insane! George Washington is my daddy, kind of'"
    $1200 29
A president traditionally gets applause from all of Congress for this event; here's Eisenhower arriving for his first
    $1200 9
Certain small dogs are classified as this group, sounding perfect for play & the right size for laps
    $1200 14
"I'm... classy, bougie, ratchet (yeah), sassy, moody, nasty (hey, hey, yeah), acting stupid, what's happening?"
    $1500 20
The last opera this genius composed was "The Magic Flute"
    $1500 28
Egypt's major waterways include the Nile River, of course, & this manmade waterway that opened in 1869
    $1500 5
On "Our Flag Means Death", Rhys Darby plays Stede Bonnet & Taika Waititi is this more notorious pirate
    $1500 30
Kimberly Guilfoyle, fiancee of Donald Trump Jr., was once married to this current governor of California
    $1500 10
This command means the dog should be on the owner's left side, no more than about 6 inches away
    $1500 15
"Chickity China, the Chinese chicken, you have a drumstick & your brain stops tickin', watchin' X-Files with no lights on"

Scores at the end of the Triple Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Joel Melissa
$3,300 $18,600 $3,300
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

With wood becoming more difficult to source, this company turned to plastic for its automatic binding bricks, introduced in 1949

Final scores:

Ray Joel Melissa
$42 $19,000 $0
2nd place: $30,000 to Harvest Home Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $30,000 to Oscar’s Kids

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ray Joel Melissa
$8,800 $17,500 $4,500
21 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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