Suggest correction - #22 - 1984-10-09

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    $200 3
1982's "sweet" welterweight champ

Show #22 - Tuesday, October 9, 1984

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Andi Manpearl, a market research consultant from Beverly Hills, California

Steve Peterson, a bank teller originally from Torrington, Wyoming

Diane McCain, a student from Van Nuys, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $5,800)

Jeopardy! Round

THE '60s
    $100 1
Detroit baseball Bengals
    $100 2
Where Armstrong left the footprint of his one small step
    $100 8
Pronounced one way it's a fish, the other a deep male voice
    $100 16
Because she had one embedded in her gold tooth Western madame Lil won this nickname
    $100 19
Sabrina, Jill & Kelly were his angels
    $200 3
1982's "sweet" welterweight champ
    $200 4
In 1964 we got the 1st report from the surgeon general linking illness & these
    $200 9
It makes a football sail, or a student not fail
    $200 17
& what you shouldn't cast before swine
    $200 20
Shakespeare's "West Side Story"
    $300 10
The 7-10 is one in bowling
    $300 5
Even with Communist denouncement this dance was popular behind the Iron Curtain in '63
    $300 12
Hamlet's thing to catch the conscience of the king
    $300 18
Fine-grained quartz used to make an aggie marble
    $300 21
She dropped the LaPiere & he the Bono
    $400 11
Most prestigious award in yachting named for boat which first won it in 1851
    $400 6
In December '64 the New York International Airport changed its name to this
    $400 13
A little off the top & sides or tinsel on a tree
    $400 22
Their 3rd partner was in turn: Shemp, Curly, Shemp, Joe & finally Curly Joe
    $500 14
Name of this 2-day track event is Greek for "10 contests"
    $500 7
Independent southern presidential candidate who considered Colonel Sanders as a running mate
    $500 15
Miss Ohio's reads "Miss Ohio"; Miss Idaho's reads "Miss Idaho"
    $500 23
Robert & Natalie & Elliott & Dyan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):

Diane Steve Andi
-$500 $500 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Diane Steve Andi
$100 $500 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Wanting the job of commander he came to Continental Congress in full dress uniform
    $200 1
An attorney named Schuster probably inspired this nickname for a dishonest lawyer
    $200 3
His celebrated jumper from Calaveras County
    $200 14
South Sea island synonymous with atomic-sized blasts & atom-sized swimsuits
    $200 19
By counting them you can discover a tree's age
    $200 7
While this family advertises Pepsi, religion stops Michael from drinking it
    $400 17
Disgruntled officer urged by Washington not to quit, later turned traitor
    $400 2
"Justice is incidental to law and order", said this former FBI chief
    $400 5
The name Twain's mother gave him
    $400 15
The green hell to which Dreyfus & Papillon were sentenced
    $400 20
Slave turned botanist who created 300 new products from peanuts
    $400 8
His law states that if anything can go wrong it will
    $600 4
Civil law in France & Louisiana is based on his code
    $600 12
Huck Finn said he go to hell before he'd betray this runaway slave
    DD: $800 23
Only New York City borough not on an island
    $600 21
"Sound of Music" song asking this white Alpine flower to "bless my homeland forever"
    $600 9
The show's writers never gave this Peter Falk character a 1st name
    $800 6
What habeas corpus protects you against
    $800 13
It appeared in the sky the year he was born & the year he died
    $800 24
Campobello Island, FDR's summer home, is in this country
    $800 22
Japanese dwarf tree whose name sounds like a WWII battle cry
    $800 10
The "G" in MGM
    $1000 18
Learned judge who sat on the federal bench longer than any other
    $1000 11
Mac & Dick's name bought lock, stock & burger by Ray Kroc

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Diane Steve Andi
$4,100 $900 $4,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Only state bordering on 4 of the 5 Great Lakes

Final scores:

Diane Steve Andi
$6,100 $1,800 $5,000
2-day champion: $11,900 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Diane Steve Andi
$4,100 $900 $4,800
20 R,
7 W
6 R,
3 W
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $9,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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