Suggest correction - #8678 - 2022-07-06

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    $400 1
A "Best of Bob Marley" album calls him "The King of" this

Show #8678 - Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Yungsheng Wang game 3.


Alicia O'Hare, a social worker from Long Beach, New York

Jen Alfonso-Punzalan, a school librarian from San Mateo, California

Yungsheng Wang, a public defender from Los Angeles, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $47,801)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Norway spruces are a prominent feature of this area that covers 2,300 square miles of southwest Germany
    $200 1
Amateur magician Tony Curtis did his own tricks in a 1953 biopic of this conjurer & escape artist
    $200 26
This energy company
    $200 8
It's the headwear seen here worn by a lot of '50s kids emulating TV's Davy Crockett
    $200 16
This woman starting in 2017, taking the seat her dad had won nearly 40 years before
    $200 21
This vote of "no" is a homophone for an animal sound; what say ye?
    $400 3
Washington's Whidbey Island forms part of the northern boundary of this inlet
    $400 4
At age 78, Ian McKellen said this character "is over 7,000 years old, so I'm not too old"
    $400 27
They take a variant approach
    $400 12
We recognize this flower; seen here is the creeping type that grows wild across North America
    $400 17
Bennie Thompson, who chairs the Select Committee investigating the events of this date in 2021
    $400 22
What has happened to an appeal that won't be heard, or to a class that has been allowed to leave a school room
    $600 9
This largest Caribbean island is known as "The Pearl of the Antilles"
    $600 5
In "Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets", Professor Snape uses this spell to disarm Professor Lockhart
    $600 28
It's big in China
    $600 13
Here's this fruit dessert being prepared in its unique way, & don't be stingy with the brandy
    $600 18
This late singer of "I Got You Babe" whose name is on the 1998 copyright extension act
    $600 23
A bill that passes the U.S. Senate with at least 67 votes is said to be this type of denial-proof
    $800 10
Venice & Trieste are important ports on this sea, an arm of the Mediterranean
    $800 6
Magician Nicolas Cage hires an assistant in this 2010 Disney film with the same title as a segment of "Fantasia"
    $800 30
Power to the players
    $800 14
Great with kids & known for its intelligence, this breed was developed in Germany
    $800 19
Ohio: This man, a Republican Speaker of the House from 2011 to 2015 & later, an advocate for marijuana legalization
    $800 24
Adjective for an absolute denial; it could also refer to the way clues are divided up on a "Jeopardy!" board
    DD: $1,000 11
Afrikaner Gert Alberts was the leader of a famous crossing of this desert in the 1870s
    $1000 7
Sandra Bullock & Nicole Kidman were witch sisters in this 1998 movie
    $1000 29
Actually this 8-letter name now
    $1000 15
We'll get your initial reaction to this mega wealthy financier who cancelled his reservation on the "Titanic"
    $1000 20
This state:
Don Young, who passed away in 2022 after serving nearly 50 years in the House
    $1000 25
Change one letter in "refuse" to get this, meaning to prove a statement or theory to be wrong

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Yungsheng 永勝 Jen Alicia
$4,200 $0 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Yungsheng 永勝 Jen Alicia
$6,400 $600 $8,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: You'll name the song.)
(Mayim: All responses have the "A-E" letter pair.)
    $400 21
Abyssinia is an old name for this African country
    $400 2
Yuri is the first name of this Russian doctor who made an international splash in 1957
    $400 13
"I got the horses in the back, horse tack is attached"
    $400 26
Divide an object's speed by the speed of sound to get this number; passenger jets often cruise at about .8
    $400 5
Lawyers may ask to approach this to ask a question & a judge may issue a warrant from it
    $400 1
A "Best of Bob Marley" album calls him "The King of" this
    $800 23
Among this president's stable of horses were Reb, Billy Button & Jeff Davis
    $800 3
Hugh Lofting created this animal-loving M.D. during World War I in letters to his children from the front
    $800 14
"I'm in love with your body, every day discovering something brand new"
    $800 27
For milk in the U.S., this process requires 161 degrees for at least 15 seconds; buh bye, bacteria!
    $800 7
This tool of judges is ceremonially passed when Florida's Supreme Court changes chief justices
    $800 6
The name of this field of science means "ancient study"
    DD: $4,000 25
Thomas Cranmer, who held this religious post from 1533 to 1556, was the first Protestant in the job
    $1200 4
Charles, a dull country doctor, is the husband of excitement-craving Emma, this Flaubert title character
    $1200 15
"You're taking one down, you sing a sad song just to turn it around"
    $1200 28
Per Richard Feynman, if velocities of rebound are almost equal to initial velocities, "such a collision is" this rubbery adjective
    $1200 8
Rusty Burrell was this type of officer who keeps order in the court & sometimes executes writs
    $1200 18
A distinguished musical conductor is often referred to by this title, if you please
    $1600 22
Seen here is the April 1961 first day of the trial of this man, one of the most important proceedings of the 20th century
    $1600 11
"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is one of this author's 1837 "Twice-Told Tales"
    $1600 16
"Dig if you will the picture, of you & I engaged in a kiss"
    $1600 29
In 1672, Cassini discovered Rhea, the second-largest moon of this planet, now discover Rhea for yourself via the Cassini spacecraft
    $1600 9
Out of the jury's hearing it's the area where the attorneys are standing or the type of discussion they're in
    $1600 19
This spiky piece of equipment is used to perforate your lawn to allow better penetration of water & nutrients
    $2000 24
An earthquake prior to the 15th century is believed to have toppled this ancient wonder of Halicarnassus
    DD: $4,000 12
This German author's novel "Doctor Faustus" reimagines the doc as a 20th century composer
    $2000 17
"Baby, I know you're asking me to stay, say 'please, please, please, don't go away"'
    $2000 30
About 66 million years ago, an asteroid hit Earth with a yield of 100 trillion tons of TNT, ending this "middle life" era
    $2000 10
You may want to find out where your case is on this 6-letter agenda of pending trials
    $2000 20
Legend says this ancient dramatist died when a tortoise fell on his head

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Yungsheng 永勝 Jen Alicia
$19,200 $3,000 $18,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Being brought to the U.S. by a ship docking at San Francisco in 1851 helped lead to it now being a major crop in the Midwest

Final scores:

Yungsheng 永勝 Jen Alicia
$36,401 $3,000 $24,400
3-day champion: $84,202 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Yungsheng 永勝 Jen Alicia
$16,400 $4,000 $22,200
21 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
9 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
25 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $42,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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