Suggest correction - #8681 - 2022-07-11

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    $400 20
The eastern red type of this wood has a distinct aroma & insect-repelling quality that make it popular for closets & chests

Show #8681 - Monday, July 11, 2022


Steve Clarke, a lawyer from Chesapeake, Virginia

Aleithia Stephens, a course developer from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Robert Won, a math professor from Washington, D.C. (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $32,001)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Each response pretty much rhymes with "nevermore".)
(Mayim: Responses start with "O".)
    $200 13
Iceland's vast Vatna Glacier is dotted with these; their heat can periodically cause melting & flooding
    $200 24
In 1984 Nena floated to No. 2 on the charts, singing, "Scramble in the summer sky, 99" of these "go by"
    $200 20
"Ah, distinctly I remember it", this conflict of legend ignited by Paris & Helen, & in the room that I now dwell in, "Quoth the raven..."
    $200 1
"The Volunteer State"
    $200 11
1721 saw Robert Walpole become the first person to hold what would be called this high political office
    $200 6
Kahlil Gibran wrote this cheery sort of person "sees the rose and not its thorns"
    $400 14
Tasman Lake in this country is one of the few lakes in the world where you can see icebergs
    $400 25
Toddlers worldwide know this group sang, "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car" on their TV show
    $400 21
"As of someone gently rapping, rapping at" this alliterative item seen here; what for? "Only this and nothing more"
    DD: $1,000 2
"Great Faces,
Great Places"
    $400 15
After 9 years' work, in 1755 Samuel Johnson published this pioneering reference work
    $400 7
A "standing" one of these after your powerful monologue is sure to bring you a smile
    $600 17
99% of the world's glacial ice is located on Antarctica & this big island well to the north
    $600 26
For Peter Gabriel, this unusual title precipitation "is coming down... pouring down all over me"
    $600 8
"Presently my soul grew stronger", & I'd wait no longer! This "small" French cake I'd make, I swore! "Quoth the raven..."
    $600 3
Not a state,
"Isla Del Encanto"
    $600 16
Jacobite supporter Lord Lovat was the last person publicly executed this way in Great Britain--he was spared hanging, drawing & quartering
    $600 9
Cheers to the NCAA Final Four, where the MVP is called the "M.O.P.", with the "O" short for this
    $800 18
This glacier in Alaska is named for naturalist John, who visited it in 1879; it has since receded & thinned
    $800 29
In 1988 UB40 drank up attention singing this title, "Stay close to me, don't let me be alone"
    $800 22
"All my soul within me burning", we see here this singer of 1999s "Candy" returning with such name as?
    $800 4
"Heart of Dixie"
    $800 27
In March 1743 this sacred oratorio received its London premiere conducted by Handel himself
    $800 10
Shakespeare wrote, "Why, then the world's" my this "which I with sword will open"; hopeful indeed!
    $1000 19
When glaciers retreated in Norway, seawater filled the floor of the resulting trough, creating these, like the Sogne
    $1000 30
This country star, the son of a big league pitcher, hit the Top 40 in 2002 with "Red Rag Top"
    $1000 23
"Other friends have flown before", to this northeastern Canadian region, bounded by its self-named sea & more, "Quoth the raven..."
    $1000 5
The Midwest's
"Birthplace of Aviation"
    $1000 28
Not as famous as James Watt, around 1712 Thomas Newcomen invented an initial version of this machine
    $1000 12
Greeks of good cheer will exclaim this 3-letter word, perhaps after breaking a plate

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Robert Aleithia Steve
$2,800 $1,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robert Aleithia Steve
$5,800 $2,200 $6,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: All responses fall alphabetically between those two places.)
    $400 30
Terrible with money, this Mo. humorist invested in James Paige's multi-ton typesetter; he later fantasized about Paige's slow death
    $400 1
The first in a series had Morpheus, Trinity & Agent Smith
    $400 14
A Synodus Horrenda of 897 saw Pope Formosus guilty; 3 fingers were lopped off, but he felt nothing as he was in this state
    $400 20
The eastern red type of this wood has a distinct aroma & insect-repelling quality that make it popular for closets & chests
    $400 9
This country surrounded by China & India joined the United Nations in 1955
    $400 4
A big vein in the mining biz, or a valuable source of anything
    $800 25
The State Dept. issued guidelines to handle the drinking habits of this Mississippi writer on his official trips abroad
    $800 2
Ernesto de la Cruz & Miguel got animated in the land of the dead
    $800 15
At the center of 2013's U.S. v. Manning was this website that made sensitive secret information public
    $800 21
Boards sold as "knotty" this might be from the Scotch or Monterey types
    $800 10
Kings up through Alfonso XIII lived in the Royal Palace in this world capital
    $800 5
If things are going swimmingly for you in the U.K., you might exclaim "Bob's your" this
    $1200 26
This poet & lord is said to have had an affair with his half-sister Augusta in 1813, the year he wrote "The Bride of Abydos"
    $1200 3
Sharon Tate, Bruce Lee & Jay Sebring came to town
    $1200 16
Peter Heywood, a crew member of this ship, won "his majesty's royal mercy" in 1792; others would later hang from a yardarm
    $1200 22
The black & sweet types of these fruit trees provide tight-grained woods prized by craftspeople
    DD: $5,000 11
This city of more than 4 million people is home to the Jamia Mosque & Kenyatta University
    $1200 6
This rhyming phrase suggests women should prioritize sibling-like relationships with other women over those with men
    $1600 27
Known for his wildly graphic writing, kidnapping & other horrific excesses, he was transferred to the Bastille in February 1784
    $1600 19
Annie Savoy &
Nuke LaLoosh were good sports
    $1600 17
1895 saw this writer initially suing for libel, but the tables turned & he was soon on the hook for "gross indecency"
    $1600 23
This strong, durable 3-letter conifer is commonly used for building walls, floors & ceilings
    $1600 12
25 miles east of Vegas, this man-made lake was just 37% full in 2021, sparking energy concerns for the American Southwest
    DD: $5,000 7
As a verb, it means exempt from new legislation
    $2000 28
This author of "Naked Lunch" shot & killed his second wife in a drunken accident
    $2000 29
Captain Miller,
Sergeant Horvath & Corporal Henderson in a '90s epic
    $2000 18
This lawyer & statesman used his trademark rhetoric to convict corrupt Sicilian magistrate Gaius Verres in 70 B.C.
    $2000 24
This soft, lightweight red wood is named for a man born in what is now Tennessee around 1775
    $2000 13
It's a county in Michigan, a borough in Jersey & a city in Northern California's Alameda County
    $2000 8
This phrase from Shakespeare's "Henry V" now refers to any close-knit group, not just a military unit

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robert Aleithia Steve
$23,000 $7,400 $13,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's one of the most revived shows in Broadway history & in 2001 it was designated the state opera of South Carolina

Final scores:

Robert Aleithia Steve
$18,399 $14,799 $18,401
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $18,401

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Robert Aleithia Steve
$16,800 $7,400 $13,800
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
1 W
20 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $38,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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