Suggest correction - #2956 - 1997-06-09

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    $400 16
This Longfellow chief is the subject of an outdoor pageant each July & August in Pipestone, Minn.

Show #2956 - Monday, June 9, 1997

Wes Ulm game 4.


John Nauss, a state filings analyst from Seattle, Washington

Lisa McLendon, a graduate student from Austin, Texas

Wes Ulm, a medical student from Alexandria, Virginia (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $47,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
In 1780 George Washington set up a plan to kidnap this traitor from the British; it didn't work
    $100 28
In 1921 this medical products company introduced the Band-Aid
    $100 5
He called his second album "The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle"
    $100 8
The male of this "equine" fish takes care of the eggs in an abdominal pouch until they hatch
    $100 11
This amendment permits the "right of assembly" for legal purposes
    $100 21
Situated on the delta of the Neva River, it's Russia's largest port
    $200 1
General Richard Montgomery was killed December 31, 1775 leading a hopeless attack on this Canadian city
    $200 22
In 1938 this electronics firm was founded in David Packard's Palo Alto, California garage
    $200 9
"Life Is A Cabaret" for this star who was 19 when she won a Best Actress Tony for "Flora, The Red Menace"
    $200 27
The Pacific types of this fish die after spawning; many of the Atlantic types do not
    $200 19
When a country is under this type of law, military tribunals replace civil courts
    $200 7
This Scottish city known for its golf courses was once the country's ecclesiastical capital
    $300 2
Commander of a major American division at Yorktown, he returned to France 2 months later
    $300 10
This yogurt company's name is derived from the name of Daniel Carasso, son of its founder
    $300 15
Steveland is the real first name of this singer who went on a "Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants"
    $300 20
This freshwater eellike, jawless fish attaches itself to other fish & sucks out blood
    $300 18
Jefferson granted one of these general pardons to those convicted under the Alien & Sedition Acts
    $300 12
In the 1840s this future state capital became headquarters of the American Fur Company
    DD: $400 3
In the 1760s painter Charles Willson Peale joined this patriot group, angering Loyalist creditors
    $400 23
Brand names owned by this company include Paper Mate, Right Guard, Foamy & Trac II
    $400 29
There's a museum devoted to this "Snowbird" singer in Springhill, Nova Scotia, her hometown
    $400 25
The striped species of this commercial fish is also known as the skipjack
    $400 16
After the Senate passes a treaty, the president does this to put it into effect
    $400 13
Site of the Winter Olympics twice, this Swiss resort has a leaning tower dating back several hundred years
    $500 4
This Providence university is named for a son of a merchant family that made a profit in supplies & shipping
    $500 24
This retailer opened its first "Discount City" in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas
    $500 30
She's been "A Little Bit Country" since she had her first solo hit with "Paper Roses" at age 13
    $500 26
Pollock & haddock are members of this major food fish family
    $500 17
Adjective for the member of a given party with seniority on a Congressional committee
    $500 14
In 1804 this city became the seat of government of the Louisiana Territory

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Wes Lisa John
$1,600 $1,200 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Lisa John
$3,500 $2,100 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
In 1982 he became the first Pope in modern history to visit Sicily
    $200 8
Karl Goldmark's opera "The Queen Of Sheba" opens in the palace of this Biblical king
    $200 23
On March 17 Maryville, Missouri holds "The World's Shortest" parade for this holiday
    $200 26
Polyvinyl Chloride, a leather substitute, is known by these initials
    $200 13
This "Magnum, P.I." star got his turn at bat in the 1992 movie "Mr. Baseball"
    $200 12
Of the 2 remaining members of his tribe, only Chingachgook survives this 1826 Cooper novel
    $400 1
Ahmose I, who reigned circa 1554-1525 B.C., founded this country's 18th dynasty
    $400 17
Bellini's opera "La Sonnambula" is so named because Amina, its heroine, has this nocturnal habit
    $400 16
This Longfellow chief is the subject of an outdoor pageant each July & August in Pipestone, Minn.
    $400 30
On "Late Night" David Letterman put on a suit of this material & stuck himself to a wall of it
    $400 14
Geena Davis played Dottie Hinson, catcher for the Rockford Peaches, in this 1992 film
    $400 4
A series of travel guides provides the title of this 1985 Anne Tyler novel
    $600 2
This queen of the Netherlands married Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in 1901
    $600 15
This Finnish composer's only opera, "The Maiden In The Tower", is rarely performed
    $600 18
Around Halloween Moab in this state celebrates the mountain bike with a fat tire festival
    $600 29
This material, the dried stems of grain, is often used to make hats & buttons
    $600 19
Film in which Kevin Costner tells Susan Sarandon, "I believe in....kisses that last 3 days"
    DD: $1,400 5
In this Twain novel, a New Englander saves himself by predicting a solar eclipse
    $800 3
In 1828 Brazil & Argentina recognized this neighboring country as an independent republic
    $800 9
A mezzo-soprano plays Violetta's friend Flora Bervoix in this Verdi opera
    $800 20
Jonesborough in this Volunteer State hosts the National Storytelling Festival each October
    $800 28
A plain knitted fabric, or a pullover shirt that may or may not be made from it
    $800 24
In this 1994 movie celestial spirits turn Danny Glover's losing team into a winner
    $800 6
Key West smuggler Harry Morgan is the protagonist of his novel "To Have And Have Not"
    $1000 10
This empress of Mexico was a first cousin of Queen Victoria
    $1000 11
"Les Troyens A Carthage" was the only part of his long opera "Les Troyens" performed during his lifetime
    DD: $900 21
The Ms. Foundation For Women encourages parents to do this on the 4th Thursday in April
    $1000 27
13th century weavers in Norfolk "bested" rivals by making this fabric of combed & carded wool
    $1000 25
Much of this Robert Redford film was shot at War Memorial Stadium in Buffalo, New York
    $1000 7
During WWII Gene & Finny become friends at prep school in this John Knowles novel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Lisa John
$14,400 $6,100 $2,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 1980s the U.S.-backed FNLA & UNITA battled the Cuban-backed MPLA for control of this country

Final scores:

Wes Lisa John
$16,200 $4,900 $3,400
4-day champion: $63,201 2nd place: Broyhill Country Level Recliner & Stiffel Lamps 3rd place: Daewoo TV & VCR

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Wes Lisa John
$13,700 $6,100 $2,400
31 R
(including 3 DDs),
0 W
14 R,
0 W
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $22,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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