Suggest correction - #8679 - 2022-07-07

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    $2000 9
The first G in this city, Sweden's main seaport, is pronounced in Swedish like a Y

Show #8679 - Thursday, July 7, 2022

Yungsheng Wang game 4.
Jimmy McGuire's last game as a member of the Clue Crew.


Brian Ahern, a user support associate from Daly City, California

Heather Brown, a civil servant from South Berwick, Maine

Yungsheng Wang, a public defender from Los Angeles, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $84,202)

Jeopardy! Round

____ & ____
(Mayim: Each response rhymes with "zone".)
(Jimmy: [*]--the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, home of NASCAR and so much more.)
    $200 1
Is home to the New York Stock Exchange
    $200 8
It's typically a small hotel or a house with private rooms offering a place to lay your head & a morning meal
    $200 6
This brand famed for salad dressing never made a dime for its movie star founder, who gave $50 mil. in profits in its first decade to charity
    $200 24
Hemingway's first great love, Agnes, was his nurse during WWI after he was hit by 200 pieces of this, fragments from a mortar
    $200 11
A sweet biscuitlike pastry often in a triangular shape
    $200 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.) The Las Vegas Motor Speedway track, like most NASCAR tracks, is made of this paving material, also called blacktop, but specially formulated as it has to stand up to 150-degree temperatures
    $400 2
Is the most populous of the 5 boroughs
    $400 9
Control C & Control V are the Windows keyboard shortcut for this pair
    $400 10
This "numeric" dressing with mayo & tomato sauce takes its name from where it was invented, in the chain between New York & Canada
    DD: $4,600 23
Hemingway bought his longtime home in Cuba from the sale of film rights to this novel set during the Spanish Civil War
    $400 17
The typical response for one of my bad puns
    $400 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.) Yes, there are speed limits in NASCAR; at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, it's 45 miles per hour on this road where cars are serviced
    $600 3
Is where you can see the Unisphere in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, built for the 1964 World's Fair
    $600 7
Made with a pale ale & stout, it's the colorful name for the beer drink seen here--cheers
    $600 15
A Nebraska plumber invented this dressing with garlic & onion powder, dried herbs, powdered pepper & buttermilk
    $600 22
Hemingway's "To Have & Have Not" is less remembered as a novel than as the film that kindled the romance of these 2 co-stars
    $600 18
Its only function is to mate with the queen bee
    $600 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.) The era of one-company sponsorship for the championship of NASCAR began with this tobacco brand in 1971
    $800 4
Is 14 miles long & has only about 5% of New York City's population
    $800 12
The Pentagon used this jarring term for the intense aerial bombardment of Iraq in 2003
    $800 16
It's the first name in salad dressing & for the steak house known for it, including fat free raspberry pecan & sweet Vidalia onion
    $800 14
Per the title, a cafe in a famous Hemingway story is not just clean but this
    $800 19
It precedes "the coop" to describe a bird or person who has escaped & vanished
    $800 29
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.) In 2019, the Vegas Speedway was the site of aerodynamic testing, including a longer splitter, the front end equivalent to this rear piece; by increasing downforce, it reduces lift & maintains traction
    $1000 5
Is the location of Pelham Bay Park, which is more than 3 times larger than Central Park
    $1000 13
Taxation, tariffs & other revenue-raising measures come under the jurisdiction of this House committee
    $1000 25
Traditionally, this alliterative salad dressing is big on mayonnaise but a viral TikTok used olive oil & nuts
    $1000 21
Hemingway ate his last meal on July 1, 1961 at Michel's Christiania Restaurant, still a hangout for skiers in this Idaho city
    $1000 20
Equine hue of darkened colors lightened by a mixture of white
    $1000 30
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.) The purpose of drafting, or following closely behind another car, is to create this between his tail & your nose; so he pulls you along as your draft is reduced substantially

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Yungsheng 永勝 Heather Brian
$2,600 $1,000 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Yungsheng 永勝 Heather Brian
$2,000 $3,600 $10,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 12
Scottish kings:
Malcolm II,
Duncan I,
    $400 10
The U.S. military gave us this other way to say "at your very earliest convenience"
    $400 2
This point for a substance as a liquid is basically the same as the melting point for the same stuff as a solid
    $400 21
Legend says knitter Begonia Pope misunderstood the costume designer on this BBC show, hence actor Tom Baker's 20-ish-foot scarf
    $400 26
On January 1, 1788 the Universal Daily Register of London changed its name to this, which it has today
    $400 1
This strait narrows to 8 miles between Spain & Morocco
    $800 13
Presidents of France: Sarkozy,
him since 2017
    $800 11
The "E" in this acronym that precedes "package" originally stood for Europe, where the packages went
    $800 3
Using mass spectrometry, neon was the first element shown to exist in more than one of these stable variations
    $800 22
The title of this 2003 novel mentions a different fashion house, but editor Miranda Priestly is rarely, without an Hermès scarf
    $800 27
Founded in 1703 in this city, the Wiener Zeitung is considered the world's oldest surviving daily newspaper
    $800 6
About 1,700 square miles in area, it's the largest inland body of saline water in the Western Hemisphere
    $1200 14
Soviet leaders:
him (the end)
    $1200 17
Deaf actor Troy Kotsur won an Oscar in 2022 for his role in this acronym-titled movie that also took home best picture
    $1200 4
This group of 7 elements is on the far right side of the periodic table, not associating with the halogens next to them
    $1200 23
Clearly a real-life scarf wearer, she made a green one famous in "Confessions of a Shopaholic"
    $1200 28
The Cincinnati this was first published in 1841, more than a century before the "National" tabloid
    $1200 7
The Motagua, this country's longest river, flows into the Gulf of Honduras
    DD: $4,500 15
Hapsburg Dynasty:
Joseph I
Charles VI,
    $1600 18
Part of the Expedia group, this company pairs families ready for a getaway with over 2 million homes worldwide
    DD: $2,399 5
Rubber is made up of these chain like molecules with a name from Greek meaning "having many parts"
    $1600 24
A scarf created for Grace Kelly gets mistreated in this 2021 movie about fashion & murder
    $1600 29
This Founding Father founded the New York Post in 1801 to promote the Federalist Party
    $1600 8
This nation on the border of Europe & Asia declared independence in 1991
    $2000 16
Roman emperors: Tiberius,
this man played on TV by Derek Jacobi
    $2000 19
The M-I is for "musical instrument" in this acronym, the standard that connects instruments with computers
    $2000 20
The electrons in the outer shell of an atom are called this type of electron, from the Latin for "power"
    $2000 25
The most famous scarf in pop culture is the one kept by an ex of Taylor Swift's, as told in this song of hers
    $2000 30
French for "current", as in events, gives this city's over 250-year-old paper its name
    $2000 9
The first G in this city, Sweden's main seaport, is pronounced in Swedish like a Y

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Yungsheng 永勝 Heather Brian
$22,099 $4,800 $13,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Per Guinness, this character who debuted in 1887 is the most portrayed human literary character in film & television

Final scores:

Yungsheng 永勝 Heather Brian
$17,199 $0 $26,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $26,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Yungsheng 永勝 Heather Brian
$18,400 $4,800 $9,200
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
13 R,
6 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $32,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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