Suggest correction - #8318 - 2021-01-20

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    $1000 1
To censure or criticize someone, not start pigtails from the bottom

Show #8318 - Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Brian Chang game 2.


Sarah Cascone, an art journalist and critic from New York, New York

Hannah Pritchett, a payment operations manager from Oakland, California

Brian Chang, an attorney from Chicago, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,201)

Jeopardy! Round

'80s HITS
(Ken: All correct responses there will begin with "up".)
    $200 28
"Another Brick In The Wall" from this group was a No. 1 hit in 1980
    $200 3
This aviator joined her pals in the society of woman geographers in 1932 & carried its flag on a famous flight across the Pacific
    $200 4
"God's Shadow" is a biography of Ottoman Sultan Selim, whose conquests included this country, in a 1516 battle near Aleppo
    $200 17
A mattress made of the viscoelastic or memory type of this shapes itself to the contours of your body
    $200 10
Many runners "hit the wall" at the infamous Heartbreak Hill on mile 20 of this Beantown race
    $200 24
To transfer information from your computer to another
    $400 29
We're halfway there! Bon Jovi topped the charts with this tune in 1987; you'll make it, I swear!
    $400 7
On Sept. 18, 1872 10 of the 20 female students at Syracuse University formed one of these
    DD: $500 19
For adding areas such as Valencia to his realm, 13th c. King James I of Aragon was known as "Jaime el" this Spanish word
    $400 20
A German legend says this flower's name is derived from a drowning knight's words to his love, "Vergiss mein nicht"
    $400 21
This major metropolitan marathon begins & ends in Grant Park
    $400 13
It's the general cost of maintaining a home in decent condition
    $600 12
This comic "rapped", "I was an ugly kid, I never had fun (no respect, no respect), they took me to a dog show & I won!"
    $600 9
Bleeda Kahlo & Courtney Shove are players in this rough 'n' speedy sport
    $600 18
In December 1398 Tamerlane sacked this old city in northern India amid great carnage
    $600 25
The name of this type of memory aid like "30 days hath September" comes from the name of the Greek goddess of memory
    $600 22
The finish line for the London Marathon is between this London residence of the queen & St. James' Palace
    $600 5
Nice! You got this free bump into first class for your flight! Enjoy the free drinks!
    $800 16
Rolling Stone's "20 Biggest ('80s) Songs of the Summer" had "The Power Of Love" by this group
    $800 11
On International Women's Day 2020 the Celebrity Edge set sail as the first cruise ship with an all-female this control center
    $800 6
After Crassus died in battle in 53 B.C., this other "Great" triumvirate member allied with senators against Caesar...ooooops
    $800 26
This Latin reminder phrase is a "memento" of our mortality
    $800 14
The last stretch of the Berlin Marathon passes through this gate, which was closed in the early years of the race
    $800 2
This theater direction can mean to take the focus from another actor & put it on your own performance
    $1000 30
Taco had a top 5 hit covering this Irving Berlin song that says, "Why don't you go where fashion sits?"
    $1000 15
The portrait here is of 19th century French empress Eugénie surround by these ladies, you know it's true
    $1000 8
Famed for his wealth, this king conquered mainland Ionia (yay!) but Cyrus the Great beat him & took over Lydia (rats!)
    $1000 27
A precursor to war in the late 19th century was "Remember the Maine, to hell with" this country
    $1000 23
Much of the marathon in this city on the Arabian Peninsula takes place on Jumeirah Beach Road
    $1000 1
To censure or criticize someone, not start pigtails from the bottom

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Hannah Sarah
$2,400 $2,600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Hannah Sarah
$6,800 $4,100 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 13
The last name of this "Miserables" guy is "probably a nickname, a contraction of voilà" & his first name
    $400 30
These rod-shaped structures in a cell's nucleus carry its genetic information
    $400 12
This supreme musician was the son of a muse, & I'm no lyre
    $400 22
Esther Rolle played Florida Evans on "Maude" & this "dyn-o-mite" sitcom
    $400 10
The name of this largest living bird species comes from the Greek for "sparrow"
    $400 20
"Trainwreck", "I Feel Pretty"
    $800 2
"1984" begins with this character entering the glass doors of Victory Mansions
    DD: $2,000 15
Rocks that have been environmentally altered from other rocks make up this class, from Greek for "change" & "form"
    $800 17
The villainous Procrustes stretched or dismembered victims to make them fit onto his iron this
    $800 23
Archaeologist Esther Van Deman's major work was titled "The Building of" these Roman waterways
    $800 9
Now referring to sexism, this -ism comes from possibly fictitious, sternly traditional French soldier Nicholas
    $800 21
"Training Day", "Roman J. Israel, Esq."
    $1200 1
Appropriate first name of California settler Trask, dad to Aron & Cal in "East of Eden"
    $1200 6
Pass the this, defined as a substance produced by the reaction of a base & an acid
    $1200 18
While married to Menelaus, Helen was abducted by this man, & much trouble ensued
    DD: $2,200 24
She used her experiences as a Smith college student for the character of Esther Greenwood in "The Bell Jar"
    $1200 8
Although this footwear's name is French, it goes back to a Spanish fiber used to make the soles as well as rope
    $1200 25
"Room", "The Glass Castle"
    $1600 4
In "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", he gets himself transferred into the psychiatric hospital for "fun & entertainment"
    $1600 5
These subatomic particles are named for physicist Enrico
    $1600 11
After killing his mom for betraying his dad, Orestes is pursued by these vengeful goddesses aka the Erinyes
    $1600 29
The male hero of the biblical book of Esther is this uncle of Esther's whose name comes from the Babylonian god Marduk
    $1600 3
This original longer name for a certain musical instrument comes from Italian words for "soft" & "loud"
    $1600 26
"Mad Max: Fury Road", "Venom"
    $2000 16
This novel with a biblical title by Toni Morrison follows the life of a character named Milkman Dead
    $2000 14
This "theory" views subatomic particles as threadlike one-dimensional entities, not zero-dimensional points
    $2000 19
In the "Iliad" this mighty warrior drags the body of Hector behind his chariot
    $2000 28
She called her autobiography "The Million Dollar Mermaid"
    $2000 7
The name of this old shotgunlike firearm with a short barrel comes from the Dutch for "thunder gun"
    $2000 27
"The Mountain Between Us", "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Hannah Sarah
$16,400 $10,500 $5,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

About 100 miles apart, they were made state capitals 10 years apart in 1854 & 1864 & both grew rapidly due to precious metals

Final scores:

Brian Hannah Sarah
$21,001 $10,600 $10,000
2-day champion: $34,202 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Hannah Sarah
$15,200 $11,000 $4,000
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $30,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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