Suggest correction - #8668 - 2022-06-22

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    $800 5
In 1800 this sailing man visited Haydn, who composed a cantata on the Battle of the Nile

Show #8668 - Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Megan Wachspress game 7.


Jeff Weinstock, a marketing lecturer from Miami, Florida

Sarah Brogren, a writer from Burbank, California

Megan Wachspress, an attorney from Berkeley, California (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $60,603)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In a tale of hard luck in Sin City, this word precedes "Las Vegas"
    $200 21
People began to "Fly the friendly skies" with this airline in 1965; the slogan eventually flew off but returned in 2013
    $200 13
The wearer of this wouldn't likely know that its name goes back to a Scottish scholar & his followers after he fell out of favor
    $200 14
When it comes to Louisiana's Cassidy, he's just a this, & he's sitting here on Capitol Hill
    $200 15
Fingers curl as palm fibers tighten in Dupuytren's contracture, which can be caused by this disease of high blood glucose
    $200 30
In 2013 Rebecca Black naturally followed up "Friday" with this song, a collaboration with the perfectly named Dave Days
    $400 2
Named for young Danny Torrance's psychic gift
    $400 20
Aawon Buhw! Aawon Buhw! Michael Bay directed the 1993 commercial that ended with this 2-word slogan-question
    DD: $1,000 12
Bad air was thought to cause this disease, so it was given a name meaning "bad air"; it's caused by parasites
    $400 26
A gentle hand gesture of affection by Pennsylvania's Toomey
    $400 19
In "'Twas the Night Before Christmas", St. Nick's these "were like roses, his nose like a cherry!"
    $400 25
Duran Duran sang of a "New Moon" then "and a firedance through the night"
    $600 3
A young adult bestseller that's kind of a twist on "The Breakfast Club": "One of Us is" this
    $600 6
"When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight", this company said it would deliver
    $600 11
Derived from a Russian word, it can mean immense, or a prehistoric elephantine beast
    $600 27
Let's toss in 2 ex-senators with Ohio's Portman to make this phrase: Portman Fitzgerald "to pay" Wellstone
    $600 18
In palmistry, health & general well-being are what this alliterative "line" is all about, not necessarily when you pass away
    $600 22
"Goodbye", this Rolling Stones woman, "who could hang a name on you?" Well, one of you, hopefully
    $800 4
Dedicated in part to "Malia and Sasha, my two most precious peas"
    $800 8
"I'd walk a mile for" this brand of cigarette dates to 1921, but smoke enough of them & distance walking gets problematic
    $800 9
From Greek for "grace", it's a certain magnetism or charm shown by leaders or movie stars, for example
    $800 28
Time to throw out this informal first name of Iowa's Grassley
    $800 16
A boxer is said to have this "breakable" 2-word item when he's unable to take a punch to the kisser
    $800 23
In a nursery rhyme, this young one "has far to go"; as a David Bowie title, it waited until 1999
    $1000 5
Irvine Welsh's debut novel about heroin addict Mark Renton & his pals
    $1000 7
This beverage became "The Uncola" in the '60s, man
    $1000 10
As it was often used for upper-story bedrooms, the name of this 6-letter window style that projects out is from Latin for "to sleep"
    $1000 29
This first name of a Republican senator is a homophone for the German word for "with"
    $1000 17
Palmar hyperhidrosis is the technical name for these, which can cause embarrassment, especially during social introductions
    $1000 24
Love & Kisses hit the Top 40 in 1978 with this title tune from a movie featuring Jeff Goldblum & Donna Summer

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Megan Sarah Jeff
$800 $1,600 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Megan Sarah Jeff
$2,800 $3,800 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1800s
    $400 6
Though he pasta way in 1985, he is still depicted on cans of his spaghetti, beefaroni & ravioli
    $400 1
For nearly half a century, "Puffing Billy", an early locomotive powered by this, hauled loads from an English coal mine
    $400 11
In 2021 Saniyya Sidney was on the court of "King Richard" as this tennis superstar
    $400 3
Of a certain pair of "Through the Looking Glass" characters, this one fits the category
    $400 25
Contact dermatitis may result from exposure to eastern this vine; even smoke from burning plants can bring the pain
    $400 19
This Far East country has been hurt by sanctions like those imposed by the U.N. starting in 2006 for its nuclear tests
    $800 7
Renowned Southern chef Edna Lewis was an early proponent of this movement--food locally sourced & direct to your plate
    $800 5
In 1800 this sailing man visited Haydn, who composed a cantata on the Battle of the Nile
    $800 12
In a 2004 animated movie, Plankton steals King Neptune's crown & it's up to this title guy & his best pal to save the day
    $800 4
Ironically, if you "put" something in this frigid 2-word place, it's kind of on the back burner
    $800 26
The textile form of this plant, Cannabis sativa, can be used to make shoes; its fiber, recyclable bioplastics
    $800 16
Whether you choose pipes of plastic or this for plumbing a new house matters to Zambia; its economy depends on exporting the metal
    $1200 8
Before his untimely death, he took TV viewers into "Parts Unknown" to explore food & culture around the world
    DD: $3,000 23
This member of singing royalty said, "Rod Stewart, Elton John & I were going to form a band... called Hair, Nose & Teeth"
    $1200 18
Rubber-edged implement used to wipe water from all your car windows
    $1200 27
The seed husks from this silent "P" annual are helpful with a variety of stomach ills
    $1200 15
Surrounded by Belgium, Germany & France, this banking center sometimes leads the world in GDP per capita
    $1600 9
Granddaughter of film producer Dino, she's the Food Network's celebrity chef seen here
    $1600 20
Tenskwatawa, known as the Shawnee prophet, was the brother of this leader
    $1600 22
It was a bit unusual for Tom Jones, Jim Brown & Danny DeVito to share a scene in this 1996 Tim Burton alien invasion film
    $1600 2
Manchego & Pecorino are examples of this, which may have subtle notes of lanolin
    DD: $1,000 28
The dimension type of this metamorphic rock is in blackboards, while the crushed type can go into composition roofing
    $1600 13
Late 19th century Greece depended heavily on exports of these fruits, which get their name from Corinth
    $2000 10
This French creator of Peach Melba & Melba toast was nicknamed the "king of chefs & chef of kings"
    $2000 21
In 1807 Napoleon & this czar I met on a river raft to plan how to divide up Europe
    $2000 24
Train sang, "Tell me, did you sail across the Sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded" in this song
    $2000 17
Growing wild in much of the United States, it gets its name from once being ground up to make snuff--ah-choo!
    $2000 14
A coffee plant is on the emblem of this country where coffee remains an economic bright spot amid a brutal Saudi-Iranian proxy war

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Megan Sarah Jeff
$5,600 $7,000 $7,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This author first thought of a parrot before choosing another bird "equally capable of speech"

Final scores:

Megan Sarah Jeff
$7,001 $0 $11,202
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $11,202

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Megan Sarah Jeff
$6,600 $11,000 $7,000
15 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $24,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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