Suggest correction - #8376 - 2021-04-12

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    $600 6
Candle bracket

Show #8376 - Monday, April 12, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to the North Valley Community Foundation.


Allison Means, a software sales executive from Coral Gables, Florida

Drew Fox, a bartender originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dennis Chase, a biotech project manager originally from Hyannis, Massachusetts (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $25,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Drew Barrymore: I'm Drew with clues about the Barrymores and other multigenerational Hollywood families.)
    $200 1
Jasper Johns completed the first of his paintings of this in 1955, so he only had to do 48 stars
    $200 10
Altavista was a groundbreaking one of these; then it was gobbled up by Yahoo!
    $200 16
This type of bread made from a starter has been a San Francisco specialty since the gold rush days
    $200 21
This Chinese sea got its name from the color of its muddy banks & silty water
    $200 5
A child's teeter-totter
    $200 15
(Drew Barrymore presents the clue.) My own family included the legendary Lionel, Ethel & my grandfather John Barrymore, one of the greatest actors of his time who is nicknamed "The Great" this; here's mine
    $400 2
In 1924 Andre Breton left this art -ism to help begin the equally wacky Surrealism
    $400 12
In between launching Saturn & Dreamcast consoles, this company tried the subscription service
    $400 17
I'll take this whiskey & vermouth cocktail that legend once said was created for a party given by Lady Churchill
    $400 22
The gulfs of Suez & Aqaba are branches of this sea
    $400 4
Slang for a black eye
    $400 27
(Drew Barrymore presents the clue.) As a child, Bridget Fonda appeared in "Easy Rider" with her dad Peter while Jane Fonda shared the screen with her dad Henry in this movie, beautifully filmed in New England
    $600 3
The subject of a 2014 film, Margaret Keane was noted for her paintings of waifs with this distinction, the film's title
    $600 13
Mercilessly recapping your nightly shows was the website called "Television Without" this, which would itself be canceled
    $600 18
On the East Coast it's Pat's vs. Geno's as to who makes a better one of these regional sandwiches
    $600 23
The St. Clair River is a conduit by which the waters of Lake Huron eventually flow south into this other Great Lake
    $600 6
Candle bracket
    $600 28
(Drew Barrymore presents the clue.) Some of you may remember Charley Weaver from the original "Hollywood Squares", but that was just a persona; the grandfather of actors Rosanna, Patricia, & David, he had this last name
    $800 9
"Apples and Oranges" is by this influential post-impressionist whom Henri Matisse called "The Father of Us All"
    $800 14
The webpage provider known as "Geo" this divided its content into "neighborhoods"
    $800 19
What's sometimes called Indian candy in Alaska is strips of this fish smoked until hard
    DD: $1,600 24
Named for an 1830s explorer & linked to salt flats, this ancient lake hit a 5,000' in elevation & covered much of what is now Utah
    $800 7
An ape, or apelike
    $800 29
(Drew Barrymore presents the clue.) Billie Lourd comes from Hollywood royalty; her mother was Carrie Fisher & her grandparents were Eddie Fisher & this beloved entertainer
    $1000 11
Historically impossible, this Raphael painting put Pythagoras, Epicurus, Socrates & Diogenes all in one "School"
    $1000 26
Customers of Nirvanix, one of these "atmospheric" storage services, had to scramble when the company closed up shop
    $1000 20
They call me this cherryish-flavored soft drink, introduced by Coca-Cola in 1972 to rival Dr Pepper
    $1000 25
The Adriatic, between Italy & the Balkans, gets more press than this sea on the other side, between Italy & Corsica & Sardinia
    $1000 8
To envelop or to bandage
    $1000 30
(Drew Barrymore presents the clue.) A film composer named Carmine was the patriarch of this family that includes Nicolas Cage, Jason Schwartzman, Talia Shire & a couple of very famous directors

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dennis Fox Allison
$4,200 $1,000 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dennis Fox Allison
$8,400 $0 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
A national park in St. Louis includes this tallest monument in the national park system
    $400 2
These alliterative organic molecules have been dubbed "the building blocks of life"
    $400 1
In 2010 TV viewers said aloha as in "hello" to this remake with Alex O'Loughlin; in 2020 it was aloha as in "goodbye"
    $400 9
Originated in China, it's the dog dog seen here
    $400 6
Operation Dynamo was the code name for the 1940 evacuation of British & Allied troops from this port
    $400 21
A sonnet of his ends, "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee"
    $800 27
As well as the building where John Brown barricaded himself, this national historical park has peregrine falcons
    $800 3
This Spanish term for the warm Pacific Current that displaces the Humboldt Current was coined by Peruvian fishermen
    $800 5
"That '70s Show" helped launch the careers of Mila Kunis, Topher Grace & this actor who played Michael Kelso
    $800 17
It's a woman's long, loose frequently floral dress of Hawaii
    $800 10
In 1842 an act of Parliament outlawed child labor at these extraction sites
    $800 22
This Bill-ionaire's books include "Business @ the Speed of Thought" & "The Road Ahead"
    $1200 28
The Johnstown Flood National Memorial in this state commemorates the devastating flood of 1889
    $1200 4
The humidity loving fungus Botrytis cinerea, which afflicts vineyards, has been nicknamed noble this
    $1200 14
Rita Moreno starred as Cuban-American grandma Lydia Riera on this reboot of a 1970s sitcom
    $1200 18
Here's this North African staple served as a salad
    $1200 11
In 1743 the second king of this name was the last British monarch to command troops in battle
    $1200 23
Makepeace is the middle name of this Brit whose novels include "The Virginians"
    DD: $7,000 29
National military parks include Horseshoe Bend in Alabama & this one in Mississippi that's alphabetically last
    DD: $3,400 7
Peter Higgs himself is among those who have expressed dislike for this religious-themed nickname for the Higgs boson
    $1600 15
"16 and Pregnant" on this cable channel follows the trials & tribulations of young women unexpectedly expecting
    $1600 19
It's the capital of American Samoa
    $1600 12
In 55 B.C. an army under this commander invaded Britain near Dover, bringing the island into contact with the Roman world
    $1600 24
This founder of National Review went from writing books like "Up From Liberalism" to writing spy novels
    $2000 8
After a nickname of architectural innovator Mr. Fuller, it's the nickname of the carbon form seen here
    $2000 16
This Nevada-set "Cops" parody features inept deputies & police uniform short shorts for men
    $2000 20
Caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency, this disease is of 2 types, one affecting the cardiovascular system, the other, the nervous system
    $2000 13
This 1086 survey recorded 650,000 oxen, 13,000 villages & an estimated population of 1.8 million
    $2000 25
Known for art as well as poetry, this Londoner was apprenticed to the engraver James Basire for 50 guineas

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dennis Fox Allison
$20,000 $3,200 $7,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Aside from the United States, one of the 2 countries with 2 different cities that have hosted the Summer Olympics

Final scores:

Dennis Fox Allison
$22,500 $48 $14,700
2-day champion: $48,400 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dennis Fox Allison
$25,200 $4,800 $7,400
33 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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