Suggest correction - #1668 - 1991-11-27

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    $400 27
Retailers say this designer's Eternity for Men & Obsession for Men are also worn by women

Show #1668 - Wednesday, November 27, 1991

Kirk Ditzler game 3.
Contestant introductions missing from archiving tape.


David Green, a semi-professional actor from San Francisco, California

Mike Kennedy, a former high school teacher from Torrance, California

Kirk Ditzler, a teacher from Houston, Texas (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A reference to the comic strip.)
    $100 26
The Crimson Tide
    $100 6
He takes over as permanent host of "The Tonight Show" in May 1992
    $100 16
It's an inflammation of the voice box resulting in hoarseness
    $100 18
A Chinese proverb tells us, "A hasty man drinks" this steeped beverage "with a fork"
    $100 11
Originally made from the bark of the willow tree, take 2 & call me with the answer
    $100 1
Snoopy uses this as his "Sopwith Camel"
    $200 27
The Nittany Lions
    $200 7
In 1983 she began her now nationally known talk show in St. Louis
    $200 17
To the nearest minute, the time it takes blood to go from the heart thru the body & back to the heart
    $200 19
This can be "bliss", or "the night of the mind"
    $200 12
Feb. 2 could also be called "Woodchuck Day", since it's the same animal
    $200 2
1 of the offstage characters never seen in the strip is his blanket-hating grandmother
    $300 28
The Cornhuskers
    DD: $900 8
In 1991 he got his own syndicated talk show
    $300 23
The x-ray screening process used to detect breast cancer in women
    $300 20
"God made the earth but" these people "made Holland"
    $300 13
1942 cartoon feature noted for its forest fire sequence
    $300 3
Charles Schulz gave his daughter Meredith a toy piano that inspired this piano this character plays
    $400 29
The Razorbacks
    $400 9
"Another World" star Linda Dano is a host on "Attitudes" on this cable channel
    $400 24
This former 97-pound weakling developed the Dynamic Tension exercise routine
    $400 21
"Never marry for" this, "Ye'll borrow it cheaper"
    $400 14
The U.S.A.'s 1st federal wood research center was established in 1910 in this Wisconsin capital
    $400 4
Peppermint Patty's nickname for Charlie Brown
    $500 30
The Boilermakers
    $500 10
This New York-based pair was named to co-host the 1991 Miss America Pageant
    $500 25
Cooking destroys this vitamin whose scientific name is ascorbic acid
    $500 22
This "mother of invention" "and opportunity may make a coward valiant"
    $500 15
Author who wrote about "The murmuring pines and hemlocks" in "the forest primeval"
    $500 5
Charles Schulz once said this little blonde girl was his "personal favorite of all the characters"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kirk Mike David
$2,700 -$300 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kirk Mike David
$4,900 $300 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In the last 46 years, this nation has cast the most vetoes in the Security Council with over 100
    $200 16
Mohair comes from the angora species of this mammal
    $200 26
Designer Liz' last name, or her fragrance for men
    $200 2
The 2 official languages of Canada — eh?
    $200 11
"Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie" did this to "the girls and made them cry"
    $200 21
Unlike most people, this explorer thought Polo's book was true & set off for Cathay in 1492
    $400 7
50 nations signed the U.N. Charter on June 26, 1945 at this city's War Memorial Opera House
    $400 17
The slowest of all mammals is the three-toed species of this
    $400 27
Retailers say this designer's Eternity for Men & Obsession for Men are also worn by women
    $400 3
Thousands of Austrians speak Slovene, but a whopping 98% of them speak this official language
    $400 12
She "tried what she could, as a shepherdess should, to tack each sheep to its tail"
    $400 22
One thing Marco didn't mention was this structure, built to keep invaders out of China
    $600 8
The U.N. Library is named for this Swedish Secretary-General who died in a plane crash
    $600 18
They range in size from the royal, probably the smallest hoofed mammal, to the giant eland
    $600 28
We assume Jaclyn Smith likes this state because her cologne is named for it
    $600 4
Most courses at the University of Helsinki are taught in Swedish or this language
    $600 13
In "Sing A Song Of Sixpence". it's where the king computes his cash
    $600 23
The tales of Marco bringing this food back to the West are just tales; it existed there before his trip
    $800 9
On October 25, 1971 the U.N. voted to expel this nation
    $800 19
The extinct quagga was a relative of this African mammal, but was striped on only part of its body
    $800 29
As far as we know, she's the only daughter of a Cubist who has a perfume named for herself
    $800 5
Haitian Creole is the native language of the many people who live on this island
    DD: $1,000 14
This queen "is dead and gone...but left her lace to whiten on each weed-entangled way"
    $800 24
Kublai Khan asked Marco's father to bring some holy oil from a lamp in this city
    $1000 10
Following the U.S., this country contributes more to the U.N.'s budget than any other nation
    $1000 20
The smallest of these mammals is the Kitti's hog-nosed or bumblebee species
    $1000 30
His perfume, like his costumes for Carol Burnett & Cher, is "for the woman who dares to be noticed"
    $1000 6
The Tosk dialect is spoken widely in the southern part of this country, which borders Greece
    $1000 15
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote of this, "He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head"
    DD: $1,000 25
Around 1275 Marco reached the Mongol summer capital Shang-Tu, known to Coleridge readers as this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kirk Mike David
$10,500 -$1,100 $3,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In his diary Samuel Pepys described this play as silly, "and not related at all to the name or day"

Final scores:

Kirk Mike David
$10,000 -$1,100 $0
3-day champion: $28,200 3rd place: U-Line combo ice maker-refrigerator + Nintendo Entertainment System 2nd place: Broyhill entertainment center + Ross Simons bracelet

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kirk Mike David
$9,900 $900 $3,000
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)
12 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $13,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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