Suggest correction - #8393 - 2021-05-05

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    $200 1

Show #8393 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Media Fellowship House.


Jamie Logan, a writer and consultant from Augusta, Maine

Elliott Goodman, a history and Latin teacher from Culver City, California

Hanna Howard, an editor from New York, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In deference to Leviticus 21:5, many adherents of this religion sport dreadlocks
    $200 6
Lady Capulet is his mother-in-law, briefly
    $200 19
Yoopers are residents of the U.P., the upper peninsula of this state
    $200 26
By 7, mathematician William Rowan Hamilton had a good grasp on Latin, Greek & this main language of the Old Testament
    $200 12
Chester, the pitchman for Cheetos snacks, is this kind of animal
    $200 1
    $400 13
In Christianity, this holiday comes the day before Lent
    $400 7
Brabantio is her dad & Othello's father-in-law
    $400 20
A Haligonian isn't a "Star Wars" TV character, it's a native of this capital of a Canadian province
    $400 27
Canada's port city of Hamilton is at the western end of this very provincial lake
    $400 14
The Ticket Oak was a very giving magical tree for this rhyming company
    $400 2
    $600 16
Like the one seen here, a stupa is a shrine of this religion, the majority faith of the nation of Cambodia
    DD: $1,800 8
This "Tempest"uous daughter of Prospero says, "O brave new world, that has such people in it!"
    $600 21
"Wisconsinian" is close, but this is the state's demonym (though some go with "Cheeseheads")
    $600 28
In 2019, she was nominated for a CinemaCon USA Ensemble Award for "Terminator: Dark Fate"
    $600 15
This longtime Kellogg's mascot is now touting chocolate & cinnamon versions of his favorite flakes
    $600 3
    $800 17
From the Latin for "Come Together", it's the type of sacred agreement made between God & Abraham
    $800 9
The son of Polonius, he seeks revenge against Hamlet for his father's murder
    $800 22
About 1/5 of the population of this nation is of Monegasque descent
    $800 29
U.S. figure skater Scott Hamilton took the gold medal at the 1984 Winter Olympics in this city that would later be a war zone
    $800 23
This trademarked battery mascot is in the OED as "a persistent... person"
    $800 4
    $1000 18
Islamabad is the seat of a unique court empowered by Pakistan's constitution to enforce this body of law
    $1000 10
She's the impatient sister of the title shrew
    $1000 25
24 hour party people know that a Mancunian is from this city
    $1000 30
Secretary of State Hamilton Fish made this, the settling of disputes by a third party, a standard part of diplomacy
    $1000 24
This rodent grew up at St. Marinara's Orphanage & since he never knew his birthday, he hosted parties for kids
    $1000 5

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Hanna Elliott Jamie
$1,200 $1,800 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Hanna Elliott Jamie
$3,800 $6,000 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 5
Thomas Jefferson made the presidency less monarchical, shaking hands with guests instead of doing this
    $400 23
A 17th century fortress called the Kasbah des Oudaias overlooks this nation's capital, Rabat
    $400 21
Ante- means before & antepartum means before this event
    $400 11
A building for holding legal proceedings
    $400 4
The second rule of this movie "Club" is the same as the first--but rule No. 6 is "No shirts, no shoes"
    $400 1
His first epistle to the Corinthians says, "If meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh"
    $800 6
Inaugurated in March 1869, he was the first president whose parents were both alive when he took the oath of office
    $800 24
Mombasa is a major port city of Kenya on this body of water
    $800 22
Endo- is within & endogastric means within this organ
    $800 17
An offensive person who says a lot of annoying & noisy things
    $800 13
Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel-san the first rule of this martial art: "For defense only"
    $800 2
The sign seen here attempts to alleviate this offense
    $1200 7
The 1st time he left the White House, he joined a New York law firm; the 2nd time he served on Princeton's board of trustees
    $1200 25
The University of Johannesburg dates from the Transvaal Technical Institute, begun to aid this industry
    $1200 26
-desis indicates a binding or fusing & arthrodesis is when it's done to one of these
    $1200 18
Polite or genteel, especially in a formal way
    $1200 14
The only rule of the San Diego News Team Rumble in this 2004 film: "No touching of the hair or face"
    $1200 3
On September 13, 2020 D.C.'s NFL squad took the field with this less-offensive name
    $1600 8
Rutherford B. Hayes was the only president born in Delaware--that's Delaware in this state
    $1600 29
After a 1324 pilgrimage to Mecca, Emperor Mansa Musa built a great mosque in this caravan city on the edge of the Sahara in Mali
    DD: $4,000 27
These 2 -iatricians specialize in opposite times of life & there's often talk of a surplus of one & a shortage of the other
    DD: $3,000 19
City of southern France on the Garonne River
    $1600 15
"Double Tap", the subtitle to a 2019 sequel to this movie, is also No. 2 in its rules for surviving the undead
    $1600 10
Thomas Cranmer, holder of this religious post, said in 1556, "My hand offended" by signing recantations of his Protestant beliefs
    $2000 9
In asking for a declaration of war against the imperial German government, he said, "The world must be made safe for democracy"
    $2000 30
Southerton & Workington are suburbs of this Zimbabwean capital once called Salisbury
    $2000 28
The trigeminal nerve is shown here; you do not want trigeminal this, a word using a suffix for pain
    $2000 20
Traditional Mediterranean music maker heard here
    $2000 16
In "Scream", one of Randy's rules of surviving a horror film is to never say these 4 words--you won't return
    $2000 12
A lesson in a 1500s work by this man: One "should not offend a prince and afterwards trust him"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Hanna Elliott Jamie
$7,800 $16,800 $16,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

The title of this huge hit 1977 album was the idea of the bass player, who specified it should be spelled the British way

Final scores:

Hanna Elliott Jamie
$800 $17,728 $32,200
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $32,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Hanna Elliott Jamie
$7,800 $16,800 $15,600
10 R,
0 W
21 R,
0 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $40,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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