Suggest correction - #8374 - 2021-04-08

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    $800 26
Side drum is another name for this drum that gets its sound from vibrating strings stretched across one drumhead

Show #8374 - Thursday, April 8, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to the North Valley Community Foundation.


Abbey Copeland, a professor and scenic designer from North Haven, Connecticut

Pasquale Palumbo, a financial services professional from Hawthorne, New York

Brandon Deutsch, a student from Long Beach, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $70,026)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
"Saving Private Ryan", 1998: this actor, not Private Ryan
    $200 20
Spring or summer, & to sprinkle your steak with salt & pepper
    $200 14
The "Good Neighbor" Bridge is one of several that cross this river from Juarez, Mexico to El Paso
    $200 10
The mascot of Penn & the nickname of its sports teams is this religious one
    $200 15
It contains 88,000 tons of steel
    $200 29
The sound of an electric guitar strings gets transmitted to an amplifier by this device, also a word for a light truck
    $400 21
"The Godfather Part II", 1974: this actor who could have been nicknamed Fredo himself
    $400 19
A short viewable piece from a TV show or film, & to cut coupons
    $400 1
Fittingly, this Texas city has a 65-foot-tall replica of the Eiffel Tower
    $400 6
Begun in 1909, the Whiffenpoofs are a celebrated collegiate singing group at this university
    $400 2
The EPA says if your home was built pre-1978, beware of this heavy metal, banned in paint by the federal government that year
    $400 28
Marching drummers use 2 sticks on this biggest & deepest-sounding drum; rockers kick it with a foot pedal
    $600 22
"Some Like It Hot", 1959: her
    $600 18
A current of air, & to conscript into the army
    DD: $3,000 11
Brought from across the pond in 1959, a piece of this rock can be found on display in the town of Shamrock, Texas
    $600 7
Woodrow Wilson had been president of Princeton & Dwight Eisenhower had been president of this NYC Ivy League school
    $600 3
In 2016 a passerby on a Manhattan street grabbed an 86-pound, $1.6 million bucket of this off the back of an armored car
    $600 25
Music theory says that these combine at least 3 different notes, but the "power" type common in heavy guitar music uses just 2
    $800 23
"The Princess Bride", 1987: this leading man whose name was not Inigo Montoya
    $800 17
A light fencing sword, & to thwart a plan
    $800 12
This word for a perfect human society is from words meaning "no place", but it's a real place west of San Antonio
    $800 8
Chartered as Rhode Island College in 1764, it changed its name to this in 1804 to honor a major benefactor
    $800 4
The Panzerkampfwagen Maus, the heaviest of these ever built, weighed nearly 200 tons & had 8-inch steel armor
    $800 26
Side drum is another name for this drum that gets its sound from vibrating strings stretched across one drumhead
    $1000 24
"Enter the Dragon", 1973: this martial arts legend
    $1000 16
One's emotional state, & to make glass stronger by heating & then quickly cooling it
    $1000 13
Zaragoza Street & Convent Avenue are 2 downtown "streets of" this seat of Webb County
    $1000 9
Harvard banned filming of Hollywood movies after this Ryan O'Neal/Ali MacGraw tearjerker ruined trees with fake snow
    $1000 5
A 14-ton replica coin in Sudbury, Ontario, is called the Big this, an element long mined there
    $1000 27
Many a rock guitarist plays this classic Gibson guitar named for its legendary designer

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brandon Pasquale Abbey
$6,200 $3,800 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brandon Pasquale Abbey
$5,800 $8,800 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 5
In 1907 as part of a Jamestown Exposition set, she became the first Native American woman on a U.S. stamp
    $400 20
This festival started by Ludwig of Bavaria is more than 200 years old
    $400 29
After not 1 but 2 nuclear wars, books are burned to prevent complicated thought in this 1953 sci-fi classic
    $400 10
This writ "shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it"
    $400 15
A place where criminals evade the law loses "out" to become this, also a term for a pelt
    $800 1
The Legends of American Music series in 1994 included Ethel Waters & this Broadway Ethel
    $800 19
On December 1, 1918 Transylvania made it official & reunited with this country
    $800 25
Jules Verne's first novel was "Cinq Semaines en Ballon", or this long "in a balloon"
    $800 6
Article I, Section 3 says this official "shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided"
    $800 24
On "How I Met Your Mother", this character redresses all he sees with the jaunty "Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit"
    $800 14
A term for something no longer in fashion loses "out", becoming this past tense verb regarding social coupling
    $1200 2
As part of a Great American series, this artist who made a big impression in France appeared on a 1988 stamp
    $1200 16
In 1648 throngs of these horseman warriors in the Ukraine rose up against Polish rule
    $1200 26
The sequel to Ernest Cline's bestseller about Wade Watts solving a fantastic virtual reality puzzle has this logical name
    $1200 7
The president has the power "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make" these agreements
    $1200 23
Donald Glover & Danny Pudi sang "Baby Boomer Santa" on a Christmas episode of this comedy
    $1200 13
A word meaning excellent loses its initial "out", becoming this action performed by many waiting in line
    $1600 3
This Latin American icon who made a big splash in U.S. movies appeared with her tutti-frutti hat on a 2011 stamp
    DD: $5,000 17
In 2010 Greece, in exchange for financial help, agreed to these measures whose name means "harshness"
    DD: $5,000 27
In an 1844 Alexandre Dumas novel this member of the title trio is alphabetically last
    $1600 8
Article 3 says, "the trial of all crimes, except in cases of" this, "shall be by jury"
    $1600 22
Songs in the rock opera "The Nightman Cometh" are part of an elaborate scheme for Charlie to propose marriage on this show
    $1600 12
What the banking industry got in 2008 loses "out" & needs to head to a bondsman for this
    $2000 4
The first African American soloist to sing with the Metropolitan Opera, this contralto was honored on a stamp in 2005
    $2000 18
In 1215 the Articles of Barons, or Magna Carta, was sealed by King John in this mede or meadow
    $2000 28
This Jane Smiley Pulitzer Prize winner about the inheritance of a large Iowa farm is a modern retelling of "King Lear"
    $2000 9
Article 1, Section 8 gives Congress power to grant these "letters" that allow privately owned ships to be used as warships
    $2000 21
Sung of this feline on "Friends": "You may not be a bed of roses, and you're no friend of those with noses... what are they feeding you?"
    $2000 11
"Out" is dropped from a word for a gridiron ball catcher, becoming this expansive word

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brandon Pasquale Abbey
$13,200 $14,200 $10,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 3 national capitals on the continent whose metro areas have more than 10 million people

Final scores:

Brandon Pasquale Abbey
$2 $6,799 $300
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $6,799 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brandon Pasquale Abbey
$7,400 $19,200 $10,800
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
26 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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