Suggest correction - #11 - 2022-02-16

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    DD: $3,000 18
The subject of a 1993 movie, he's the only member of the Nazi Party honored with burial on Israel's Mt. Zion

National College Championship game #11 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

2022 National College Championship quarterfinal game 11.


Claire Jackson, a sophomore at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia

Nam Vu, a senior at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Fiona Hellerman, a senior at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Each title contains one of those two words.)
    $200 18
This Black Panther actor wanted T'Challa's accent to be authentically African, so he spoke in a dialect based on South African Xhosa
    $200 26
Facebook announced its stock ticker name would change to MVRS & its corporate name would become this 4-letter one
    $200 30
This gas is liquefied & frozen to make dry ice
    $200 24
"Trimalchio in West Egg" was a working title for this novel
    $200 29
On Feb. 11, 2001 Three Rivers Stadium, long home to this baseball team, got taken out of the game via implosion
    $200 28
A business, or people who come over to visit
    $400 10
The arc reactor in Tony Stark's chest had a core of this element, symbol Pd; exposure to it would later poison him
    $400 1
Eric Adams bested Curtis Sliwa in this city's 2021 mayoral race
    $400 25
The solid inner core of the Earth is mostly made up of this metal along with nickel
    DD: $300 5
In this novel, Miss Havisham dies after the faded wedding dress she wears catches fire
    $400 20
This Greek guy of myth should have taken dad's advice & not flown too close to the sun with waxen wings, as when they melt...
    $400 27
Time & width are examples of these measurements
    $600 7
Groot's vocabulary in Guardians 2 is limited; this actor got a script with translations from Groot-speak so his delivery could vary
    $600 2
In 2021 this Canadian P.M. called a snap election; he held onto power but fell short of his goal of a majority government
    $600 3
While liquid at room temperature, this metal does freeze to a solid below minus 38 degrees
    $600 4
The world is ending this coming Saturday, just before dinner, in this book by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
    $600 13
This Broadway musical is about trying to make a flop, but the curtain didn't fall on it until the 2,502nd performance
    $600 15
Title partner of "Pomp" in a walking song at graduation
    $800 9
Ant-Man is warned about getting small in this sub-atomic micro-verse; he gets stuck there after his retrieval crew blips
    $800 17
Seen here, he became the first openly gay Cabinet secretary, after getting the Department of Transportation job
    $800 11
Originally, our pennies were made of solid copper; today, they're copper-coated this metal
    $800 6
"Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight" is a line from this Dylan Thomas poem
    $800 14
In Exodus the depths of this body of water "have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone"
    $800 21
This is happening when prices are high but the value of cash is lessened
    $1000 8
Captain Marvel gets some powers due to the Tesseract; others she has via an infusion of this alien race's blood thanks to Yon-Rogg
    $1000 19
The 2020 "Accords" named for this biblical patriarch were to normalize relations between Bahrain, the U.A.E. & Israel
    $1000 12
It's the 12-letter name for a solid figure with twelve faces, as seen here
    $1000 23
This novel sees Wang Lung go from peasant to landowner
    $1000 22
Sadly, on May 3, 2003, this beloved New Hampshire granite landmark seen here collapsed & fell
    $1000 16
From Greek for "a general view", it's a brief summary of a book in a few paragraphs

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Fiona ♥ Nam Claire
$1,500 $6,600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Fiona ♥ Nam Claire
$2,700 $8,400 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: There's an "X" in each response.)
    $400 30
Neil Campbell of the Campbell-Reece text on this life science was an expert on mimosas--not the drink but a pea family plant
    $400 9
In his "Generall Historie of Virginia", John Smith claimed that she saved him from having his "braines" "beate out"
    $400 27
The West African coast goes Liberia-Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana-Togo-Benin-this country bigger than the other 5 put together
    $400 16
Limited edition Oreos with designs of these fictional beings are selling for big bucks; the exceedingly rare Mew is highly coveted
    $400 7
Paris Hilton: This kind of TV show in which she asks, "What do chives look like?"
    $400 29
To send data from one computer program to another
    $800 8
"The Living" this document is part of "Magruder's American Government", written for decades after Magruder by William McClenaghan
    $800 14
Born into slavery, the abolitionist & activist seen here adopted this name as she began traveling to preach the Gospel
    $800 26
Juba is the capital of this newest nation of Africa that seceded from its northern neighbor in 2011
    $800 17
This company's "Imagine Cup" allows students around the world to compete in technology-based competitions
    $800 6
Singer Camila Cabello playing this fairy tale heroine in a movie musical
    $800 28
"Controlled chaos" is an example of one of these paradoxical figures of speech
    $1200 23
Thomas Cormen, who wrote "Introduction to" these, taught his last computer science class at Dartmouth in 2019 after 27 years
    $1200 15
This Roman orator who wrote "On the Republic" orated a bit too much about getting rid of one of his new bosses... oops
    $1200 3
The Corniche is a long, glamorous seafront street in this city where Cleopatra lived & loved
    $1200 11
George Takei cheekily said of a trip this man made in 2021, "He's boldly going where other people have gone before"
    $1200 5
This model's book of essays, "My Body"
    $1200 12
Seen here is one of the many ancient statues at this city on the Nile
    $1600 24
Allan G. Bluman wrote "Probability Demystified" as well as many editions of "Elementary" these
    DD: $3,000 18
The subject of a 1993 movie, he's the only member of the Nazi Party honored with burial on Israel's Mt. Zion
    $1600 21
Partly in Namibia, partly in South Africa, Namaqualand is divided by this "colorful" river
    $1600 10
Aroostook Valley Country Club has a golf course in this Canadian province, but a stray shot may fly into Maine
    $1600 4
This Olympian's athletic shoe brand, Saysh
    $1600 19
Axiom is a synonym for this, a pithy saying
    DD: $2,000 25
Anthony Kenny of "A New History of Western Philosophy" also covered it in books on Descartes, Wittgenstein & this 13th century saint
    $2000 20
In the 1750s this Swedish naturalist introduced the idea of binomial nomenclature for plants & animals
    $2000 22
Dominated by 12,198-foot Pico del Teide, Tenerife is the largest of these islands off Africa's northwest coast
    $2000 2
2 words that don't go well together, imperfectly embalmed, applied to this lord protector of England in 1658
    $2000 1
This actor's podcast "That Thing I Do"
    $2000 13
Term for the outermost part of a flower before it opens

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Fiona ♥ Nam Claire
$1,500 $17,000 $5,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first national observance of Memorial Day was held May 30, 1868 at this site, on land that had belonged to Robert E. Lee's wife

Final scores:

Fiona ♥ Nam Claire
$1,000 $17,000 $3,119
3rd place: $10,000 Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Fiona ♥ Nam Claire
$1,600 $17,600 $5,000
9 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $24,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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