Suggest correction - #10 - 2022-02-15

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    $1000 4
A Sterling (K. Brown) performance;

National College Championship game #10 - Tuesday, February 15, 2022

2022 National College Championship quarterfinal game 10.


Kristin Donegan, a senior at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Anna Muthalaly, a junior at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina

Sebastian Torres, a junior at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: You'll name the character.)
(David Chang: I'm chef David Chang, and I'll present clues about cooking. Don't be scared. It's not that different from chem lab.)
    $200 15
The radio show "Hidden Brain" explores issues of mind & life, as in a 2019 story about what makes us "Creatures of" this
    $200 17
The price of this 1803 land deal, including interest, came to a bit more than $27 million
    $200 5
"Stranger Things" have happened;
name her number
    $200 8
In Italian anno is this amount of time
    $200 24
The Latin for "twice" & "chamber" gives us this term referring to the dual nature of our Congress
    $200 6
(David Chang delivers the clue.) Like probably a lot of you, in college, I sustained myself on the instant type of these noodles, but you can actually do a lot with them, including making one of my favorite pasta dishes, cacio e pepe
    $400 20
At 14 this future DNA double helix discoverer went on radio's "Quiz Kids" for 3 weeks, beaten by 8-year-old Ruth Duskin
    $400 13
Peter Minuit is said to have purchased this island in 1626 for 60 guilders worth of trade goods
    $400 1
Headin' Westeros;
a mother of 3 (dragons)
    $400 9
En français, la main gauche is this specific body part
    $400 25
Set at $28 trillion since August 2021, this "D.C." is a big topic in D.C. & limits the amount the Treasury can borrow
    $400 11
(David Chang delivers the clue.) Tamari is a richer & less salty alternative to regular soy sauce, & unlike soy sauce, has no added wheat, so it's this, as indicated on the label, & safe for certain diets
    DD: $2,400 21
"How Can Adults Grow New Brain Cells" on the Ted Radio Hour is a talk by Sandrine Thuret, professor of this science
    $600 7
The human cost of building this waterway prior to its 1914 opening?
More than 5,600 lives
    $600 2
The Penn Badgley is mightier;
him or "You", take your pick
    $600 10
Entering a Spanish-speaking store? Empuje para abrir means this
    $600 28
When a president fails to sign a bill after Congress has adjourned, it's deemed this type of veto
    $600 23
(David Chang delivers the clue.) Here's something cool: after cutting up these green onions, put the scraps with the roots in water in a sunny place & in a matter of weeks, they should regrow
    $800 22
Sometimes WNYC's Brian Lehrer does an interview series with local winners of this foundation's so-called "Genius Grants"
    $800 12
When this car first went on sale in 1908, it cost $850; thanks to the assembly line, by 1925 you could get one for under $300
    $800 3
Rick's granddaughter;
quite an animated character
    $800 14
This Hawaiian word means "thank you": add nui loa to mean "very much"
    $800 29
Most states use primaries, but Wyoming employs one of these meetings to decide candidates
    $800 27
(David Chang delivers the clue.) For convenience, I'm a big fan of the microwave & the most basic thing you can make for dinner or a late-night snack is a baked potato; poke a few holes in this most common brown variety & cook about five minutes on each side
    $1000 16
On "Fresh Air" Michael Pollan discussed his book "How to Change Your Mind" about "The New Science of" these, like psilocybin
    $1000 19
A congressional study estimated the 1898-1899 price of this conflict at $283 million, or nearly $9 billion today
    $1000 4
A Sterling (K. Brown) performance;
    $1000 18
In "Kingdom of Heaven", king Baldwin offers Saladin this 2-word Arabic greeting
    $1000 30
The oldest standing committee in Congress is this chief tax-writing one of the House
    $1000 26
(David Chang delivers the clue.) Chemistry professor Kikunae Ikeda discovered that glutamate, as in MSG, is key to this fifth basic taste; savory foods naturally rich in it include Parmesan cheese, tomatoes & dried mushrooms

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sebastian Anna ♡ Kristin
$0 $1,400 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sebastian Anna ♡ Kristin
$3,800 $400 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Responses start with "M-A".)
    $400 29
See spots. See lots of spots all over the body in outbreaks of this disease that could have been prevented with an MMR vaccine
    $400 20
He's introduced in "Tom Sawyer" as "the juvenile pariah of the village"
    $400 9
At 226,658 square miles, it's the largest island in the Indian Ocean
    $400 30
One who puts down in words the story of another's life
    $400 15
In a version of Clue based on this TV show, employees at Dunder Mifflin take part in a murder mystery exercise
    $400 8
Fused together in adults, the Ilium, pubis & ischium form the hip bone & the 2 hip bones form this girdle
    $800 28
Seen here, this bird is at the center of a battle between conservationists & the logging industry
    $800 11
This novel recounts a single day--June 16, 1904--in the life of Leopold Bloom & Stephen Dedalus
    $800 10
This city is home to the Prado Museum
    $800 24
"Mortal" word describing a jury that can't reach a verdict
    $800 16
In 2015 this game dropped "Settlers of" from its name
    $800 7
On either side of the neck, you should be able to feel the pulse above this artery that supplies blood to the head
    $1200 27
The "Ultimate" version of this party game comes with a larger mat & twice the number of colored spots
    $1200 3
In "Moby-Dick" Peleg & Bildad are 2 of the owners of this ship
    $1200 12
This special administrative region of China includes the islands of Taipa & Coloane
    $1200 23
There's one of these on Wabash Avenue spanning the Chicago River; don't try to cross when it's up
    $1200 17
In classic Monopoly just past Go you'll find these 2 cheapest properties on the board
    $1200 6
This area of the brain involved in speech was named for a French surgeon
    $1600 26
Here we've spotted one of the many spotty varieties of this fancy flower
    $1600 2
This Tolstoy novel famously begins, "Happy families are all alike..."
    DD: $2,000 13
This Canadian river drains an area almost the size of Mexico
    $1600 22
10-letter word for background music written to accompany a play, like Bizet's for 1872's "L'Arlesienne"
    $1600 18
The name of this game from Mattel in which you make up phony definitions is another word for nonsense, & we're not bluffing
    $1600 5
In the lungs, gas exchange takes place in the hundreds of millions of tiny air sacs called these
    $2000 25
Sunspots are darker, cooler areas that appear in this visible surface of the Sun
    DD: $2,000 1
Newland Archer arrives fashionably late to the opera as this novel set in 1870s New York begins
    $2000 14
This strait connects the Indian Ocean to the South China Sea
    $2000 21
This adjective for a defective argument begins with one of the 4 seasons
    $2000 19
Named for the CEO's dog, it's the company behind such games as Farmville & words with friends
    $2000 4
While the uvula is a soft flap at the back of the throat, this similar word is the pigmented middle layer of the eye

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sebastian Anna ♡ Kristin
$10,200 -$2,000 $15,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 2021 book about his "Misunderstood Reign" argues that he hated slavery & actually suffered from bipolar disorder

Final scores:

Sebastian Anna ♡ Kristin
$200 -$2,000 $9,999
2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sebastian Anna ♡ Kristin
$10,200 $0 $15,400
14 R,
4 W
12 R,
9 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $25,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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