Suggest correction - #1646 - 1991-10-28

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    $500 30
A broad, flat cap often worn by Scottish soldiers, or the state flower of Texas

Show #1646 - Monday, October 28, 1991


Susan Weaver, a teacher from Houston, Texas

Steve Richman, a security analyst from New York City, New York

Jim Baughman, a fine arts printer from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 19
His family supplied the dueling pistols used July 11, 1804 by himself & Burr
    $100 14
In 1960 Leona Schnuelle's dilly casserole bread won the $25,000 top prize in this competition
    $100 24
This teenage sister of Elroy Jetson loves to dance the Solar Swivel
    $100 1
Dinosaur National Monument is in northeastern Utah & this "Centennial State"
    $100 6
His real first name was Hiram, but in a mix-up at West Point this future president dropped it
    $100 11
It's what you "give" someone when you permit him to go ahead with a plan or project
    $200 20
Originally a slang term for the ranch's cook, it's now a cattle thief
    $200 15
Betty Buckley's Tony for Best Actress came in 1983 for playing Grizabella in this musical
    $200 25
This company's Selectric typewriter was the 1st to use a typing element instead of type bars
    $200 2
The Apatosaurus, formerly called this, was an herbivore that weighed up to 30 tons
    $200 7
If he hadn't changed his name this "Charade" star would be under famous Archies or Leaches
    $200 12
It may amuse you to know that this phrase means to be delighted or overjoyed
    $300 21
In the 1920s Shipwreck Kelly achieved fame for his endurance records in this fad
    $300 16
From 1948 to 1966, she received 30 Oscar nominations for Best Costume Design
    $300 26
The oldest part of this palace is a small chateau built for Louis XIII in 1624
    $300 3
This dinosaur was the largest carnivore ever to live on land
    DD: $300 8
In 1991 this singer made it onto the pop charts with the following:

"Baby, baby / I'm taken with the notion..."
    $300 13
It describes an executive or a crime he might commit, like embezzlement
    $400 22
Perturbed that his name was left out of the tittle of the new electric co., he sold his stock
    $400 17
Jay Sandrich won a 1986 Emmy for directing the "Denise's Friend" episode of this series
    $400 27
Hormones secreted by these glands on top of the kidneys help the body adjust to sudden stress
    $400 4
Some scientists believe that dinosaurs, unlike modern reptiles, were homeothermic, which means this
    $400 9
With his then wife Mary Tyler Moore, he helped created the "Mary Tyler Moore Show"
    $400 29
Elaborate or ornate writing that calls attention to itself is often termed this
    $500 23
After Noah Webster's death his heirs sold the dictionary rights to this Springfield, Mass. company
    $500 18
This writer's 2 Pulitzer Prizes for Fiction were given for "A Fable" & "The Reivers"
    $500 28
Because its wood sharpens easily, the incense variety of this tree is the best for making pencils
    $500 5
This dinosaur had 2 staggered rows of large triangular bony plates along its backbone
    $500 10
As head coach he led the Minnesota Vikings into 4 Super Bowls but lost them all
    $500 30
A broad, flat cap often worn by Scottish soldiers, or the state flower of Texas

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jim Steve Susan
$2,100 $900 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Steve Susan
$3,400 $2,100 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
New Year's Day in this country include a Strauss concert by the Wiener Philharmoniker
    $200 26
In the 1930s this country introduced the Flying Hamburger, a high-speed railcar
    $200 6
Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders won this battle of the Spanish-American War July 1, 1898
    $200 11
More than 1/3 of this Florida park is under salt water
    $200 16
"A View from the Bench" is a book of memoirs by this "People's Court" judge
    $200 21
This Maryland governor was the son of a Greek immigrant whose name originally was Anagnostopoulos
    $400 2
This country's principal newspapers include Svenska Dagbladet & Expressen
    $400 27
The derailleur gear system was invented for this vehicle around the turn of the century
    $400 7
William the Conqueror became king of England after defeating Harold in this battle
    $400 12
This N.M. park was discovered in 1901 by Jim White, who mistook swarms of bats for a cloud of smoke
    $400 17
In 1961 his short stories "Franny" & "Zooey" were published together in book form
    $400 22
Though seriously wounded when Pres. Kennedy was shot, he was able to resume his duties as gov. of Texas
    $600 3
The tiny principality whose monetary unit is the Swiss franc
    $600 28
The pair of "sister" ocean liners launched by the British, one in 1934, one in 1938
    $600 8
Mexico's victory in the Battle of Puebla is celebrated on this national holiday
    $600 13
Port Angeles is headquarters for Olympic National Park in this state
    $600 18
This author dedicated his latest George Smiley book, "The Secret Pilgrim", to Alec Guinness
    $600 23
In 1929 the Louisiana House of Representatives voted to impeach him on charges of misusing funds
    DD: $800 4
This peninsula accounts for nearly 70% of Denmark's land area
    $800 29
Between 1921 & 1924 Knud Rasmussen became the 1st person to cross the Northwest Passage by this
    $800 9
Fought in Maryland on Sept. 17, 1862, it was the bloodiest 1-day battle of the Civil War
    $800 14
Virginia's Shenandoah National Park is located in these mountains
    DD: $2,000 19
James Joyce spent the last 17 years of his life writing this novel about the sleeping Earwickers
    $800 24
Between 1780 & 1793 he was elected to nine terms as governor of Massachusetts
    $1000 5
Greece is officially known as this republic
    $1000 30
In 1834 this Englishman designed a cab with a covered body slung between 2 large wheels
    $1000 10
Henri Petain became a nat'l hero of France after halting German troops in this WWI battle
    $1000 15
Denali National Park in Alaska was formerly known by this name
    $1000 20
Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is set in this state where she grew up
    $1000 25
In 1948 he was elected governor of Illinois by the largest majority in the states history

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Steve Susan
$8,800 $5,300 $5,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This Minneapolis company was incorporated in 1928 when 5 flour-making firms merged

Final scores:

Jim Steve Susan
$11,800 $6,600 $11,500
2-day champion: $25,200 3rd place: Aiwa mini stereo system + Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius for Game Boy 2nd place: Whittier Wood Products table & chairs + Cuthbertson Christmas tree dinnerware

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jim Steve Susan
$7,600 $5,300 $5,800
26 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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