Suggest correction - #8569 - 2022-02-03

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    $1200 28
When God told this man that he would become a father to a son at age 100, he rolled on the floor laughing

Show #8569 - Thursday, February 3, 2022


Zach Gozlan, a data analyst from Washington, D.C.

Heather Brice, a retired flight attendant from Brooksville, Florida

Emma Saltzberg, a consultant from Brooklyn, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Each response is or contains a national adjective.)
(Mayim: Name the two books by the same author that we have combined.)
    $200 1
Her death following a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel produced worldwide mourning
    $200 7
Deriving from a game called halma--Greek for "jump"--this board game is played on a 6-pointed star
    $200 3
Trista Rehn, Andi Dorfman & Katie Thurston have each held this title role... & dare we say, responsibility!
    $200 16
Katharine Lee Bates wrote of "purple mountain majesties" in what became this song
    $200 21
Decades after this word for "nothing" appeared, "squat" was added to the end
    $200 26
"Horton Hears a Ham"
    $400 2
At the Olympic games in Stockholm, Jim Thorpe won gold medals in both of these track & field multi-events
    DD: $1,000 12
The Feb. 1588 death of its admiral, the Marquis de Santa Cruz, would loom large in the coming disaster that befell this big group
    $400 8
Head to Casa Amor to see if singles in bathing suits become soulmates after a solid few days on this show "USA"
    $400 17
First instituted in 1782, it has "For Military Merit" on its reverse side
    $400 22
This brand name of lighters that uses a flame logo can mean "zero" in slang
    $400 27
"The Runaway Brief"
    $600 4
Seen here are three random Americans of the 4.3 million born in this year at the tail end of the baby boom
    $600 13
Roland-Garros has hosted this event since 1928
    $600 9
Somehow, TLC built a hit show called this that's centered on a time length established by the USA's K-1 visa program
    $600 18
Apollonia Kotero & Morris Day both got to use their first names for their characters in this 1984 flick
    $600 23
When someone responds to a question with "Nunya", it's a shortening of this phrase
    $600 28
"Pride and Sensibility"
    $800 5
The invasion of Kuwait prompted this Allied operation to free it from Iraqi occupation
    $800 14
Don't you love playing with toys? Toy dogs, that is, like this breed here whose name comes from an island
    $800 10
"Will You Marry Me?" was episode 2 of this Lachey-hosted show where couples got engaged before meeting face-to-face
    $800 19
In the 1890s purple became an official color for this entire Illinois university, not just the sports teams
    $800 24
Remove these 2 letters from the Latin word for "nothing" to get "nil"
    $800 29
"Love in the Time of Solitude"
    $1000 6
In 1948 John Costello became Irish prime minister, the first from this party whose name means "Gaelic family"
    $1000 15
Taken from the lean, tender eye of the loin, this smoked breakfast meat comes in cylindrical chunks
    $1000 11
Punning on a vodka drink, MTV's "Ex" here has reality stars trying to find new love while dealing with past lovers
    $1000 20
In the 1990s, this author who wrote about a house on Mango Street painted a house in an historic area of San Antonio purple
    $1000 25
Yiddish for "goat droppings" morphed into this word for "b"arely anything
    $1000 30
"God Bless You, Mr. Cradle"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emma Heather Zach
$2,000 -$1,000 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emma Heather Zach
$6,000 -$400 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
These Louisiana natives are believed to be descended from the French exiles of Acadia
    $400 1
I'm going to get a taste of your profits--not a lot, just to do this, as in the photo here
    $400 26
Jesus is laughed at when he says, "The maid is not" this, "but sleepeth"; then "the maid arose"
    $400 12
Weathering, abrasion & corrosion are all forms of this natural process by which rock is broken down
    $400 8
Singer Gregg & guitarslinger Duane were the siblings who gave this "Ramblin' Man" band its name
    $400 21
The Missouri flows into it
    $800 13
Renouncing his American citizenship years earlier, this chess master died in exile in Iceland in 2008
    $800 2
Meaning "stick to your own area", it can apply to highway driving but was also influenced by football kickoff coverage
    $800 27
Ecclesiastes 10 informs us "A feast is made for laughter &" this beverage "maketh merry"
    $800 17
This mineral was called krystallos by the ancient Greeks & is primarily silicon dioxide
    $800 11
This Wu-Tang Clan man is also half of a duo with Redman
    $800 22
The Madeira & the Xingu are among its 1,100 tributaries
    $1200 14
José Martí, national hero of this country, probably should have stayed longer in the U.S.; he returned in 1895 & died in battle
    DD: $3,000 3
Tangled wires led to the 19th c. phrase this type of "telegraph"; eventually, this became the way you hear a rumor
    $1200 28
When God told this man that he would become a father to a son at age 100, he rolled on the floor laughing
    $1200 18
Cementation is the last stage in the formation of this type of rock made from accumulated deposits
    $1200 10
This Grammy-winning indie pop band was formed in Alaska, not the Iberian country in its name
    $1200 23
The Klondike River is a tributary of this one
    $1600 15
Exiled to Switzerland in 1919, Charles I, also known as Charles IV, was the last ruler of this dual monarchy
    $1600 4
Nowadays, people say "(whatever they're really good at) is my" this word; for Johnny Storm, it's actually pyrokinesis
    $1600 29
Be patient like this man, who was told "at destruction & famine thou shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts"
    $1600 19
4.4 billion-year-old deposits have been found of this end-of-the-alphabet mineral, a December birthstone
    $1600 7
He topped the charts 3 times in the '70s; "Copacabana" only went to No. 8
    $1600 24
The Tha, the Ou & the Ngum are part of its flow
    $2000 16
During his exile in England in the 1720s, this French writer & philosopher met, among others, Alexander Pope & Jonathan Swift
    $2000 5
Veterans "benefits" include this, to be given by the V.A. if the evidence for & against the claim is about equal
    $2000 30
"The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in" this, later an Edith Wharton title
    DD: $2,500 20
Meaning "stone ball" this rocky 60-mile outer layer of the Earth consists of the crust & the upper part of the mantle
    $2000 9
Twice a "man", he had a hit with "Do Wah Diddy Diddy" before hitting the charts again with his Earth Band
    $2000 25
The Allier & the Nièvre are joined with this river, famous for its valley

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emma Heather Zach
$20,200 $4,300 $12,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was buried in 1969 in one of the World War II uniform jackets named for him

Final scores:

Emma Heather Zach
$14,799 $300 $5,399
2-day champion: $36,999 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Emma Heather Zach
$17,800 $6,800 $12,800
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
9 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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