Suggest correction - #16 - 2022-02-18

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    $1200 14
In a deal worth $5 billion, Apollo global management acquired this company from Verizon along with AOL

National College Championship game #16 - Friday, February 18, 2022

2022 National College Championship semifinal game 4.


Megan Sullivan, a junior at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia

Jaskaran Singh, a senior at the University of Texas at Austin in Austin, Texas

Joey Kornman, a junior at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
A government crackdown on protesters in Beijing on June 4, 1989 took place in this square
    $200 15
This "stately" sushi order has crab, avocado & cucumber
    $200 30
Your new stylo, one of these, is very stylish, Marie-Noelle; write me a letter!
    $200 28
The Jayhawks rock & chalk for this Big 12 school
    $200 25
With a name going back to Quechuan, it's strips of beef or pork that have been dehydrated or dried in the sun
    $200 11
The character of chaos theorist Ian Malcolm was introduced in this Michael Crichton novel about a unique island attraction
    $400 4
When papal armies threatened Florence in 1529, this native son & genius with stone drew up plans to fortify the city
    $400 14
We're never gonna give up this bait-&-switch prank meme featuring Mr. Astley & an '80s pop hit
    $400 29
For the geography test, the teacher made sure these, including une carte de France, were rolled up
    $400 19
They fight on at Arkansas-Little Rock as well as Southern Cal
    $400 26
This treat from Orville Redenbacher is "a little sweet, a little salty--and a whole lot of yummy"
    $400 7
In 2021 he dropped "Project Hail Mary", in which he embraced familiar themes about a lone astronaut struggling to survive
    $600 3
Spain's second queen of this name took the throne in 1833
    $600 9
Hominid use of this variety of quartz to make tools goes back millions of years; we "-locked" it into early firearms a bit later
    $600 23
I was too late for petit dejeuner, so it's time for regular old dejeuner, also called this--so off to the cafeteria
    $600 20
Foes of Seton Hill University have to face off with these mythical bird-lion hybrids
    $600 27
Relatively healthy, here are chips made with this veggie served with vegan cheese
    $600 6
In this "colorful" author's "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing", alien sculptures called the Carls pop up all over Earth
    $800 1
52 Americans who were held hostage in 1979 & 1980 were seized from the U.S. embassy in this city
    $800 13
Preexisting rocks that roll with the changes in composition due to high temperature or pressure become this class of rock
    $800 22
If you need a power cable for your ordinateur portable, this 6-letter type of tech, let Madame Ivie know
    $800 16
The University of Pennsylvania's teams have this name
    $800 17
It's the 4-letter name for the sheets of seaweed that wrap around your sushi
    $800 8
This author of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" said his life's work was justified by the 1982 film adaptation "Blade Runner"
    DD: $1,000 2
Under revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo, this country declared its independence from Spain in 1898
    $1000 12
Final "X" marks the spot for this striped silica variety; one example is the red-&-white banded carnelian
    $1000 21
I just call it a folder, but when my French friend uses this 7-letter word, I feel like I'm in a spy movie
    $1000 18
These predators play for Bowdoin College, home to the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum
    $1000 24
These little fish come packed in cans, like of King Oscar's Royal Selection
    $1000 10
Sequels to this novel about children trained as soldiers include "Xenocide" & "Children of the Mind"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joey Jaskaran Megan
$200 $3,800 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joey Jaskaran Megan
$4,800 $5,400 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
Fort Lauderdale:
Zoom out to this state it's in
    $400 30
There are 52 white keys on a standard piano & this many black ones
    $400 24
The reality show "Below Deck" takes place on a "super" one
    $400 25
Let's watch "Moxie" co-starring this woman who also directed
    $400 7
It can mean to fish by towing lures behind a boat, or to make intentional upsetting remarks online to elicit a response
    $400 23
3 types of this single-stranded stuff in our bodies are messenger, transfer & ribosomal
    $800 5
This city:
Zoom in to the neighborhoods of Dorchester or the Back Bay
    $800 13
Guitarists use an index finger to hold down multiple strings when playing a "barre" this
    $800 10
A catchphrase from "Seinfeld" that actually predates the show, it means "blah, blah, blah"
    $800 16
Let's flash back to 2017 with "Ladybird", featuring this actor seen here
    $800 6
When you lie in court under oath, you do this to "yourself"
    $800 22
Its name signifying a conflict with the Greek god of war, this star is 10,000 times the Sun's luminosity
    $1200 2
The Sawatch range:
Zoom out to this larger mountain range
    $1200 26
The Pacifica Quartet won the 2020 Grammy for best this kind of Music/Small Ensemble Performance
    $1200 14
In a deal worth $5 billion, Apollo global management acquired this company from Verizon along with AOL
    $1200 17
Let's watch "The Great British Baking Show" from the beginning, when this woman with a rhyming name was judge
    $1200 1
To squeeze uncomfortably, like certain snakes or like too tight shoes on your feet
    DD: $4,000 19
Here's the windup, & this ore of uranium in which that element was first discovered
    $1600 3
Metro Phoenix:
Zoom in to the GRIC, this River Indian Community
    $1600 28
The "Surprise" symphony (No. 94) & the "London" (No. 104) are nicknames for works by this prolific 18th century Austrian
    $1600 12
Sea captains & pirates are "woven" into the fabric of the 1835 book "An Old Sailor's" these tales
    $1600 15
Choices for this funny guy: "Inside", with him performing musical comedy, or the movie "Eighth Grade", which he wrote & directed
    DD: $3,800 8
To speak distinctly & clearly; it can also mean to unite by means of a joint
    $1600 21
Chemistry news: this unit is no longer related to the No. of atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12, but directly to Avogadro's constant
    $2000 4
Downtown Cleveland:
Zoom out to this county with an Iroquoian name
    $2000 27
Style of wordless jazz singing heard here; it needn't include the syllable of its name
    $2000 11
It's the Japanese version of shish kebab
    $2000 18
This TruTV series with Sal, Joe, Q & Murr challenging each other to hidden-camera dares & stunts is always good for laughs
    $2000 9
From Latin for "wave", it means to move in waves or ripples
    $2000 20
You don't know me, but I've got about a million islets named for me in your pancreas

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joey Jaskaran Megan
$9,200 $12,200 $14,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Introduced in 1928, this character has a disappointing affair with a writer before she begins a more satisfying relationship

Final scores:

Joey Jaskaran Megan
$0 $24,400 $3,599
3rd place: $20,000 Winner: finalist, if one of 3 top-scoring winners; $35,000 for 4th place 2nd place: $20,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joey Jaskaran Megan
$13,200 $12,200 $11,800
15 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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