Suggest correction - #8456 - 2021-08-02

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    $400 24 says a half this "is medium in size, nearly symmetrical &... produces a deep & substantial dimple"

Show #8456 - Monday, August 2, 2021

Matt Amodio game 9.
First game with David Faber as guest host.
Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to the Robin Hood Foundation.


Anna Hendrick, a private investigator from Queens, New York

Kent Easter, a management consultant from San Diego, California

Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student from New Haven, Connecticut (8-day champion whose cash winnings total $291,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Cory Booker
    $200 28
The 2000 movie version of this TV show added "Viva Rock Vegas" to the title
    $200 29
The knot called this hitch or bend is used to ensure your boat's rope stays attached to a certain heavy object
    $200 30
Irony alert: owners of a Noah's Ark replica in Kentucky sued insurers for not covering damage done by this 4-letter word
    $200 27
Argentiferous means containing or producing this metal
    $200 25
Someone at the top is this monarch, the title of an animated sitcom
    $400 20
Marco Rubio
    $400 9
"Nemesis" & "First Contact" are films based on "Star Trek: The Next Generation", with Patrick Stewart reprising this role
    $400 24 says a half this "is medium in size, nearly symmetrical &... produces a deep & substantial dimple"
    $400 22
In 1985 the Cubs' speedy Davey Lopes had 47 of these, failing only 4 times--not bad for a 40-year-old!
    $400 23
Crabs reabsorb calcium carbonate from their old shells and secrete enzymes to shed them in this process of getting new duds
    $400 21
A course of action with the potential for greater difficulties is this alliterative downhill course
    $600 15
Mitt Romney, but it's not the state he governed
    $600 8
This actor took on the role of Dr. Richard Kimble, innocent & on the run in the film version of "The Fugitive"
    $600 17
It's similar to a noose knot & is used as the first loop in knitting; it's also a Corey Taylor metal band
    $600 19's "Key to Soothing Fussy Infants" is to mimic this place; "Swaddling... may trigger a calming reflex"
    $600 16
Tonic water contains a small amount of this alkaloid used in the treatment of malaria
    DD: $6,400 18
To do this means to exaggerate a problem into something much larger
    $800 11
Ben Sasse, of the western Midwest
    $800 7
In 2 film versions of a TV sitcom, Shelley Long played this character
    $800 13
A type of double overhand knot used in fishing is named for this kind of doctor
    $800 14
Here's the Appennine Colossus, Giambologna's 16th century statue in this region of Italy that includes Pisa & Florence
    $800 12
This disease was first identified due to a 1976 convention in Philadelphia
    $800 5
Reaching one's highest level of efficiency; you don't want to be doing it "too soon"
    $1000 1
Tim Kaine, who ran for vice president; remember that?
    $1000 4
Futuristic assassin Aeon Flux, who started on an animated series on MTV, came to the movies played by this actress
    $1000 6
Improperly tied, this type of knot is called a granny knot
    $1000 10
Looking like they're sent from heaven, a translucent sea this can stay attached to a mate for four hours & still hunt prey together
    $1000 2
Also known as a thunderhead, this 12-letter type of cloud extends through all 3 levels of altitude classification
    $1000 3
Be flexible: "If the mountain won't come to" this prophet, he "must go to the mountain"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Kent Anna
$5,200 $2,000 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Kent Anna
$14,200 $3,000 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(David: And "Y" is in the exact middle of each response.)
    $400 20
The largest river to empty into the Pacific in North America, it makes a huge gorge in the Cascades
    $400 27
He plays piano on "Clocks"
    $400 14
Sophie Treadwell's 1928 play "Machinal" explores how a woman can be driven to murder & end her days in this seat
    $400 30
Pumpernickel is a cousin to this bread
    $400 29
Liliuokalani was the first & last reigning queen of these islands
    $400 28
When it's late at home, I'll use my Kindle Oasis or Nook Glowlight, which are these, to catch up on my Flaubert
    $800 19
This river forms part of the border between Kansas & the state it shares a name with
    $800 24
Electric guitarist on "Roll Over Beethoven"
    DD: $2,400 13
In the Czech play "R.U.R.". which gave the world this word, one of them says, "Mankind is no more. Mankind gave us too little life"
    $800 25
You can have fun for one in this type of boat
    DD: $4,000 18
This world leader renounced his throne on March 15, 1917; 16 months later, he was dead
    $800 26
Some prefer sheets with this measure of more than 1,000; ours are comfy enough
    $1200 4
This word comes before "Bow" in a Wyoming river & before "Lodge" in a Kansas river
    $1200 16
Saxophonist on "Jungleland" (1975) & "Dancing In The Dark" (1984)
    $1200 5
A critic called Harold Pinter's "The Birthday Party" a "comedy of menace", punning on this phrase for plays about high society
    $1200 23
Bartholomew in Arkansas & Louisiana is the longest this type of sluggish body of water, at over 350 miles
    $1200 8
King Louis-Philippe was ousted in 1848--France never liked him walking around like a British businessman, in a suit & carrying this
    $1200 12
I like to make popcorn with this Indian clarified butter; I swear it makes it crispier
    $1600 3
Before emptying into the Gulf of Mexico, the Pearl River flows through this capital
    $1600 15
Drummer on
"Come As You Are" (1991)
    $1600 2
In a Ben Jonson play Voltore ("vulture") hopes to inherit the fortune of this title character whose name means "fox"
    $1600 22
A triangle is the simplest form of this type of closed plane figure bounded by straight lines
    $1600 7
Oliver Cromwell's defeat of the 2 kings of this name ended the English Civil Wars
    $1600 10
At home, we like varietals at different temperatures, so we've invested in a dual zone one of these
    $2000 6
The "rap" on this river: it's entirely in Virginia & its name is from Algonquian for "stream with quick rising waters"
    $2000 17
Keyboardist on
"You Make Loving Fun" (1977)
    $2000 1
This person's "Play" by Charles Fuller about Sgt. Waters & Captain Davenport arrived on B'way in 2020, 38 years after winning a Pulitzer
    $2000 21
It's sometimes referred to as a long-horned grasshopper
    $2000 9
In 1944 King Michael ousted premier Ion Antonescu in this country; Communists tossed Michael in 1947
    $2000 11
I'll relax to some patriotic jazz with the 2021 album "The Democracy! Suite" from this man's Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra septet

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Kent Anna
$34,200 $7,400 $400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Born in the village of Waldorf, Germany in 1763, he arrived in the U.S. in 1784

Final scores:

Matt Kent Anna
$19,200 $4,800 $0
9-day champion: $310,400 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Kent Anna
$25,200 $7,400 $2,800
32 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
11 R,
1 W
9 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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