Suggest correction - #8696 - 2022-09-12

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    $400 26
The 3 headline indexes are the Dow Industrials, the S&P 500 & this stock exchange's Composite

Show #8696 - Monday, September 12, 2022

Luigi de Guzman game 2.
First game of Season 39.
Ken Jennings hosts.
Return to a full studio audience.


Katherine May, a financial institution risk manager from Riverside, Illinois

Tim Faulkner, a paperboy from Kalamazoo, Michigan

Luigi de Guzman, an attorney from Arlington, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,401)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: We begin with, in honor of Season 39...)
(Ken: We promise.)
(Ken: You'll have to make the requested change to the word "chump" in each clue.)
(Ralph: I'm Ralph Macchio. On Cobra Kai, I'm still Daniel LaRusso, but you'll see how a few things have changed since his Karate Kid days.)
    $200 1
39 of the 55 assembled delegates signed this document in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787
    $200 6
A Hungarian exam
    $200 17
It can mean a high rate of personnel turnover, or an entryway like the elegant ones at New York City's Plaza Hotel
    $200 26
One-name title of Alexandra Ripley's sequel to "Gone with the Wind"; Ashley finally proposes, but she says no
    $200 10
Change a letter to get this big winner
    $200 15
(Ralph Macchio presents the clue.) But what does "Cobra Kai" even mean? Well, "kai" is a gathering, so "Cobra Kai" is "an assembly of cobras"--fierce fighters who meet in this type of room & school to train
    $400 2
A popular tourist spot, Pier 39 in this California city features many attractions, including the Aquarium of the Bay
    $400 7
A Korean parchment curled up for storage
    $400 18
The entryway at this London address features a Georgian era glossed-black door with lion's head knocker & a 10
    $400 27
This novel by Andy Weir about a stranded astronaut was originally self-published
    $400 11
Drop a letter to get this dromedary dome
    $400 22
(Ralph Macchio presents the clue.) Just as Daniel once used this bird kick against Johnny to great effect, Johnny's student Miguel got similar results with it
    $600 3
In 1972 this team retired catcher Roy Campanella's No. 39 on the same day as it retired his teammate's famous 42
    $600 8
A Lebanese matching jacket & trousers
    $600 19
The 80-mile-long Door Peninsula separates Wisconsin's Green Bay from the rest of this Great Lake
    $600 28
"The Sicilian" by this author is another novel set in his universe of the criminal Corleone clan
    $600 12
Change 2 letters to get this bell sound
    $600 23
(Ralph Macchio presents the clue.) Running a car dealership has its perks, especially when you wanna teach this 4-word karate defense; it's great practice for the kids, & your fleet will look fantastic
    $800 4
This Opus No. 39 by Edward Elgar has a theme often heard at school graduations
    $800 9
Philippine flavoring from a tropical orchid
    $800 20
This type of spider makes a hinged opening through which the unlucky descend to their doom
    DD: $4,000 29
Like the narrator of "The Little Prince", the book's author, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, chose this as his profession
    $800 13
Drop 2 letters to get this sports authority
    $800 24
(Ralph Macchio presents the clue.) Johnny & I may not agree on a lot of things, but we did have a nice moment when we heard & sang "Take It On The Run" as we test-drove a car--as I said, "What kind of man doesn't like this '80s band?"
    $1000 5
In the King James Bible, the Old Testament has 39 books, with Kings, Chronicles & this prophet each having a 1 & 2 book
    $1000 16
Sudanese darkness or sadness
    $1000 21
Initiated in 1899, the Open Door Policy was based on the U.S. & other nations all having equal access to this Asian country
    $1000 30
This poet wrote "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" on the back of an envelope when he was just 17
    $1000 14
Change 2 letters to get this metal fastener
    $1000 25
(Ralph Macchio presents the clue.) We all wish Pat Morita was still with us to do the show; I've often said Pat brought a soulful magic to this "Karate Kid" role for which he earned an Oscar nomination

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Luigi Tim Katherine
$3,400 $1,800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Luigi Tim Katherine
$14,000 $2,000 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll have to name the knighted star of each film.)
    $400 6
Between 49th & 60th Streets in NYC, you'll find glamorous shops like Cartier on this avenue
    $400 7
A less serious offense, such as shoplifting, often punished with less than one year in prison
    $400 12
Around 1860 Dr. W.F. Daniell took cola nuts for intestinal issues, couldn't sleep & discovered that they contain this chemical
    $400 21
Normally a dozy institution, this 105-member upper house of Parliament was news in 2012 with a housing expenses scandal
    $400 26
The 3 headline indexes are the Dow Industrials, the S&P 500 & this stock exchange's Composite
    $400 1
Rushing around in "From Russia with Love" & "The Russia House"
    $800 8
In a song by Phantom Planet, this 3-digit highway that takes you from L.A. to S.F. sort of rhymes with "California Here We Come"
    $800 17
In 1949 Joseph Sobek created this soon-popular game played within 4 walls
    DD: $4,000 13
4 of these were discovered by 1807; astronomers sulked that they weren't full planets but got over it when Astraea was found in 1845
    $800 22
In 1880 the Arctic Islands became part of these territories between the Yukon & Nunavut
    $800 27
In 2017 Oregon became the first state with automatic these savings accounts: employees are enrolled unless they opt out
    $800 2
Gus in "Cats" & also giving a magnetic performance in "X-Men"
    $1200 9
An uphill bike race is held annually in Burlington, Iowa, on this alley seen here, named for a type of critter
    $1200 18
Type of criminal seen here & often portrayed in heist movies
    $1200 14
Seen here is the first known illustration of a dinosaur bone; the lower part of this thigh bone, it baffled scientists on discovery in 1676
    DD: $6,000 23
Founded by a royal charter, the company named for this body of water employed "voyageurs" who explored Canada by canoe
    $1200 3
The maitre d' at L'Idiot in "L.A. Story" & also giving a thoughtful performance in "X-Men"
    $1600 10
This 2,460-mile interstate stretches coast to coast, passing the Superdome & Tucson's Pima Air & Space Museum
    $1600 19
A homeless person may still have a place indoors to sleep; this is the term for someone sleeping on the streets
    $1600 15
Work at Rice University led to the discovery of buckyballs, named for resembling this Buckminster Fuller creation
    $1600 24
Asked to yield this city to the English in 1690, Count Frontenac said, "My only reply will be from the mouths of my cannons"
    $1600 4
Ruling in "The Cider House Rules" & (What's it all about?) "Alfie"
    $2000 11
You can see why the club-filled stretch of this Memphis street is called Neon Row
    $2000 20
The original line of this separating 2 territories was the one dividing the New World between Spain & Portugal
    $2000 16
Discovered around 1980, these nasty proteins (hence the "pr" in the word) are a cause of fatal brain diseases
    $2000 25
A World Heritage Site, these Newfoundland meadows contain the first evidence of Europeans in the New World
    $2000 5
"Murder by Death" & "Star Wars", one year apart

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Luigi Tim Katherine
$38,400 $5,200 $1,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"This bell was named Marie... alone in the southern tower, with her sister Jacqueline, a bell of lesser size", says this novel

Final scores:

Luigi Tim Katherine
$42,400 $5,400 $1,400
2-day champion: $65,801 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Luigi Tim Katherine
$27,200 $5,200 $1,400
34 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W
9 R,
2 W
8 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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