Suggest correction - #2570 - 1995-11-03

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    $100 4
This breakfast dish is simple to make: just dip slices of bread in egg, sugar & milk and fry

Show #2570 - Friday, November 3, 1995


Brad Beaver, a math instructor from Lawndale, California

Susan Burns Cochran, an attorney from Modesto, California

Tim Adams, a Navy pilot originally from Mankato, Minnesota (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,400)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1780s
    $100 1
The southernmost of this country's 4 main islands is Kyushu
    $100 7
By 1909 he owned a chain of 3 department stores; at his death at age 95 in 1971, his firm had 1,660 stores
    $100 16
This reddish metal is second only to silver as a conductor of electricity
    $100 21
He was given command of the Bounty in 1787
    $100 4
This breakfast dish is simple to make: just dip slices of bread in egg, sugar & milk and fry
    $100 26
To clear one's mind is to "blow away" these spider structures
    $200 2
Including metropolitan areas, this Ontario city is Canada's most populous
    $200 10
This author of "2001: A Space Odyssey" lives in Sri Lanka & is an avid scuba diver
    $200 17
Waste material, such as auto battery scrap, is an important source of this dense metal
    $200 22
In 1788 French-Canadian trader Julien Dubuque became the first white settler in what is now this state
    $200 8
Eaten cold or added to pasta, prosciutto is a type of this meat
    $200 27
It's what "birds of a feather" do
    $300 3
Italy's Arno & Tiber Rivers flow from this mountain range to the sea
    $300 11
He wrote the story for the film "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break"'under the pseudonym Otis Criblecoblis
    $300 18
Gunmetal, monel metal & brass are examples of these metallic substances composed of 2 or more elements
    $300 23
This first Constitution went into effect March 1, 1781 after Maryland became the last state to ratify it
    $300 9
Souvlakia—lamb & often vegetables grilled on a skewer—is the Greek version of this Turkish dish
    $300 28
An unpolished person who shows promise is often called one of these "in the rough"
    DD: $500 5
Parts of Israel's Negev desert are irrigated by water from this freshwater lake
    $400 12
In 1959 he made his film debut in "The Hanging Tree" with his future "Patton" co-star Karl Malden
    $400 19
Magnetite is a common ore of this metal
    $400 24
In 1784 Benjamin Franklin literally created a spectacle with his invention of these
    $400 14
Golden oak is another name for the shiitake variety of this
    $400 29
To do something superfluous is "to carry" these "to Newcastle"
    $500 6
The mouth of this river forms Dublin Bay on Ireland's east coast
    $500 13
Tom T. Hall wrote this female country singer's 1968 hit "Harper valley P.T.A."
    $500 20
This lightest metal tarnishes rapidly when exposed to air
    $500 25
His "Blue-Backed Speller", published in 1783, helped standardize American spelling & pronunciation
    $500 15
The Wellness Ency. of Food and Nutrition says these mottled beans contain more fiber than any other legume
    $500 30
This French phrase meaning "reason for being" has become part of the English language

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Susan Brad
$100 $500 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Susan Brad
$1,400 $900 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
In February 1861 he was chosen provisional president of the Confederacy
    $200 16
This religious leader's jewelry includes a Fisherman's ring
    $200 9
The bag of this highland instrument is often made of sheepskin
    $200 26
At Cornell this future Attorney General was president of the women's student government association
    $200 21
He published "The History of the Wars of Charles XII", a fictitious memoir, before "Robinson Crusoe"
    $200 1
Everything, or a device for making holes
    $400 5
From 1864-69 he was general-in-chief of the U.S. Army; in 1867-68, an interim Secretary of War
    $400 17
From the 100s B.C. until the 1900s, this was China's state religion
    $400 10
This British duo's comic operettas are known as the Savoy operas
    $400 27
After a costly campaign. Michael Huffington lost the California Senate race to this incumbent in 1994
    $400 22
"Only the Thought Police mattered" is a line from this Orwell novel
    $400 3
Follow the rules, or took out ore
    $600 6
In the first action of the war, Gen. Pierre Beauregard directed the Confederate bombing of this fort
    $600 18
The prescribed order of conducting a religious ceremony, or a book of ceremonial forms
    $600 13
Dried gourds are filled with seeds to make these rattles shaken by Latin American dance bands
    $600 28
From 1985 to 1991 Swiss-born Madeleine Kunin was governor of this New England state
    $600 23
This "Tom Jones" author's title heroine "Amelia" was based on his late wife, Charlotte
    $600 4
To emit a strong odor, or a way to create havoc
    $800 11
When the North took this city on the Mississippi July 4, 1863, casualties totaled over 19,000
    $800 19
This religion developed from a blend of the cultures around the Indus River
    $800 14
In 1954 a festival for this type of music was founded in Newport, Rhode Island
    DD: $3,600 29
Before becoming mayor of Washington in 1991, she was a VP of the Potomac Electric Power Company
    $800 24
The first section of this Thomas Hardy novel is called' "The Maiden"; the second part is "Maiden No More"
    $800 7
Little spots of paint, or to make a muscle move
    DD: $3,800 12
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia & Missouri were known collectively by this term
    $1000 20
This future saint began his "Summa Theologica" in 1265 while in Italy attached to the curia
    $1000 15
Written in the Gypsy style, "Tzigane" is a rhapsody for violin & piano by this "Bolero" composer
    $1000 30
A statue of this congresswoman in the U.S. Capitol represents the state of Montana
    $1000 25
This 16th century "Tamburlaine the Great" playwright also wrote poetry & translated Ovid's "Amores"
    $1000 8
To urge gently, or popular colas

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Susan Brad
$11,600 $3,500 $1,100
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was director of the New York State Library from 1889 to 1906

Final scores:

Tim Susan Brad
$7,200 $2,500 $2,200
2-day champion: $21,600 2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set & Waverly Place bedroom collection + Jeopardy! home game 3rd place: Carey limousine service + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Susan Brad
$8,700 $3,500 $4,700
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R,
3 W
17 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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