Suggest correction - #8497 - 2021-10-26

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    $200 6
3-letter edge of a glass

Show #8497 - Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Jonathan Fisher game 12.


Mandela Namaste, a writer from Williamsville, New York

Nancy Donehower, a retired college admissions counselor from Portland, Oregon

Jonathan Fisher, an actor originally from Coral Gables, Florida (11-day champion whose cash winnings total $246,100)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Each response has 2 "W"s.)
    $200 23
It took until 1954 for this practice that began with wartime shortages to end; here's one woman celebrating
    $200 27
"All You Need Is Luvs" in a commercial for these
    $200 6
3-letter edge of a glass
    $200 5
A silhouetted businessman free falls past giant ads & lands in a chair, cigarette in hand
    $200 14
Norman Mailer won a Pulitzer for "The Armies of the Night", about the 1967 march on this Defense Department building
    $200 30
It's the "W" in WPA, an act protecting federal employees who disclose information about abuse of authority or mismanagement
    $400 11
In a June 2016 referendum, 52% voted for the policy soon universally known by this one word
    $400 28
The Billy "Crash" Craddock song "Rub It In" became "Plug It In" for this home scent brand
    $400 20
As a verb, it means to grip tightly; as a noun, it's a woman's small purse
    $400 4
A drive down the scenic New Jersey Turnpike passes Satriale's & Pizzaland before ending at a suburban home
    $400 12
In Ted Conover's "Rolling Nowhere", about life on the rails, we learn that the Sally is the Salvation Army & the Willy is this store
    $400 21
Clumsy & ungainly are synonyms for this word that can be an adjective or an adverb
    $600 10
Ending a 77-year drought for a U.K. male, in 2013 this tennis player won the Wimbledon Men's Singles
    $600 19
This band re-recorded a version of its song "Whip It" for a Swiffer ad
    $600 24
Isiah Thomas & Bill Laimbeer were "Bad Boys" for this team
    $600 3
The 8 titular characters stare at one another, then at their housekeeper in the center
    $600 9
This newswoman chronicled her 1889-1890 adventures in the book "Around the World in Seventy-Two Days"
    $600 13
A boxer who can be no more than 147 pounds
    $800 26
In 1951 the Conservative Party won a majority in Parliament & this man returned to the job of PM at the age of 76
    $800 18
Kraft rewrote an EMF song as this new mash-up title to promote its Cheese Crumbles
    $800 29
It's another word for a wool scarf
    $800 2
The heroine strolls Manhattan in a tutu, gets splashed by a passing car, sees her own picture on a bus
    $800 7
He interviewed Chicago slaughterhouse workers to research "The Jungle"
    DD: $2,000 15
A lawyer in court using this 2-syllable word is basically saying, "Forget what I just said"
    $1000 22
A few years after the worst of mad cow, a 2001 epidemic of this disease led to the culling of millions of animals
    $1000 17
This song from "South Pacific" was used by Clairol, only "man" is replaced with "gray"
    $1000 25
An unlawful beating of a person
    $1000 1
Beautiful people frolic around L.A.; Heather Locklear is somehow a "Special Guest Star" for 6 1/2 of 7 seasons
    $1000 8
This Jon Krakauer book says the "unreliability of the human mind at high altitude made the research problematic"
    $1000 16
The old job on the left gave us this last name of the man on the right

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jonathan Nancy Mandela
$2,600 $2,200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Nancy Mandela
$2,800 $5,200 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Name the primary language of each one.)
(Mayim: Each response is a word that can also follow "the world".)
    $400 16
In 1992 the EPA established a program that puts this symbol on efficient appliances
    $400 13
A 2010 computer analysis said the most boring 20th c. day was a Sunday in the middle of this, known as a decade of dull conformity
    $400 4
Baltimore is shipshape as the chief port on the northern portion of this bay
    $400 8
    $400 25
God spent this many days creating the heavens & the earth
    $400 12
8 fluid ounces
    $800 17
Part of the National Defense University, the CIC is the "College of Information and" this virtual area
    $800 14
This 2-word computer task that begins with a Latin plural is often very repetitive & boring
    $800 6
This Philippine bay that shares its name with the capital is almost completely landlocked
    $800 5
    $800 26
David selected 5 smooth stones out of a stream before his encounter with this person
    $800 11
For squash players it's about 32 feet long & 21 wide
    $1200 21
The Justice Department has a division named for this type of practice that breaks up monopolies
    $1200 15
The Boredom Lab is part of the psychology department at York University in this Canadian city
    $1200 19
Hey, tiger, with a maximum depth of more than 15,000 feet, it's the bay seen here
    $1200 3
"The Tin Drum"
    $1200 27
After fasting for this many days & nights, Jesus was tempted by Satan who challenged him to turn stones into bread
    $1200 10
In French this word precedes "communion" in a rite for Catholic kids
    $1600 23
In 1800 Congress hired a lone building watchman named John Golding, leading to the creation of the force known as this
    $1600 18
Madame Bovary is a famously bored literary character; in the original, her look "full of boredom" is full of this French word
    $1600 22
This inlet of the Atlantic stretches from Île d'Ouessant to Cape Ortegal in Spain & even rhymes with bay, helping it sound really cool
    $1600 2
"The Bicycle Thief"
    $1600 28
Jacob ended up serving this many years to win the hand of Rachel
    $1600 7
An airplane's turn while dipping one wing
    $2000 29
A 1978 act of Congress created the council of the IGs, these officials, "on Integrity & Efficiency"
    DD: $3,000 20
A state of boredom, or an equatorial region where the trade winds cancel each other out, leaving sailors becalmed & bored
    $2000 24
Oh, to live on Sugarloaf Mountain, overlooking the entrance of this Brazilian bay
    $2000 1
"Wild Strawberries"
    DD: $2,000 30
As depicted in Genesis, there were this many people on Noah's Ark
    $2000 9
In math it's the set of sums of a sequence;
for 2, 4, 6, 8...
it's 2, 6, 12, 20...

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Nancy Mandela
$9,200 $10,400 $6,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 men who both died in Boston in the mid-20th century each won 4 Pulitzers, one man for Poetry & the other for Drama

Final scores:

Jonathan Nancy Mandela
$18,400 $19,400 $11,000
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,400 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jonathan Nancy Mandela
$11,200 $12,400 $9,000
21 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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