Suggest correction - #1578 - 1991-06-12

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    $500 25
In 1972 Chuck Berry had his first & only No. 1 hit with this novelty song

Show #1578 - Wednesday, June 12, 1991


Jeff Moeller, an attorney from Anchorage, Alaska

Al Greengold, a mailman originally from Rahway, New Jersey

Mark Strauch, a molecular biologist originally from South Bend, Indiana (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
More than half of Utah's people live within 30 miles of this capital
    $100 1
Vulcanization increases the hardness of this by heating it with sulphur
    $100 26
String, stringless & wax are varieties of the snap type of these
    $100 16
On Italian cards,
these are called
spada, sword;
coppa, cup;
denaro, money;
& bastone, rod
    $100 2
This measure of sound intensity was named for Alexander Graham Bell
    $100 21
It begins, "Raindrops on roses & whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles & warm woolen mittens"
    $200 12
Larkin G. Mead designed the Lincoln Tomb in this capital
    $200 6
Dieters should know that this unit of energy is equal to about 4.2 joules
    $200 27
You don't have to know the language to know the Swedes call it a "baggy root"
    $200 17
The name of this children's game means to leap over a line or scratch
    $200 3
Some say Charles Moncke, a London blacksmith, invented this mechanic's wrench
    $200 22
Both Elvis & Frank Sinatra had Top 40 hits with this song for which Paul Anka wrote the English lyrics
    $300 13
The Boston Celtics play some home games at this Connecticut capital's Civic Center
    $300 7
It's the main constituent of the cell walls of plants
    $300 28
It's eaten fresh, cooked or fermented as sauerkraut
    $300 18
Game in which you can score a ringer or a leaner
    $300 4
Charles Dickens' businessman whose name is a byword for stinginess
    $300 23
According to songwriters Sammy Cahn & James Van Heusen, it's what Chicago is
    $400 14
This South Dakota capital is on the site of the capital of the Aricara Indian Nation
    $400 8
The symbol of this form of oxygen that screens the Earth from ultraviolet rays is O3
    DD: $800 29
Carrots are rich in carotene, which the body uses to produce this vitamin
    $400 19
Liquid plastic used to make "Creepy Crawlers" in the 1960s
    $400 5
This 1st name of a malcontent who failed to blow up Parliament is now synonymous with "fellow"
    $400 24
Mary Martin became closely identified with this tune after singing it in Cole Porter's "Leave it to Me"
    $500 15
This city lies at the southern end of Puget Sound
    $500 9
It's an alloy consisting primarily of copper and zinc
    $500 30
The more common name for colorful "flint" corn
    $500 20
A variation of this board game, often played in the Navy, is called acey-deucey
    $500 10
This lacy table mat is named for a London linen shop owner who sold them
    $500 25
In 1972 Chuck Berry had his first & only No. 1 hit with this novelty song

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mark Al Jeff
$1,200 $900 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Al Jeff
$1,500 $1,100 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 28
A R.P. Warren Pulitzer-winning work, or some of those who "couldn't put Humpty together again"
    $200 17
The flags of 4 of Canada's 10 provinces include versions of this nation's flag
    $200 8
Hypoglycemia occurs when there's an abnormally low level of this in the blood
    $200 29
Ambrose Bierce defined a bore as "a person who talks when you wish him to" do this
    $200 2
Edmund Halley was a prof. of geometry at this school before he was named Astronomer Royal in 1720
    $200 25
In 1295 this explorer returned to Venice after an absence of 24 years
    $400 27
This novelist who wrote "Burr" has also written mysteries under the pen name "Edgar Box"
    $400 16
This Asian nation's orange, white & green flag is based on that of its Congress Party
    $400 10
Term for any cancer-causing substance such as asbestos or tobacco smoke
    $400 30
Sir James Dewar reportedly said, "Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are" this
    $400 3
There's a college named for these hills in Spearfish, South Dakota
    $400 24
Leprosy was introduced into England by men returning from these wars
    $600 26
He published "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets" as Johnston Smith, 2 of the most common names he could find
    $600 15
This tiny country's flag bears crossed key & a tiara
    $600 11
Warts & moles are considered to be superficial benign ones
    $600 20
Iago said this "green-eyed monster... doth mock the meat it feeds on"
    $600 4
This university in Provo, Utah also has a campus in Hawaii
    $600 22
Most of the 63 clauses of this 1215 document were concerned with feudal law, not the rights of the masses
    $800 23
"Bartlett's Familiar Quotations" calls this R. Chandler title "a synonym for death"
    $800 14
This country's flag is based on the flag of Haiti, from which it seceded in 1844
    $800 9
Also called urticaria, these red & white welts may appear as a result of an allergy
    $800 19
Sophocles said this "eases all things", not heals all wounds
    DD: $2,000 5
In Colonial America colleges & universities were concerned mainly with training men for this vocation
    $800 21
This German city originated as 2 small villages on the Spree River just south of Spandau
    DD: $1,500 12
Only 11 first editions survive of this author's first book, "Tamerlane and Other Poems"
    $1000 13
This African country's flag was identical with Guinea's until they added a big black R
    $1000 7
Peptic ulcers can affect this first section of the small intestine as well as the stomach
    $1000 18
The expression "Less is more" is found in his 1855 poem "Andrea del Sarto"
    $1000 6
The U.S.' first coeducational college, it also admitted students regardless of color
    $1000 1
This priest's greatest work, "Summa Theologica", was unfinished at his death in 1274

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Al Jeff
$2,400 $4,900 $11,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

On Feb. 5, 1924 he became the only president buried in Washington, D.C.

Final scores:

Mark Al Jeff
$4,800 $4,900 $11,000
3rd place: Vax vacuum cleaner & Nintendo Entertainment System with Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy! & Fisher Price preschool + Wheel of Fortune for Game Boy 2nd place: Ricoh Mirai camera & Sanyo stereo system New champion: $11,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark Al Jeff
$5,900 $4,900 $11,000
13 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R,
2 W
27 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $21,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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