Suggest correction - #8417 - 2021-06-08

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    $2000 15
It contains more than half of the total protein in an egg & almost none of the fat

Show #8417 - Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to National Alliance on Mental Illness.


Tim Lopez, a storytelling coach originally from Los Angeles, California

Molly Feibel, a historic interpreter from Staatsburg, New York

Verlinda Johnson Henning, a human resources consultant from Memphis, Tennessee (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Published in 1913.)
    $200 13
Olmsted & Calvert Vaux designed this 840-acre green space, which now has a zoo, a reservoir & the Metropolitan Museum of Art
    $200 11
Pantera's "Vulgar Display of Power" & Motörhead's "No Remorse" made Rolling Stone's Top 100 Albums of this genre
    $200 1
A boy
(3 letters)
    $200 19
She voted for Carter in 1976 as a registered Democrat, but soon switched & later served as Secretary of State under George W. Bush
    $200 6
Japanese gives us the name for this wide-sleeved garment tied with a sash called an obi
    $200 9
This "floral" term refers to someone whose talents flourish after a long span of time
    $400 14
Olmsted's plans for a reservoir for Mt. Royal Park were dashed by an 1870s depression in this city whose name sounds like the park
    $400 15
In 2020 "Contigo" by Alejandro Sanz won Record of the Year at these Grammys
    $400 2
Found on the seashore
(4 letters)
    $400 21
In 1962 this future president said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me"
    $400 7
Basque & pancake are 2 styles of this flat French-named hat
    $400 10
If you come up wanting, you're said to be "a day late" & this monetary phrase
    $600 16
Olmsted teamed with a Boston firm to come up with the final plans seen here for this university in Northern California & here it is today
    $600 20
The perfect song in this genre is said to include "Well, I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison"
    $600 3
To govern
(4 letters)
    $600 22
This Mass. senator switched from Rep. to Dem. after she studied credit card companies that fleeced poor families
    $600 8
Wrap yourself up snug as a bug in its chrysalis state in this type of coat named for an insect structure
    $600 12
"Carpool Karaoke" is a segment on this CBS show
    $800 17
Olmsted designed the 987-acre Belle Isle, where you can zip down the giant slide for just $1 in this city across from Windsor, Canada
    $800 25
In the 1972 movie "The Harder They Come", Jimmy Cliff helped popularize this genre that fights for the oppressed
    $800 4
To elude
(5 letters)
also starts & ends with "E"
    $800 23
Spurned by the Whigs & Dems, this sitting president welcomed himself in 1844 to a new party, which he created!
    DD: $500 26
I say, old chap! Wide neckties include the cravat & this one suitable for wear at the British racecourse of the same name
    $800 28
In Italy the late Gothic period of art was centered in Siena & this big city just to the north
    $1000 18
Brooklyn went with the flow to design this park; you can go curling, play hockey or just ice skate like the folks here
    $1000 30
Marvin Young used part of his name for this stage name & became the first solo rapper to win a Grammy; now "Bust A Move"
    $1000 5
A daydream
(7 letters)
we'll spot you the first letter,
    $1000 24
This splinter wing of the Democratic Party welcomed Strom Thurmond with a presidential nomination in 1948
    $1000 27
This typically red & black checked pattern now popular at Christmas is said to be named for a herd of animals
    $1000 29
Caused by a water mold, "late" this caused the Irish potato famine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Verlinda Molly Tim
$1,800 $2,000 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Verlinda Molly Tim
$3,900 $1,000 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: For example, bulldog.)
(Mayim: Correct responses will contain "L", "M", and "N" in that order.)
    $400 26
In German this largest lake in the Alps is called Genfersee
    $400 17
Like certain marsupials, these desert-dwelling rodents hop on 2 legs
    $400 1
In 2020 he had a No. 1 kids' picture book bestseller with "I Promise"... oh yeah, he also won an NBA title with the Lakers
    $400 3
In 2017 there were plenty of robotic performances in "The Last Knight", a continuation of this action film series
    $400 12
Nearly 80% of the people of India follow this religion that dates back to around 1500 B.C.
    $400 9
Yes, my dear Watson, this adjective refers to carbon, or even potassium
    $800 27
This second-largest city of Russia gets a lot of its fresh water from nearby Lake Ladoga
    $800 18
This fearsome predator gets the first part of its name from the stripes on its sides
    $800 2
In a classic tale about this title guy, "John, Lord Greystoke... vanished from the eyes and from the knowledge of men"
    $800 7
Steve Carell voiced the main character & also his twin brother Dru, who was up to no good in this "3"
    $800 19
This church was founded in the United States in 1830 & has more than 16 million followers today
    DD: $4,800 10
Hammurabi's code specified this as a payment of one piece of silver to a former wife by her former husband
    $1200 28
Only a narrow barrier separates Romania's Lake Razelm from this sea
    DD: $1,000 23
This largest pinniped gets its name from its size & its trunk-like snout
    $1200 4
TB, or not TB, there is no question tuberculosis killed this "Eve of St. Agnes" romantic poet at age 25
    $1200 8
It was more park & less rec for this actor who was back as Owen in "Jurassic World: "Fallen Kingdom"
    $1200 20
In 2021 this Jewish holiday begins at sunset on November 28 & ends at nightfall on December 6
    $1200 13
It's the type of horse seen frolicking here
    $1600 29
If you're sailing around the Frisian Lakes like Sneekermeer, you're having fun in this country
    $1600 24
Large ears like those on a donkey hybrid give this its name
    $1600 5
In a legendary tale, the "Galloping Hessian of the Hollow" is better known as this, which is certainly more terrifying
    $1600 11
Computer & TV screen images are made of these, the title of a 2015 movie about video game characters attacking Earth
    $1600 21
Southeast Asia has many temples of Cao Dai, which blends Buddhism, Taoism & this other ancient East Asian system
    $1600 14
It's the highest or utmost point of something
    $2000 30
The shores of Hungary's Lake Balaton have been used for this type of agriculture for 2,000 years
    $2000 25
There's a big cat in the name of these colorful Pacific reef dwellers with venomous spines
    $2000 6
This book about surviving the great recession of 2008 is the basis for a 2020 film starring Frances McDormand
    $2000 16
(Hi, I'm Kevin Hart.) Voicing Snowball, I had an announcement to make in this 2016 animated film: "Death is coming to Brooklyn and it's got buck teeth and a cotton tail"
    $2000 22
Founded in Iran in the mid-19th century, this faith has no priesthood & believes in the unity of humanity
    $2000 15
It contains more than half of the total protein in an egg & almost none of the fat

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Verlinda Molly Tim
$4,500 $9,000 $17,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 1951 Time article said, "Since the war," this 2-word term for a period of time "has been written into union contracts"

Final scores:

Verlinda Molly Tim
$9,000 $2,000 $14,400
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $14,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Verlinda Molly Tim
$5,000 $9,000 $13,200
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
12 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $27,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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