Suggest correction - #8584 - 2022-02-24

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    $1200 22
When we first met the 2 title gals of this series, they were working at Shotz Brewery

Show #8584 - Thursday, February 24, 2022

Christine Whelchel game 2.


Anne Large, a bar and restaurant owner from Washington, D.C.

Lucian Wang, a law clerk from New York, New York

Christine Whelchel, a piano teacher and church organist from Spring Hill, Tennessee (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $34,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
Gore Vidal's novel with this title follows the presidential election in the year of the nation's centennial
    $200 18
Louisiana has an East as well as a West this parish; the capital city is in the East
    $200 10
In the 1970s East Germany came up with ketwurst inside a roll as an alternative to this American fare
    $200 3
If you're a senator who has made questionable stock trades, you may run afoul of the "Select" committee regarding these
    $200 26
Wayne Gretzky, Dermontti Dawson & Shaq, in wildly different ways
    $200 1
In the 15th century B.C. Egyptian queen Hatshepsut was depicted wearing men's attire & a fake one of these
    $400 9
Whitley Strieber's "2012" is a thriller based on apocalyptic events supposedly predicted by this Mesoamerican people's calendar
    $400 19
This parish has the same name as the site of Napoleon Bonaparte's death
    $400 11
This Jewish observance is also known as Pesach
    $400 4
Like the one on taxation, 4 committees begin with this 5-letter word meaning "shared"
    $400 27
To begin, Pedro Martinez; to end, Mariano Rivera
    $400 2
In 1893 Wrigley's introduced a gum with this refreshing flavor
    $600 22
This author's novel "3001" is subtitled "The Final Odyssey"
    $600 20
The seat of Caddo Parish, this "port" city got very popular after the nearby discovery of oil in 1906
    $600 12
This word for a high-level teacher once simply meant a person who openly declares something
    $600 5
A long-time member & sometime chair of the Finance Committee, in 2021 this 88-year-old Iowan announced he's running again
    $600 28
"Power" players Karl Malone & Charles Barkley
    $600 15
It's the inventory-reducing event seen here
    $800 23
Tim Pat Coogan's account of the Easter Rising Rebellion in Ireland has this year for a title
    $800 21
The category title PARISH FROM THE EARTH can clue you in to this presidential name of a parish with Ruston as its seat
    $800 13
This 2-letter abbreviation is alphabetically last among U.S. state postal codes
    DD: $1,200 6
In 2006 this committee voted 10-8 to send the Alito nomination to the full Senate
    $800 29
Dick Butkus, Mike Singletary & Brian Urlacher; same team, different decades
    $800 16
These, such as sweet words or caresses, express affection
    $1000 24
The Maralinga nuclear tests along with the continent's first Olympics are in this: "The Year Australia Welcomed the World"
    $1000 25
Spanish explorer Hernando spent time in what's now Louisiana before his May 21, 1542 death; this parish is named for him
    $1000 14
The master one transmits pedal action to the wheels; a bad one may be the culprit if your brake goes right to the floor
    $1000 7
There are 3 "P"s in the name of this committee that is responsible for allocating federal funds
    $1000 30
Harry (Apple Cheeks) Lumley & Georges Vezina, of trophy fame
    $1000 17
Noun for an animal between the ages of one & 2

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Christine Lucian Anne
$3,000 $400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Christine Lucian Anne
$6,800 $1,400 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
Before she died in 1906, she helped pave the way for women to vote & the 19th Amendment is nicknamed in her honor
    $400 13
In 1995 Octavia Butler became the first author in this genre to be honored with a MacArthur Genius Grant
    $400 18
The Crab Nebula is not in Cancer but in this constellation, & that's no bull
    $400 29
A binnacle was a case often made of a nonmagnetic metal so it could store this guiding device
    $400 26
Beginning in 1971, they starred in their own musical variety show
    $400 10
Deliberately discourteous & a "raw" grade of oil before refining
    DD: $3,000 5
The war of Austrian Succession was fought over whether she should succeed to the throne, which she did in 1740
    $800 3
In 1989, 30 years after this "Doctor Zhivago" author had to turn down his Nobel Prize, his son accepted it on his behalf
    $800 15
If you're hunting for Rigel, you'll find it in a leg of this constellation
    $800 30
Wa'a kaukahi is a Hawaiian canoe with just one of these; wa'a kaulua has a double one
    $800 23
Mr. Roarke began welcoming wishful guests to this title resort in the late '70s in a show rebooted in 2021
    $800 6
Actor Pickens &
a quick haircut
    $1200 11
One of America's first self-made female millionaires, this founder of a beauty empire was the subject of a Netflix series
    $1200 2
The word detective was brand new at the time this author introduced C. Auguste Dupin, the model for the detective in fiction
    $1200 16
The Southern Cross is also called this, a 4-letter Latin word
    DD: $4,000 19
A boat that doesn't list was said to be "on" this, which now means a calm disposition
    $1200 22
When we first met the 2 title gals of this series, they were working at Shotz Brewery
    $1200 7
These 2 of Santa's reindeer
    $1600 12
In 1889 social reformers Jane Addams & Ellen Gates Starr founded this famous settlement house in Chicago
    $1600 4
Shakespeare's sonnets 127 to 152 are addressed to a mysterious woman commonly called this, whose "eyes are raven black"
    $1600 1
Appropriately, this constellation containing a famous galaxy, is right by Perseus
    $1600 20
A wall or partition that separates compartments on a vessel
    $1600 24
Honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2021, Marla Gibbs was noted for playing Florence the maid on this sitcom
    $1600 8
A "-sayer" of old & the verity of what is said
    $2000 28
She made history when she became the first woman in space & more recently she's served in the Russian parliament
    $2000 14
A little birdie told us this Pulitzer Prize winner for "Thomas and Beulah" was Poet Laureate of the United States from 1993 to 1995
    $2000 17
Light & everything else takes a swan dive into this constellation's X-1, the first known black hole
    $2000 21
Also a southwestern city, it's the pole upon which the ship's colors are flown
    $2000 25
This show whose theme song was "Come On Get Happy" turned David Cassidy into a teen heartthrob
    $2000 9
"Tasty" descriptor for the 6 types of quarks & to relish in the moment

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Christine Lucian Anne
$12,600 $4,600 $1,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Introduced in the 1930s in The New Yorker, they've appeared on TV & Broadway & in live action & animated films

Final scores:

Christine Lucian Anne
$10,600 $5,200 $400
2-day champion: $44,600 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Christine Lucian Anne
$15,600 $8,600 $2,400
21 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $26,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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