Suggest correction - #8582 - 2022-02-22

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    $800 25
Rhyming term for a sack of gifts at an awards show; a $200,000 Oscars version included gold vape pens & liposuction vouchers

Show #8582 - Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Holly Ambler, a user experience researcher from Seattle Washington

Hieu Ton-That, a trauma surgeon from Chicago, Illinois

Henry Rozycki, a physician and professor from Richmond, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,101)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
If the critter sees this on Groundhog Day, tradition says we should be wary, with more bad weather in store
    $200 12
The Temple of Hephaestus, for the rest of us
    $200 10
In Mark 1:4 John preached about this sacrament "of repentance for the remission of sins"
    $200 9
It comes between phylum & order
    $200 17
Like the federal government, many states have a DOT, short for this, & they'll mail you a free map
    $200 19
Demonstrating a sense of humor, this agency debuted on Twitter with "We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet"
    $400 16
Take care-- many Valentine's Day menus are this 2-word French term, meaning the food & cost are set
    $400 11
BC Place Stadium, where the Whitecaps crest
    $400 13
Accidentally stealing a line from Oliver Wendell Holmes for "Innocents Abroad", Twain felt guilty of "Unconscious" this
    $400 18
As a verb, this white stuff means "to ascribe to" when followed by "up"
    $400 7
Southwest Airlines has stopped serving peanuts, but a snack mix featuring chips & these salty treats is always complimentary
    $400 28
He tweeted, "Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook doesn't promote hate for profit; evidently, it's just for kicks"
    $600 2
Farmers beware! In February 2020 a veritable plague of these big insects swarmed Uganda
    $600 4
Scott Joplin House State Historic Site, furnished as it was when the man lived & worked there
    $600 14
Asked about this versus socialism, Mark Cuban says this "is going to win"
    $600 20
As an adjective, it means "highest in importance"
    $600 8
The modern craze for giving these to Major League Baseball fans began with Willie Mays ones at Candlestick Park May 9, 1999
    $600 22
Dionne Warwick asked him, "If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this"
    $800 1
This sea captain should have been warier in February 1779; he was killed by locals after a kerfuffle at Kealakekua Bay
    DD: $1,000 5
The Palace of Catalan Music, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
    $800 15
"Do what you can", says Mark Ruffalo on this -ism, working for a cause as opposed to sitting back
    $800 23
Like furniture from IKEA, some toys may require this
    $800 25
Rhyming term for a sack of gifts at an awards show; a $200,000 Oscars version included gold vape pens & liposuction vouchers
    $800 29
In 2017 a fan asked this "Starships" rapper to pay her tuition; she tweeted, "Show me straight A's... and I'll pay" (& did)
    $1000 3
Cochise's detainment in February 1861 ultimately led to a war with these people of his in the Arizona Territory
    $1000 6
The Sibelius Monument, resembling a collection of organ pipes forming a sound wave
    $1000 27
Former Army Chief of Staff Mark A. Milley has a Bronze Star, which is awarded for this
    $1000 24
It's a synonym for an alcove
    $1000 26
In 2009, Todd Bol made a model full of books in tribute to his mother, a teacher; it became this 3-word concept with more than 100,000 worldwide
    $1000 30
The first tweet ever, "just setting up my twttr", was from this Twitter co-founder

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Henry Hieu Holly
$3,400 $1,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Henry Hieu Holly
$5,400 $2,800 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1600s
____ OF ____
    $400 5
This Virginia college was founded by royal charter in 1693
    $400 1
Koko & Yum Yum are these pets in a series of detective novels by Lilian Jackson Braun
    $400 3
On America's Great Seal, the eagle clutches these weapons, a warning to others
    $400 12
In 2020 she added to her family's Grammy collection, winning for "Becoming"; her husband has several
    $400 17
Traditionally, the person with this title is in charge of the bachelorette party
    $800 6
As chief minister from 1624 to 1642, this "Red Eminence" helped strengthen royal power in France
    $800 2
In the book "New Hampshire" by Robert Frost, you'll read "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in" this
    DD: $2,000 29
The base that the bodhisattva sits on is a stylized version of this symbolic flower, also the name of the position he's in
    $800 15
"Always Looking Up", this actor & 2009 winner is the incurable optimist seen here
    $800 18
It's the hydraulic device that can rescue people trapped inside wreckage
    $800 28
The name of this bird is a synonym for singer; the yellow one has a song that sounds like "sweet, sweet, sweet, I'm so sweet"
    $1200 7
This statesman & general led the anti-royalist forces in England's civil war
    $1200 9
" Everything I Never Told You" is the debut novel by this author of "Little Fires Everywhere"
    $1200 19
Meaning "horn of plenty", this object goes back to the broken horn of a she-goat that endlessly refilled with food & drink
    $1200 14
In 1993 this Laker legend added to his trophy case for "What You Can Do to Avoid AIDS"
    $1200 20
The Inquisition ceremony auto-da-fe means this in English
    $1200 23
The name of this pigeon family member comes from the sound of its call, not from any association with a shelled reptile
    $1600 4
In 1644 the Ming Dynasty fell to these conquerors whose dynasty would rule China until the 20th century
    $1600 10
This novelist's 1967 work "One Hundred Years of Solitude" tells the story of the Buendía family
    $1600 27
The mandorla, "almond" in Italian, is the burst of light seen here during this moment, also what Jesus said--"I am"
    DD: $3,000 13
2001 honored "Q--The Autobiography of" this music legend who has 28 Grammys
    $1600 21
Reaching maturity; it precedes "in Samoa" in the title of a Margaret Mead work
    $1600 25
Genus Megascops, it has a shrill call like the whinny of a horse & is one of the most nocturnal of birds, so it's more heard than seen
    $2000 8
After Shah Jahan completed the Taj Mahal, his son Aurangzeb deposed him as ruler of this Muslim empire in northern India
    $2000 11
2019's "The Water Dancer" is the first novel by this man better known for nonfiction
    $2000 26
Pharaohs are often depicted holding one of these "life crosses"
    $2000 16
Mikhail Gorbachev & Sophia Loren were among the winners for a spoken word album for children on this Prokofiev work
    $2000 22
This flower mentioned in the biblical Song of Solomon might actually be a crocus or a wild Narcissus
    $2000 24
This bird is named for its call, first & third syllables accented, which it may repeat 400 times without stopping

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Henry Hieu Holly
$15,000 $15,400 $3,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1914 she received a patent on a trefoil emblem, which she would transfer to an organization a few years later

Final scores:

Henry Hieu Holly
$7,200 $700 $600
2-day champion: $27,301 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Henry Hieu Holly
$14,800 $12,800 $3,600
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
8 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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