Suggest correction - #8689 - 2022-07-21

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    $1600 26
"'Darling,' replied Valentine, 'Has not the Count just told us that all human wisdom is summed up in two words?--'Wait and hope"'

Show #8689 - Thursday, July 21, 2022


Stan Scoggins, a senior vice president of marketing assets from Los Angeles, California

Emmie Trammell, an operations specialist from Jacksonville, Florida

Matt Mierswa, an attorney from River Edge, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $55,845)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Siegfrieds & Salomes had better learn their parts to sing at the Met in this center "for the Performing Arts"
    $200 25
This London stadium, home to England's national soccer team, boasts it has "more toilets than any other building in the world"
    $200 10
A diamond jubilee can celebrate a 60th anniversary or this odd number
    $200 8
In 2022 the Golden Bears swam & dove to an NCAA title for this Pac-12 school
    $200 1
This type of wagon was where food was served; its name referred to grub, & no one eats until cookie calls
    $200 3
To suspend an object over something
    $400 27
Some call the museum's Costume Institute insufficiently arty, but it gets millions every year from this glamorous party
    $400 24
On Christmas Day, 2021 this Los Angeles hoops, hockey & showbiz venue was renamed Arena
    $400 14
In craps, these are the 2 possible winning numbers on a come out roll
    $400 9
This "greater bear" constellation contains the group known as the Big Dipper
    $400 2
Wild Bill Hickok stopped a man from beating this other famous Bill who was 11 at the time & the two became lifelong friends
    $400 4
To round up cattle
    $600 28
His painting "The Death of Socrates" is one of the museum's bigs; he's French, so say his name like that of singing actor Diggs
    $600 23
This Triple Crown racetrack that opened in 1875 was named for the landowners, not for a future British prime minister
    $600 15
In baseball scorekeeping, 9 denotes this position played by Babe Ruth & Ichiro
    $600 16
A Haydn symphony nicknamed "The Bear" has a passage that sounds like music for bears to do this--perhaps a minuet?
    $600 11
Before becoming sheriff of this South Dakota town, Seth Bullock opened a hardware store there with partner Sol Star
    $600 5
You do this to your keys to make a harsh sound
    $800 29
The museum has lots from the ancient Near East, this between-rivers region gave us yon beast
    DD: $2,200 22
In 1879 the first of several NYC venues to bear this name featured birds, flowers & fountains, so the name made more sense
    $800 19
In the 1930s the .357 became the first of these extra-powerful rounds of ammo
    $800 17
Before he was president, Volodymyr Zelensky voiced this marmalade-loving bear in the Ukrainian dub of 2 recent films
    $800 12
Prospector John Bozeman blazed a trail to gold-rush towns in what is now this state
    $800 6
An ornamental bracelet
    $1000 30
She was Greek, she loved Onassis, she could really sing, her longtime boss around the Met was named Sir Rudolf Bing
    $1000 21
In 1957 this famed soccer club moved into Camp Nou, Catalan for "New Ground"
    $1000 20
Start counting in your head! It's the next prime number after 23
    $1000 18
The type of bear named for this Alaskan island tips the scales at 1,700 pounds
    $1000 13
When Butch & Sundance & their Wild Bunch gang hid in the Wyoming spot seen here, they were part of this gang named for it
    $1000 7
In addition to being a verb meaning to mutilate, it's also a word for an old-timey machine to iron laundry

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Emmie Stan
$4,200 $1,800 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Emmie Stan
$7,800 $3,000 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll have to name the book whose last line I give you.)
    $400 11
Extending more than 1,500 miles, these mountains separate the Indian subcontinent from the remainder of Asia
    $400 6
It's a group of women with a common interest & maybe some traveling pants
    $400 5
This 2-word term meaning the lowest spot you can "hit" originated in mining in the 19th century
    $400 15
"In My Feelings" &
"Nice For What"
    $400 20
In 1955 13-year-old Susie asked her dad about an easier way to treat her asthma; dad ran Riker Labs & presto! the metered dose this device
    $400 13
"I think of Dean Moriarty, I even think of old Dean Moriarty the father we never found, I think of Dean Moriarty"
    $800 12
Lebanon is tucked into what would be the coast of this country & separated from it by the Anti-Lebanon Mountains
    $800 7
As seen here, it's a fun way to work out
    $800 1
Not a positive term used of people, bottom-feeder works for these, like channel variety seen here
    $800 16
"Stayin' Alive" &
"Too Much Heaven"
    $800 24
Type I of this disorder once called manic depression has manic episodes of at least a week & depressive episodes of twice that long
    DD: $1,000 14
"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig... but already it was impossible to say which was which"
    $1200 21
About 3/4 of Mongolia is made up of the forest, desert, mountain & grass types of these plains
    $1200 8
The name of this illegally distilled liquor goes back to when it was made under the cover of darkness
    $1200 2
A song from "Annie" reminds us that "the sun'll come out tomorrow" & that you should therefore bet this
    $1200 17
"Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored" & "Positions"
    $1200 28
By age 75, half of white Americans have this eye condition that can feel like looking through a fogged-up window
    $1200 25
"Max... sailed back... into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for him and it was still hot"
    $1600 22
Long, skinny Lake Balkhash extends over nearly 400 miles of the eastern part of this country
    $1600 9
Originally referring to a type of barrier, it's another name for some of the toll roads on the East Coast
    $1600 3
This nickname for the area around the U.S. State Department partly comes from industrial smoke once found there
    $1600 18
"Eyes Without A Face" & "White Wedding"
    $1600 29
The most common form of this ailment is the plaque type, named for the patches it forms on the skin
    $1600 26
"'Darling,' replied Valentine, 'Has not the Count just told us that all human wisdom is summed up in two words?--'Wait and hope"'
    DD: $2,000 23
The Laccadive Sea separates the Maldives & this other island country from the Asian mainland
    $2000 10
Derived from German, it's a strong passion for traveling & seeing the world
    $2000 4
Echo is an important type of this device that tells mariners how far down the bottom is
    $2000 19
"Dark Horse" &
"Wide Awake"
    $2000 30
Pregnant women need 600 mcg of this B9 vitamin daily to help prevent birth defects like spina bifida
    $2000 27
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Emmie Stan
$23,400 $15,800 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The brightest star of this constellation is Deneb Algedi, or "Kid's Tail"

Final scores:

Matt Emmie Stan
$15,199 $21,200 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $21,200 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Emmie Stan
$25,600 $15,800 $5,400
28 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $46,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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