Suggest correction - #8326 - 2021-02-01

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    $1600 26
A new stamp in 2020 celebrated the 100th anniversary of the ratification of this number amendment

Show #8326 - Monday, February 1, 2021

Zach Newkirk game 7.


Steve Crupi, a retired police department information supervisor from Las Vegas, Nevada

Allie Sibole, a biomedical engineer from Fort Collins, Colorado

Zach Newkirk, an attorney from Alexandria, Virginia (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $124,871)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: A category about a new book National Geographic: America the Beautiful.)
(Ken: All the correct responses in that category will begin with the letter D and end with "M".)
    $200 1
They're sister cities, but you can't see Magadan in this country from your house in Anchorage
    $200 6
The Chargers' Keenan Allen did not like his attributes in this coach's "NFL 20": "My strength is 69 like I'm a little boy"
    $200 7
In the U.S., prohibition led to bootlegging & this type of illegal bar with a name that evokes quiet conversation
    $200 16
There's quite a scene in New York Harbor as a reproduction of this Pilgrim ship arrives after a voyage across the Atlantic
    $200 23
Carpet is a version of this card game whose name implies that it is played by one person
    $200 12
It followed "Pets" in a company that went public in 2000; unfortunately, it also preceded "crash"
    $400 2
East of Topeka, I-70 runs across a state line through two contiguous cities with this name
    $400 22
Hey, trainers! Take on gym leaders of the Galar region for your next big battle in this series that offers "Sword" & "Shield"
    $400 8
Argentina cried for her when she passed away in 1952 at age 33
    $400 18
The American Falls are the second largest of the three that make up this natural wonder located in America's oldest state park
    $400 24
Princess Leia callously refers to him as a "big walking carpet"
    $400 13
The sound of hiccups is caused by spasms of this dome-shaped muscle
    DD: $400 3
It's about 800 miles from South Africa's executive capital of Pretoria to this legislative capital on the southwest coast
    $600 28
Battle Royale & Plunder are game modes in this series' "Warzone"
    $600 9
On May 31, 1921 a white mob began attacking what was called "Black Wall Street" in this Oklahoma city
    $600 19
Workers had to climb 700 stairs to the top & then be lowered by cables to work on this massive monument
    $600 25
This traveling item gave its name to Yankees heading south during Reconstruction
    $600 14
To the Aussies, a game that's been played honestly is "fair" this 6-letter slang word
    $800 4
These 2 national capitals lie little more than 100 miles apart across the 38th parallel
    $800 29
Slaughtering demons in outer space was the goal when this "fateful" 1st-person shooter came out in 1993; by 2020, it was "Eternal"
    $800 10
In 1949 Belgium was a founding member of this military organization that is headquartered in Brussels today
    $800 20
An estimated 11,000 elk share their winter habitat with a group of bison at the National Elk Refuge near Jackson in this state
    $800 26
Duran Duran sang of a "Massacre" on this kind of carpet, noting the "deathstalk paparazzi"
    $800 15
It's a synonym for propriety
    $1000 5
In 1872 these 2 cities on opposite sides of the Danube joined hands & names
    $1000 30
In 2020 it was time to find some "New Horizons" & build your own island paradise with this Nintendo Switch game
    $1000 11
This major Vietnam offensive began January 31, 1968 during the Vietnamese lunar new year
    $1000 21
Fittingly, Cueva Ventana in Puerto Rico, with a spectacular view of the valley below, literally means "cave" this
    $1000 27
Historian Hugh Thomas used this term in describing devastating German aerial attacks on enemy trenches in the 1930s
    $1000 17
It's a little crown worn as a sign of authority

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Zach Allie Steve
$1,600 $2,800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Zach Allie Steve
$6,400 $4,800 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
For Outstanding Children's Programming, this PBS show won; it's still on the air today
    $400 5
This former slave & orator wrote, "You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man"
    $400 20
Akrotiri, on the island of Santorini, is known as the Greek Pompeii, because it was also destroyed by this type of event
    $400 3
In this novel an inmate named Abbe Faria helps Edmond Dantes plot his escape from prison
    $400 18
Perhaps to ward off vampires or other evil spirits, bulbs of this have been found in the tombs of ancient Egyptians
    $400 13
"Written with one's own hand"
    $800 2
This sitcom won big, for Best New Show, for Best Comedy Series & for Jean Stapleton as Edith Bunker
    $800 6
As a kid, this G-man was nicknamed Speed; as an adult, The Director
    $800 21
The Bruker Tracer 5 helps archaeologists with soil analysis: iron means the former presence of this, as at an altar or slaughterhouse
    $800 4
In this drama by Sophocles, the Oracle of Delphi has bad news for the person who murdered Jocasta's first husband
    $800 19
With some living more than 150 years, these slow-movers have the longest lifespan among reptiles
    $800 14
"Of one color"
    $1200 28
This host of the "Tonight Show" emceed the awards at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles
    $1200 7
Marian Wright Edelman, the first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi bar, also founded the CDF, short for this
    $1200 22
Found in 1982, a ship that sank off Turkey c. 1300 B.C. carried 1 ton of tin & 10 tons of copper, the perfect mixture to make this alloy
    $1200 10
Siddhartha Mukherjee wrote a biography of cancer called this "of All Maladies"
    $1200 25
First hitting the streets in 2010, this company completed its 10 billionth ride in 2018
    $1200 15
"Having the same name"
    $1600 29
Jack Klugman won for Lead Actor in a Comedy series for his role as this half of "The Odd Couple"
    DD: $3,500 8
His work on game theory earned him the 1994 Nobel Prize, which he shared with John C. Harsanyi & Reinhard Selten
    $1600 23
An instrument, named for this larger bone of the lower leg, has been reconstructed & as in the ancient artwork, it still bulges your cheeks
    $1600 11
This story by Hans Christian Andersen served as an inspiration for the movie "Frozen"
    $1600 26
A new stamp in 2020 celebrated the 100th anniversary of the ratification of this number amendment
    $1600 16
"Mother city"
    $2000 30
For playing Rhoda Morgenstern, Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series went to her
    $2000 9
Her friendship with Robert Baden-Powell inspired her to establish the Girl Scouts
    $2000 24
Stone tools from Gabon have been dated to 850,000 years ago, the earliest evidence of humans in this African river basin
    DD: $5,000 12
James Clavell set "Tai-Pan" in China; this 1975 novel of his is set in Japan in 1600
    $2000 27
Queen Maud Land in Antarctica is a dependency of this country where Maud was queen consort
    $2000 17
In mythology, "round-eyed"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Zach Allie Steve
$9,700 $3,400 $6,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This word used to denote an irreversible dispersion of energy was coined in the 1860s to sound a bit like "energy"

Final scores:

Zach Allie Steve
$7,399 $3,400 $10,000
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Zach Allie Steve
$13,200 $8,400 $6,200
18 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $27,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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