Suggest correction - #1580 - 1991-06-14

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    $600 18
Latin for "for the good", it refers to legal services provided without charge

Show #1580 - Friday, June 14, 1991


Nadine Fiedler, a production coordinator from Portland, Oregon

Jonathan Heller, an archivist from Washington, D.C.

Jeff Moeller, an attorney from Anchorage, Alaska (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $25,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
During the Han Dynasty, emperor Wu Ti established this as China's state philosophy
    $100 21
Title amusement park ride owned by Mrs. Mullin
    $100 11
This feminist magazine founded by Gloria Steinem debuted in January 1972
    $100 6
The police aren't allowed leave & work 12-hour shifts during the 12 days of this pre-Lenten festival
    $100 18
Song that includes the line "Chatting to a chimp in chimpanzee"
    $100 1
San Juan is the capital of this self-governing commonwealth
    $200 17
During WWI its regiment de marche was France's most decorated military unit
    $200 22
Arthur Kipps gives Ann Pornick "half" of this British coin as a token of his love
    $200 12
Although called a "Quarterly", this magazine "for the modern man" publishes on a monthly basis
    $200 7
When the Saints go marching into their home stadium they go into this one
    $200 19
He was introduced in the first Tarzan sound feature
    $200 2
Juan Valdez advertises coffee from this country
    $300 20
Year in which "Wealth of Nations", "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" & "Common Sense" were published
    $300 23
Musical in which the title character sings "Let Me Entertain You"
    $300 14
During its 1st year, this magazine moved its operations to a garage & pony shed in Pleasantville, NY
    $300 8
The traditional style of this is what is preserved in Preservation Hall
    $300 24
In 1989 Deborah Norville replaced Jane Pauley on the Today show; in 1957 Mr. Kokomo replaced him
    $300 3
State in which you'd find the 3rd-largest city in the U.S.
    $400 28
In 1988 a plane explosion claimed the life of this country's President Zia ul-Haq
    $400 26
The music for "Chess" was written by Bjorn Ulvaeus & Benny Anderson who were half this pop group
    DD: $1,000 15
A combination of bits processed by a computer as a unit, or a computer magazine
    $400 9
This nickname of the city was used as the title of a 1987 Dennis Quaid film set there
    $400 25
Scientists at the University of Nevada taught Washoe the chimp some ASL, which is this
    $400 4
A small peninsula in the Persian Gulf, it's the only UN member whose name begins with "Q"
    $500 29
In 1961 Syrian rebels put an end to this short-lived union of Egypt & Syria
    $500 27
1959 musical based on the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"
    $500 16
"The World of Science" is this magazine's subtitle
    $500 10
The Cafe Du Monde is famous for this drink that's half chickory coffee & half hot milk
    $500 30
She wrote "The Chimpanzees of Gombe"
    $500 5
The Italian name for the city of Florence

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jeff Jonathan Nadine
$1,000 $1,000 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Jonathan Nadine
$2,100 $3,500 $2,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Though it takes place first, "The Deerslayer" was the last published of his "Leatherstocking Tales"
    $200 19
Amphibian larvae have these respiratory organs on the outside of the body
    $200 13
It's been called a "useful 'no man's land' between the arrogance of N.Y. & the obstinacy of Pennsylvania"
    $200 1
To reach a verdict in a felony case this percentage of the jurors must be in agreement
    $200 3
A fillip is another name for this noise you can make with your thumb & finger
    $200 4
Named for its long, cylindrical shape, longhorn is a variety of this cheese
    $400 21
This 1939 James Thurber short story tells the fantasies of a mild man who imagines himself a hero
    $400 26
Protozoa are classed in either the protista kingdom or this major kingdom
    $400 14
Pres. Eisenhower said this state constituted "a bridge to the continent of Asia and all its peoples"
    $400 2
Iowa has a new law that will allow a revival of this activity on riverboats in its waters
    $400 7
When a flower effloresces it does this
    $400 5
Resembling cottage cheese, this bland Italian cheese is used as a filling in ravioli & lasagne
    DD: $1,200 22
This N. Hawthorne collection contains the stories "The Gray Champion" & "The Celestial Railroad"
    $600 27
A bird's keel, to which its wing muscles are attached, is an extension of this bone
    DD: $1,600 15
"Dice 'em,
hash 'em,
boil 'em,
mash 'em!"
was once a football cheer in this state
    $600 18
Latin for "for the good", it refers to legal services provided without charge
    $600 8
6-letter synonym of
12 o'clock noon
    $600 6
Found in Greek salad, this cheese was first developed by shepherds near Athens
    $800 23
Max Brand is best known for writing "Destry Rides Again" & a series of novels about this physician
    $800 29
This vitamin complex consists of 10 or so water-soluble vitamins
    $800 16
It's been said this Mid-Atlantic state "has three counties when the tide is out and two when it is in"
    $800 24
Norma McCorvey used this name when she brought her famous abortion suit in Texas
    $800 9
A leatherback is a type of turtle & a canvasback is a variety of this bird
    $800 11
An American variation of Limburger cheese, its name is German for "wreath of song"
    $1000 28
This Herman Melville book is subtitled "A Peep at Polynesian Life"
    $1000 30
When a muscle contracts, this connective tissue pulls on the bone & makes the joint move
    $1000 17
It "begins with the... sea sands and ends with the loneliness of the Smokies reaching... to the sky"
    $1000 25
Not a party to a lawsuit but one wishing to file a brief in the case, an amicus curiae is literally this
    $1000 10
It's a list of all words in a text such as the Bible with reference to each passage in which they occur
    $1000 12
Some people use port wine or sherry to enhance the flavor of this English blue cheese

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Jonathan Nadine
$7,300 $6,700 $4,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

This former dance teacher & ditch digger made his film debut in 1942; his leading lady was Judy Garland

Final scores:

Jeff Jonathan Nadine
$1,199 $13,300 $7,301
3rd place: Smith Corona PWP 7000 word processor & Nintendo Entertainment System with Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy! & Fisher Price preschool + Wheel of Fortune for Game Boy New champion: $13,300 2nd place: Mastervoice home automation system & Lucien Piccard his & her watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jeff Jonathan Nadine
$7,300 $8,300 $5,300
18 R,
3 W
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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