Suggest correction - #8614 - 2022-04-07

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    $400 18
No dillydallying after taking this eggy dessert out of the oven; it will only stay fully risen for a minute or 2

Show #8614 - Thursday, April 7, 2022

Mattea Roach game 3.


Reagan White, a college student from Manahawkin, New Jersey

Mike Janela, a sportscaster from Astoria, New York

Mattea Roach, a tutor from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $70,801)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Nazi loot found in a salt mine included precious artworks, items stolen from concentration camp victims & more than 8,000 bars of this
    $200 4
In the story of this pair, the witch asks, "Nibble, nibble little mouse, who is nibbling at my house?"
    $200 30
This Google product is the USA's most-used web browser
    $200 23
A Carmelite sister, for example
    $200 17
"America's most beloved ballpark", it's home to the Green Monster
    $200 9
The symbol for this limitless quantity is a figure eight tipped on its side
    $400 2
When war broke out in September 1939, this country had tanks & a million-man army yet still relied heavily on cavalry
    $400 5
This Dr. Seuss character shows up one boring rainy day when "our mother was out of the house"
    $400 29
The Wow! computer for seniors says it has "free anti-virus" & this bad stuff "protection"
    $400 25
To get an apple from the tub with your teeth
    $400 16
The address for Oracle Park, home to this team, is 24 Willie Mays Plaza
    $400 10
Known as a shape poem, the one seen here from "Alice in Wonderland" is punningly called "The Mouse's" this
    $600 3
Jimmy Doolittle's April 1942 air raid on this Axis capital raised Allied morale at a dark time in the war
    $600 6
An annual read aloud book award is named for this "Stuart Little" author
    DD: $2,200 18
Old monitors needed a screensaver, which moved so it wouldn't burn in; today you can use this static image, also a home decorating item
    $600 26
Slang adjective for someone you think is not what they seem, especially if they might be the impostor in the game "Among Us"
    $600 15
The Yankees have spring training in Tampa at GMS Field, GMS being the initials of this longtime owner
    $600 11
Latin for "egg" gives us the word for this 4-letter shape
    $800 20
Here's a look at a Canadian regiment moving along the road from Holten to Rijssen in 1945 while liberating this Low Country
    $800 7
Shere Khan, the Bengal tiger in "The Jungle Book", threatens that this character "is mine & to my teeth he will come in the end"
    $800 19
Smaller networks can be secured with the packet-filtering type of this protective program
    $800 27
New year in Hanoi
    $800 14
This NL team makes its home in Chase Field, which has a retractable roof to avoid too much heat in summer
    $800 12
In an image from the European Southern Observatory, it's the shapely type of galaxy seen here in the constellation Eridanus
    $1000 21
In December 1940 Franklin Roosevelt proposed this alliterative system of aid to allies without immediate payment
    $1000 8
Billy has a pair of hounds named Old Dan & Little Ann in the kids' classic "Where" this plant "Grows"
    $1000 24
Like a T-shirt, a computer program is made of these; in an online forum, they're sequences of comments on the same topic
    $1000 28
It's the raised structure at the back of a sailing ship
    $1000 13
Roy Campanella, Biz Mackey & Jud Wilson, who played for the city in the Negro Leagues, appear in this park's Birdland artwork
    $1000 22
As a noun it refers to the curving bend of a river; as a verb, it means to wander aimlessly

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mattea Mike Reagan
$2,800 $1,600 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mattea Mike Reagan
$6,600 -$600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
Jackson Pollock's first wall-sized painting was fittingly titled this, from a word meaning "wall"
    $400 5
National Civil Rights Museum,
    $400 28
Complete the Thomas Paine quote "These are the times that try men's..."
    $400 17
Randy Jackson's go-to complaint on "American Idol"; dictionaries say it also means "tar-like"
    $400 11
"Man on Wire" takes a look at Philippe Petit's daring & illegal tightrope walk in 1974 between the towers of this complex
    $400 18
No dillydallying after taking this eggy dessert out of the oven; it will only stay fully risen for a minute or 2
    $800 22
In 1851, this iconic painting of an incident from American history sold for what was then a huge sum--$10,000
    $800 3
Olympic Park,
Place Jacques-Cartier
    $800 10
This man from Shaoshan wrote, "A revolution is not a dinner party"
    $800 16
Meaning "one note", it can also describe something dull & repetitious
    $800 12
In "Roger & Me", Michael Moore set out to confront Roger Smith about the closing of this automaker's plants in Flint, Michigan
    $800 29
Colorful sprinkles baked in the batter turn ordinary birthday cake into this festive type, but don't toss it in celebration
    $1200 24
Botticelli's allegorical painting "Spring" also has this Italian title
    $1200 1
In Bavaria:
Marienplatz, Olympiapark
    $1200 9
In a Bible parable, a merchant "found one" this gem "of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it"
    $1200 8
Like off-key, this other hyphenated adjective means unable to distinguish between different musical pitches
    $1200 13
A 2021 documentary takes an intimate look at this actress & her ups & downs living with multiple sclerosis
    $1200 19
This tangy dessert is an official state food of Florida
    DD: $2,000 23
Turns out Gainsborough originally put a dog in this 1770 portrait of a young lad clad in shades of indigo
    $1600 2
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu & the Prado
    DD: $3,000 26
Providing a later history book title, Stephen Vincent Benet wrote, "Bury my tongue at Champmedy... bury my heart at" this place
    $1600 6
Henry van Dyke rhymed that the cry of the whippoorwill was "sad and" this; not a great compliment for your singing either
    $1600 14
This HBO docuseries tells of how tons of money was swindled from a fast food chain's Monopoly game in the 1990s
    $1600 20
At Christmas time we want traditional English this, slices of cake soaked in sherry & layered with fruit, custard & whipped cream
    $2000 25
The Vermeer here is sometimes called simply "Allegory" of this virtue, & sometimes "Allegory of the Catholic" this
    $2000 4
A port on the Arabian Sea, Malabar Hill, the Bandra-Worli Sea Link seen here
    $2000 27
"Only Connect" is from this E.M. Forster novel about a country house
    $2000 7
"C" is for this unpleasant sound, also a term in poetry for discordant word sequences
    $2000 15
Early in his career Arnold Schwarzenegger flexed his muscles in this 1977 film about competitive bodybuilding
    $2000 21
Made with purple yams, ube hopia is a specialty of this country

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mattea Mike Reagan
$16,400 $1,800 $11,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Patented in 1955, it did not go over well in the high-end fashion world but the then-new aerospace industry found it very useful

Final scores:

Mattea Mike Reagan
$9,599 $1,793 $0
3-day champion: $80,400 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mattea Mike Reagan
$15,000 $4,000 $13,600
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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