Suggest correction - #1779 - 1992-04-30

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    $300 3
This Pueblo Indian tribe of northwestern New Mexico is known for its turquoise jewelry

Show #1779 - Thursday, April 30, 1992


Don Westrich, an advertising executive from New York City, New York

Robin Pascale, a banker from Tivoli, New York

Joe Murphy, an attorney from Indianapolis, Indiana (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $30,302)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
In this city, while brewers make beer, the Brewers play Major League Baseball
    $100 13
"Reptilian" name for a long, flexible wire used for cleaning drains
    $100 7
This British ex-model stars as one of the "Princesses"
    $100 18
In Genesis 3:23 God "sent him forth from... Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken"
    $100 19
This loose, draped garment was worn by Roman citizens on all formal occasions
    $100 1
This drink is made with dark & light rum & any combination of fruit juices
    $200 9
Built in 1672. the Castillo de San Marcos near this Florida city is the oldest masonry fort in the U.S.
    $200 14
The metal rod used to stir up a fire
    $200 8
This former host of "A Current Affair" joined a crowded field of talk show hosts
    $200 21
"When the Queen of Sheba heard of" his fame, "she came to prove him with hard questions"
    $200 20
In 1746 the British Parliament banned the wearing of this plaid cloth pattern
    $200 2
A witty, often caustic remark
    $300 10
In 1962 this city in Washington State was the site of the Century 21 Exposition
    $300 15
Mallet comes from the Latin "malleus" meaning this, a definition that hits the nail on the head
    $300 25
Of "Pros & Cons", "Flesh 'n' Blood" or "Step by Step", the one that was a revamped show from last season
    $300 28
Proverbs says, it "goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall"
    $300 22
First popular in the late 1950s, these knee-length pants are cut to resemble a skirt
    $300 3
This Pueblo Indian tribe of northwestern New Mexico is known for its turquoise jewelry
    $400 11
This New Mexico City's nuclear research lab was designated a nat'l landmark in 1965
    $400 16
A flat-bladed tool for smoothing mortar; we guess you "throw it in" when you're finished
    $400 26
She moved from "Baby Talk" to adult talk on "Designing Women"
    $400 29
On the sanctity of marriage, Jesus said, "What... God hath joined together, let not man" do this
    $400 23
A long skirt popular between 1910 & 1914, so narrow at the knees that women could hardly walk
    $400 4
From German for "twice baked", it's a sweetened bread cut into slices & toasted
    $500 12
This Minnesota city is the westernmost port on the Great Lakes
    $500 17
A dibble is usually used to make holes in this
    $500 27
Its ad reads "The weirdest spot on the entire planet... it's not just a town, it's an adventure"
    DD: $500 30
In Matthew 3:2 he urged, "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"
    $500 24
Glospan, Lycra & Numa are trade names used for this manufactured stretch fiber
    $500 5
This capital of Croatia dates back to the 11th century

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joe Robin Don
$1,900 $400 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Robin Don
$3,600 $2,200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
On March 8, 1862 this Confederate ship came into Hampton Roads Harbor & destroyed 2 Union ships
    $200 26
The dancers in the first part of the ballet "Jewels" represent these green gems
    $200 17
These "criminal" bees are a hybrid of African honeybees & wild Brazilian bees
    $200 9
In 1985 this company introduced the world's largest television: the 80-by-150-foot Jumbo Tron
    $200 1
In a trilogy by James T. Farrell, William Lonigan is better known by this nickname
    $200 14
It's defined as the permanent loss of a species
    $400 7
The Confederacy thought the power of this product would lure the European powers to its side
    $400 27
The 1972 ballet "Sacred Grove on Mount Tamalpais" is set in Marin County in this state
    $400 18
Different species of this insect spread dengue fever & encephalitis as well as malaria
    $400 10
During the 1800s this Egyptian monument lost its 3-foot beard to the British Museum
    $400 2
This Voltaire hero falls in love with Cunegonde, a baron's daughter
    $400 22
Hereditary characteristics usually change by genetic recombination or this
    $600 8
Surprisingly, the H.L. Hunley, which sank the Union Housatonic on Feb. 17, 1864, was this type of ship
    $600 28
In "Giselle", Giselle becomes one of the Wilis, the ghosts of girls who died before this special day
    $600 19
Common types of these pests in U.S. homes are the German, American, Australian & brown-banded
    $600 11
In chess, it's the only piece that can jump over others
    $600 3
By the end of this Erich Maria Remarque novel, Muller, Kat & Paul are all killed in WWI
    $600 23
11-letter term given to the biblical account of the origin of life
    $800 15
This Secretary of the Treasury tried to resign 4 times before Lincoln finally let him
    DD: $400 29
This title body of water was formed by the tears of Odette's mother
    $800 20
A giant species of this "hundred-legged" insect in the West Indies is fond of eating mice
    $800 12
While no longer music director for the N.Y. Philharmonic, he's the Israel Phil.'s music director for life
    $800 4
This author of "The Jungle" wrote 11 novels about a heroic art dealer named Lanny Budd
    DD: $2,000 24
This animal evolved from the Eohippus of 60 million years ago
    $1000 16
When the war began, this 75-yr.-old was gen.-in-chief of the Union Army; he retired a short time later
    $1000 30
He was born in Marseille, but Marius Petipa is considered the father of this country's classical ballet
    $1000 21
An insect's spiracles allow it to do this
    $1000 13
A Chinese proverb states, "The nights are for" these "and the days are for fulfilling" them
    $1000 5
Gloucester's son Edgar, disguised as a madman, meets this king on the stormy heath
    $1000 25
In 1862 this French scientist proved that microorganisms are not generated spontaneously

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Robin Don
$8,000 $7,200 $7,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the first Navy veteran to become president

Final scores:

Joe Robin Don
$799 $0 $14,000
2nd place: Orrefors stemware + Michael C. Fina Pembroke pattern fine English bone china service for eight + Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary computer game 3rd place: Maytag washer & dryer + Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary computer game New champion: $14,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joe Robin Don
$7,200 $7,200 $7,000
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
0 W
19 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $21,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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