Suggest correction - #2967 - 1997-06-24

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    $500 25
Montblanc recalled 1000s of these after engraving Dumas Fils' signature on them instead of Dumas Pere's

Show #2967 - Tuesday, June 24, 1997


Paul Slota, a "Mr. Mom" from San Marcos, California

Cris Molles, a finance manager from Lomita, California

Lynda Pinnington, a training consultant from Cambridge, Ontario Canada (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,401)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A whole category about mistakes.)
    $100 1
Benjamin's only full brother was this wearer of the coat of many colors
    $100 6
Traditional sweet & sour pork contains this tropical fruit
    $100 7
In the Netherlands the name of this river is spelled R-I-J-N
    $100 21
It shut down its webpage after Swedish hackers changed its name to the Central Stupidity Agency
    $100 8
Neat & trim
    $200 2
This longest-lived person in the Bible was Enoch's son & Noah's grandfather
    $200 16
"Smart" people know that hirnsuppe is a German soup made from this organ meat
    $200 29
He was Johnny Carson's daytime sidekick on "Who Do You Trust?" before joining him on "The Tonight Show"
    $200 12
This river's drainage basin extends from 4 degrees south latitude to 31 degrees north latitude
    $200 22
After the July 4, 1996 weekend off, workers on the L.A. subway had to do this to the tunnel digging machine
    $200 9
Dracula's domain
    $300 3
According to Luke, this prisoner who was released instead of Jesus was a seditionist & a murderer
    $300 17
Cuitlacoche, a Mexican delicacy, comes from the ears of this that have been attacked by Ustilago Maydis fungus
    $300 28
This network fills the wee hours with "World News Now", for those left uninformed by its "Nightline"
    $300 13
The mouth of this 2315-mile-long river lies in the Mississippi River 17 miles above St. Louis
    $300 23
In 1991 this royal Englishwoman shocked Pakistani Muslims when she wore a knee-length dress into a mosque
    $300 10
A clap in the rain
    $400 4
It is believed that the Bible's oldest text is "The Song Of" this prophetess & judge
    $400 18
Soba are a Japanese type of these made from buckwheat flour & served hot or cold
    $400 26
After midnight on Fridays in the '80s, you could catch an NBC rock music show devoted to these
    $400 14
This central Italian river empties into the sea via the Fiumara Branch & the Fiumicino Canal
    $400 24
This recent ad slogan didn't translate into Spanish; it literally meant "are you lactating?"
    $400 11
Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras & Luciano Pavarotti
(3) (5) (6)
    $500 5
The 2 brothers to whom Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"
    $500 19
Veloute de Crevettes is a rich French soup made from these shellfish
    $500 27
After midnight on Fridays in the '70s, you could catch Wolfman Jack on this NBC rock music show
    DD: $1,200 15
In 1951 it was determined that this river's source was in the Sierra Parima of Venezuela
    $500 25
Montblanc recalled 1000s of these after engraving Dumas Fils' signature on them instead of Dumas Pere's
    $500 20
Wolf or devil

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lynda Cris Paul
$800 $400 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lynda Cris Paul
$2,600 $1,700 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
These "scientists" sought the elixir of life & the way to turn lesser metals into precious ones
    $200 11
"Cross & Sword" is an outdoor pageant dramatizing the 1565 founding of this Florida city
    $200 3
In 1873 this man whose name is now posted with Noble's went into the bookselling business
    $200 9
Mary Chesnut's take on this U.S. war was part of a Ken Burns TV documentary
    $400 2
Around 1000 the Christian Church spilt into 2 main forms: Roman Catholic & this
    $400 8
In use since Antebellum days, the expression FFV refers to the first families of this state
    $400 4
This discount chain with a red & white bullseye logo was founded in 1962
    $400 16
Though this Patty & Mildred Hill composition is still under copyright, cake & candles are public domain
    $400 19
These 2 upper chambers of the heart receive & collect blood from the veins
    $400 10
Her "Little House in the Big Woods" begins in Wisconsin
    $600 17
Castles offered great protection until the 1400s, when these large weapons came into use
    $600 13
Built in 1901 for a coal magnate, the Elms in this R.I. seaport was inspired by France's Chateau D'Asnieres
    $600 5
After inventing soft-serve ice cream, "Grandpa" McCullough became "King of the Chill" with this chain
    DD: $1,500 18
Beatles song whose opening chord is heard here:
    $600 20
It's measured in rads
    $600 12
A young adult series by Madeleine L'Engle begins with the novel "A Wrinkle in" this
    $800 26
Term for a noble who was granted a fief by a lord
    $800 14
This state capital has streets named for Chet Atkins & Roy Acuff
    $800 6
Dr. Pepper & Coca-Cola were invented by men in this profession
    $800 23
No. 1 hits of the disco era included "Stayin' Alive" & this Gloria Gaynor song in a similar vein
    $800 21
In 1975 in Texas scientists found fossils of this flying lizard with a more than 50' wingspan
    $800 27
Male pen name used by Danish baroness Karen Blixen for "Out Of Africa"
    $1000 25
This 13th century English philosopher predicted there would be cars, airplanes & ships without rowers
    $1000 15
This gallery of art on the Smithsonian Mall is named for the man who donated his collection in 1906
    $1000 7
Franklin Mint founder Joseph Segel founded the QVC network, QVC standing for these 3 things
    $1000 24
The title of this wistful Beach Boys song is also the title of Brian Wilson's autobiography
    $1000 22
The name of this dog star, the brightest star in the night sky, is Greek for "scorching"
    DD: $2,000 28
In August 1996, Cross Creek, Florida & nearby Micanopy celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lynda Cris Paul
$2,200 $11,800 $3,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Name given to the parallel of latitude at 66 degrees 30' S.

Final scores:

Lynda Cris Paul
$3,001 $8,800 $500
2nd place: a trip/cruise to Tortola, British Virgin Islands New champion: $8,800 3rd place: a Maurice Lacroix watch

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lynda Cris Paul
$4,200 $10,900 $4,200
16 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
9 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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