Suggest correction - #354 - 1986-01-16

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    $100 1
In 1974, "Sunshine" here made John Denver happy

Show #354 - Thursday, January 16, 1986


Geoff Fong, a college professor originally from Los Altos, California

Linda Shrum, a mother from Las Vegas, Nevada (1-day co-champion whose cash winnings total $8,600)

Bill Fleming, a police sergeant from Mission Viejo, California (2-day co-champion whose cash winnings total $20,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
He was 1st president born in Texas, though a resident of N.Y. when elected in 1952
    $100 1
In 1974, "Sunshine" here made John Denver happy
    $100 12
Being taken for a ride & coming back alive earned this gangster the nickname "Lucky"
    $100 6
The goals were 1 mi. apart for 1st recorded football match in this land Down Under
    $100 22
State bird of New Mexico, even the coyote can't make it change its ways
    $100 21
Howard Hughes' "Goose" is named for & partly made of this wood
    $200 13
Shot while campaigning for Bull Moose Party, he finished his speech before seeking medical help
    $200 2
For Hall & Oates they were "Private", for Kim Carnes, they were Bette Davis'
    $200 17
Then a bunch of rookies, this nickname for the Chicago White Stockings stuck & became their name
    $200 7
At Yankee Stadium, the "life-span" for this base is a full season
    $200 27
Though Utah is located 400 mi. from the nearest ocean, it's their state bird
    $200 23
Up until the mid-19th c. rags & linen were used; today 90% is made from wood pulp
    $300 14
Saying "We must keep what we want", McKinley kept Philippines, Guam, & Puerto Rico after this war
    $300 3
Featured in the movie "Play Misty for Me", it put Roberta Flack on top of the charts
    $300 18
Carole Lombard called him "Pa", while he called Carole "Ma"
    $300 8
1st royal member of Int'l Tennis Hall of Fame, King Gustav V brought the game to this country
    $300 24
Last name of Donovan's girl "Jennifer"
    $400 15
He lingered for over 2 months before dying after Charles Guiteau shot him in 1881
    $400 4
Diana Ross' career "bulked up" with this Top 10 hit of 1982
    $400 19
The soldiers' definition of his nickname was "his guts; our blood"
    $400 9
Ann Meyers was the 1st woman to sign a contract with this pro league
    $400 25
It's what a cooper makes from wood
    $500 16
As president, this man, though the most immobile, made most trips outside the U.S.
    $500 5
"Sweet" way Michael Franks describes his lover's "frozen feet"
    $500 20
Nickname in 1898 of the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry
    DD: $800 10
The 1st pro hockey league was formed in this country
    $500 26
Thin slices of wood used for ornamentation, they're layered to make plywood

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Bill Linda Geoff
$100 $1,000 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Linda Geoff
$1,100 $3,300 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Branch of biology that is the study of animals
    $200 26
It's stamped on a document to be read only by person to whom it's sent, or a James Bond film
    $200 20
Host in common to "Wheel of Fortune", "The Love Connection", & "Scrabble"
    $200 6
Though the Tartars are said to have eaten it raw, citizens of Hamburg made it popular
    $200 12
"Musical beds is the faculty sport" in this questioning Albee play
    $200 10
She won an Oscar for her 1st-ever film role, playing Brando's girl in "On the Waterfront"
    $400 2
When falling, rain picks up extra oxygen, carbon dioxide, & this gas, the largest component of air
    $400 21
Euphemism for "sex" in "Newlywed Game" questions
    $400 7
Wage earners all "win it", but Egyptian workers were actually paid with it
    $400 15
A. Shaffer mystery 1st named "Who's Afraid of Stephen Sondheim?" wound up with this 1-word title
    DD: $700 13
French composer known for the following:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $600 3
A mixture of 2 or more metals
    $600 22
In various versions this Goodson-Todman show has been "Allstars", "Plus", & "Super"
    $600 8
Contributor to caries, its chemical formula is C12 H22 O11
    $600 16
Aristophanes had them rule "Cloud-Cuckooland" long before they tormented Tippi
    $600 14
Famed French aviator probably better known for having written "The Little Prince"
    $800 4
Any object carried aloft by a rocket, such as a satellite
    $800 23
"Night at the Opera" star who was a regular panelist on "To Tell the Truth"
    $800 9
Talleyrand described a perfect one as "black as the devil, hot as hell, & sweet as love"
    $800 17
This 1959 Black family portrait was 1st Broadway play written by a Black woman
    $800 19
"If one has morals, they can't be taken away by me", said this stripper
    $1000 5
Rock containing kerogen, which yields petroleum when heated
    $1000 24
Came on July 12, 1976; kissed off June 14, 1985
    DD: $1,000 11
Discovered in South America, these 2 rhyming foods were popular in Europe before 1st grown in U.S.
    $1000 18
In Shaw's "Mrs. Warren's Profession" it's Mrs. Warren's profession
    $1000 25
Devoting over 70 years to the art, she believed dance could express noblest thoughts of man

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Linda Geoff
$4,500 $6,000 $3,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 Black males who have won Academy Awards for acting

Final scores:

Bill Linda Geoff
$0 $9,100 $5
3rd place: Action recliner by Lane 2-day champion: $17,700 2nd place: trip on Eastern to St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands & stay at Bluebeard's Castle

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bill Linda Geoff
$4,500 $5,700 $4,900
9 R,
0 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $15,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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